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  1. Also lots of shenanigans stacking stuff in mid air.
  2. Soviets lost their flame towers early on and had to improvise their defense.
  3. Nice defense! Also, grenadier rush
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  4. Was a nice watch. Must say my favorites were always Red Alert (Counter strike), Frank Klepacki's music and Kane himself. I still find it to be the best of the C&C franchise, however tiberium isn't within that time sphere unfortunately. Like I had said previously, EA was the downfall, and killing Renegade 2 for battlefield 1942 was a miss. But at least we got what we did, and hopefully EA will bring something great back some day. I was never a fan for C&C 4 as the mobile bases killed it. And even Red Alert 3 was a miss for me. I liked the new ideas a naval, but I found it cheapened the game with porn stars, everything died too easily, spamming units was too easy and of course as stated above, the push to micro. But I guess we all have our own tastes eh?
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  5. If i enter the championship and die Day 1, I will be the perfect representation of this community and its traditions.
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  6. 10 episodes of APB Madness Now a little poll, what has been your favorite moment in the series? By the way, let's not forget this one.
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  7. Well, I speak from Beta perspective so keep that in mind: - Infantry TTK in general; - Beretta; - C4s and GWrenches; - Tricky but rewarding shots if done right (headshots with Shockie, Serg and allied rifle 3-shot, grenade to the face); - Vulnerable (100/100) yet powerful phase; - Phase driver class mattered (not sure if recent patch brought that back). You could choose between utility and better stealth; - Dangerous demos; - Combat-viable artillery units if you knew how to handle them. - Even depth charges handling; - Vehicle reload when driver is out (not just med-mech); - Helicopters not made out of lead; - Really useful medic but with a meh gun. I need to re-check how he works atm but last time I checked he was easily shut down by a flamer/shotty. That's just what I could think of without going too much into it. Some of it could be argued to be bad but eh. That's just my opinion, ya know?
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  8. Well, this is where we differ. It along with better C4s and lower TTK is what set APB apart from TSR or Renegade for me. If by team-based you mean tank zerg rush then yes, it stops that. Not completely fool-proof but it helps. Because said zerg rush is just as cheap, low-skill tactic, except it involves several people. If by team-based you mean people who actually coordinate and bring assorted units (it actually used to happen, believe it or not) then no, it won't save that because there's someone clearing out buildings, blocking entrances when needed and neutralizing enemies like they SHOULD. TSR suffered very heavily from the simple fact that everyone ignored the defenders and went straight for the structures back in the day. Idk how it is now. Wrench prevents that also and does it well enough. TSR called. They want their ideas back On a serious note, APB has already lost enough of high-risk/high-reward gameplay to even out skill floors and ceilings. Artillery units say hi for destroying mines if any. Worked pretty well last time I checked. Engies just make it easier. C4 is fun, I guess but idk. As someone said back in the day "For 500 I expect more than just a brick of plastic explosives". Is that even a problem? I am fairly sure that everyone who played any shooter besides Call of Duty/Halo knows how to manage 4-5 items in the inventory.
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  9. I've always found the golden wrench useful to use, and I've never been particularly annoyed if an enemy used it while I was attacking. The golden wrench contributes to a dynamic that sets this game apart from Renegade: there are single units that can very quickly destroy (demolition trucks, tanyas) and single units that can very quickly repair (golden wrenches), making for gameplay that is more interesting and less stale. It encourages strategy and risk, which includes the rewarding feeling of rushing into a besieged building to eliminate those pesky yellow hats. Golden wrenches also make the barracks more important. One of the main deciding factors as to whether I'll target the barracks is to eliminate opposing engineers from the round. It's also RA-listic, and while this can't be an important reason by itself, there should be some things in this game that point directly to Red Alert, and I believe single-use engineer repairs are one of them.
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  10. I've gotten blocked by the wrench a few times recently, but despite that I don't think it's a bad thing, per se. It's an option defenders have which is good because initiative typically rests with the attackers, and it forces the attackers to come up with a new plan, such as quickly switching targets, etc. That's just what I want to add to what's already been said.
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  11. While I admittedly haven't played in a while (but was considering making a return :P), Golden Wrench was always a way to minimize the necessary manpower on the (frankly boring) MCT repair job so that your teammates can fend off the attackers. You should also keep in mind that arty and V2 unlike Reborn counterparts can and will wreck the personnel inside the structure which made repairing with tool alone pretty unfeasable (exceptioins are RD and CY) if you are dealing with more than 1 of them at the time. So now you'd have to also nerf artillery units in some way, and last time I checked they weren't exactly OP. Another thing is general "game philosophy" if you wish. APB is for the matter of fact more of "high risk - high reward" game. You want to kill the building but there's somebody inside? Well, go in and kill that person/people, and structure will fall in a matter of seconds. You don't want/can't? Well, hope that either someone else will or that your enemy's economy is broken enough they won't be able to afford an engie. Attack doesn't "deserve" to succeed just because there're more of the attackers than the defenders in base at the time, and Wrench helps exactly that case.
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  12. Call me an ould soul, but I like the golden wrench.
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