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  1. Well, this is where we differ. It along with better C4s and lower TTK is what set APB apart from TSR or Renegade for me. If by team-based you mean tank zerg rush then yes, it stops that. Not completely fool-proof but it helps. Because said zerg rush is just as cheap, low-skill tactic, except it involves several people. If by team-based you mean people who actually coordinate and bring assorted units (it actually used to happen, believe it or not) then no, it won't save that because there's someone clearing out buildings, blocking entrances when needed and neutralizing enemies like they SHOULD. TSR suffered very heavily from the simple fact that everyone ignored the defenders and went straight for the structures back in the day. Idk how it is now. Wrench prevents that also and does it well enough. TSR called. They want their ideas back On a serious note, APB has already lost enough of high-risk/high-reward gameplay to even out skill floors and ceilings. Artillery units say hi for destroying mines if any. Worked pretty well last time I checked. Engies just make it easier. C4 is fun, I guess but idk. As someone said back in the day "For 500 I expect more than just a brick of plastic explosives". Is that even a problem? I am fairly sure that everyone who played any shooter besides Call of Duty/Halo knows how to manage 4-5 items in the inventory.
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  2. You need to make a clear difference between a silo or refinery theft, because stealing from a silo is in nearly all cases much easier. I also think you need a satefynet for large games. Typically in large games, personal credit capacity is higher due to more people harvesting or less pressure on each individual player due to combat load spread. So essentially a scaling effect that results in a lower theft percentage with increasing population sizes, from 50/30% (refinery/silo) at 6 players to 30/10% at 20 players. Finally, I really dislike the "instant theft with only a text message to inform you" logic. I think stealing should require an interaction with an object that uses a "casting bar mechanic" similar to flare deployment. This will give Soviets a chance to interrupt the process and make zig-zag suicide ninja thieves not viable. Perhaps the easiest way to make this work is to create a flare-type weapon that has a casting time and uses a warhead that causes a script to react and initiate the stealing mechanic. You'd obviously need to create this script logic, along with a tool and thief animation... Probably the thief crouching down to plant some device on the ground and pressing some buttons to initiate the ritual voodoo magic... (?!?!) With some luck, you might find a suitable stock Renegade animation for this, although those are pretty bad mostly.
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  3. Is refilling an open issue? I'm not 100% on the rules but I just never use it under fire ever to be safe, but lately I've seen some people being rude with it (and not the 'lol rude' that I say when being sarcastic either, like legit). I think back in ren I was on a server had that a script that made refil not work within like 3 seconds of having taken damage.
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  4. Well, if you don't keep your eye on radar, who's to blame really? You see that enemy dot approach and do your best to make sure it won't be a problem. Even better if the person would stop by a PT to switch to engie. Gives you some extra time to shoot a stationary target dead. Now if the guy buys the engie in advance, sneaks in and then foils your plans? Well, that's certainly some commitment. If switching is a problem though, which it kinda always was to be honest, is it possible to instead add sort of a delay on char switch which would freeze person in place? Like 1-2 sec, not more, so that it becomes unfeasable during direct fire from the enemy. That would certainly help the cases of "rebuy is not a refill!" thing which was going on back in the day.
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  5. I didn't want C4 to have a charge time - there's a future feature that would mean C4 without a charge time could be impossible to disarm in more situations, so I might as well nip that problem in the bud now. With the golden wrench, charge time sounds like a good idea for this instance, but it's not possible because charge time happens for each shot you make. Except for tesla coils but they don't use actual charging logic - they're able to get away with emulating odd things because they're not being manually fired by a player. Perhaps the repair "damage" could be spread out over a smaller ammo count to facilitate charging but that could complicate captures... Nope, just popped into my head. There's a reason I throw these kinds of ideas to you guys
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  6. I've always found the golden wrench useful to use, and I've never been particularly annoyed if an enemy used it while I was attacking. The golden wrench contributes to a dynamic that sets this game apart from Renegade: there are single units that can very quickly destroy (demolition trucks, tanyas) and single units that can very quickly repair (golden wrenches), making for gameplay that is more interesting and less stale. It encourages strategy and risk, which includes the rewarding feeling of rushing into a besieged building to eliminate those pesky yellow hats. Golden wrenches also make the barracks more important. One of the main deciding factors as to whether I'll target the barracks is to eliminate opposing engineers from the round. It's also RA-listic, and while this can't be an important reason by itself, there should be some things in this game that point directly to Red Alert, and I believe single-use engineer repairs are one of them.
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  7. I've gotten blocked by the wrench a few times recently, but despite that I don't think it's a bad thing, per se. It's an option defenders have which is good because initiative typically rests with the attackers, and it forces the attackers to come up with a new plan, such as quickly switching targets, etc. That's just what I want to add to what's already been said.
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  8. I'd say yes though I'd argue for the silo to give reduced stolen income, that way the refinery should always be the bigger target (since it holds a lot of the ore). Though the further reduced income shouldn't apply on silo only maps, naturally.
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