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Showing most liked content on 04/24/2017 in all areas

  1. Well personally, I've always had a slight issue displaying emotions, and even processing them internally. At most funerals, I have not cried until much later when I was alone. I don't believe this is anything to be ashamed of, I just think that everyone processes traumatic events at a different rate. My "negative energy" if you will, is similar to how a capacitor works (if you are familiar with electronic components). It charges up, charges up, keeps charging until it can't and then it releases all at once. With practice and a bit of therapy, I believe anyone can learn to live with this sort of thing. Its just important to be alone at some point so that nobody witnesses the initial break (in my case at least). I do believe it is important though, as you said, to remember that a funeral in most cases should be a celebration of life instead of a mournful gathering.
  2. Made a few changes to Metro since it seems I vastly overestimated the Soviets' ability to rush B cyka blyat spam AP mines and splash2win. Added Soviet rangers. Allied southern Ore Silo is now in a MUCH more exposed position: just behind their wrecked Light Tank. Team-locked doors in tunnels are moved back to the Barracks itself, where they can be shot to damage it. Added a "one-way" exit from the Allied War Factory basement, which drops into the dirt tunnel from above. Dirt tunnels are wider at certain points. Dirt tunnels are lit better. Fixed a VIS error in the Soviet barracks.
  3. I loved metro but wish there were a subway train nd when the base is destroyed all units must die and live once after all structures are down and you go to a complete other part of the map that would be fun and you have a driver you could have a small party lol
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  4. Aight guys let's make it happen I call the command over the first team. Who wants to lead the second?
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  5. On the ToTheCore map, there is a floating tree North side of Allied base right at the base of the cliff.
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  6. I doubt we will have to worry to much about spies
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  7. Problem is that if anyone ever gets around to doing a model for it, it won't make sense. The Strela doesn't have a scope. Alternatively I can just nix both of their tracking altogether and give them a much higher muzzle velocity, that way people just have to lead their shots instead of praying for RNG.
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  8. @Pushwall can we give the strela a scope? I feel it helps to zoom in and actually point to the center of LBs when they are a bit far off.
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  9. Yeah I get where you are coming from Einstein. I used to be the same with "bottling up". Now I simply let it out bit by bit, and then the final explosion tends to be a bit more of a fizzle than a bang. We all have our ways of dealing with pain, and I don't think it's anything to be ashamed of. Never understood why we put such a stigma on pain and sexual things in general. (not that sexual things has anything to do with this, but it's something else that has a large stigma as well)
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  10. I'll try to be around more often. I make better game content if I'm "in the flow" of playing the actual game, and I believe the Hostile Waters revamp will be better for it if I put some time into actually playing APB.
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  11. Scuds are bigger, but they are the real life 9K52 Luna-M/Frog-7, a precursor to the Scud. 60's tech by the way.
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  12. If i enter the championship and die Day 1, I will be the perfect representation of this community and its traditions.
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