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Showing most liked content on 05/08/2017 in all areas

  1. Extra sick shots edition
  2. I've REALLY been meaning for someone to put the unlock requirements on the stats page. And for some of the achievements to be removed because some are about a one-in-a-million opportunity (like Volkov stealing a Phase Tank). Nevertheless I'll just list them here. At the time I posted this you were ingame by yourself so I might as well clarify this as well: they can't be unlocked if you're alone. Hunger Games Champion: Be MVP on a team that won the game with their Refinery lost. Elite Allied Defender: Play as Allies and destroy 5 Mammoth Tanks in a single game. Elite Soviet Defender: Play as Soviets and destroy 5 Phase Tanks in a single game. Professional Building Destructor: Destroy 4 main buildings (i.e. buildings that are required for a base destruction victory) in a single game. Elite Infantry Killer: Kill 20 infantry units in a game where your team lost. If You Build It, They Will Come: Join an empty or nearly-empty server and get the player count to at least 5 within 10 minutes. (Seems to be bugged sometimes.) Gone Above And Beyond: Play one game of APB. Mostly just there to tell people hey, the achievement system exists. Mod Abuse: Get killed by 5 different moderators, temp moderators or administrators in infantry combat. Mod Is Dead: Kill 5 different moderators, temp moderators or administrators in infantry combat. Evenly Matched: Kill an enemy infantry and get killed by them in less than 2 seconds. Down to the Wire: Lead your team to victory and be MVP in a match where both teams scored over 5000 points and the score difference between both teams was less than 100. Production Disruption: Destroy one of each main economy/production building. (Barracks, Helipad, Naval Yard, Sub Pen, Refinery, War Factory) Ransik's Bane: Destroy one of each main non-production building. (Construction Yard, Missile Silo, Power Plant, Radar Dome) Death to Traitors: Kill 5 different British/French/German players who are on the Soviet team, or Russian/Ukrainian players who are on the Allied team. I Am the Reinforcements: On Assault Seamist as an Allied player, deal 250 HP of damage to Soviet main buildings before the navy arrives. Preemptive Strike: As an Allied player, win a match by base destruction on a map with at least 3 main buildings in under 10 minutes. (I should really get rantanplan to add an additional condition of "be responsible for dealing at least 250 HP damage to enemy buildings" so it's not a freebie for everyone.) Steamroller: As a Soviet player, win a match by base destruction on a map with at least 3 main buildings in under 10 minutes. (See above.) Spawn Killer Killer: Using a Rifle Soldier, take damage within 5 seconds of spawning, then kill the player who damaged you within 5 seconds. 56K Warning: Using a Technician/Engineer, repair a building with the Repair Tool while at least 2 other friendly Technicians/Engineers are doing the same. Unlikely Hero: Using a Technician/Engineer, get the killing blow on a Tanya or Volkov. Trailblazer: Using an Engineer, destroy 10 mines in a single life. (Never seen this unlock - with how closely people can clump a bunch of mines on maps like Under, I can only conclude that it's bugged) Not Just a Killwhore: Using a Sniper, kill an enemy infantry within 30 seconds of them planting an A-Bomb Signal Flare. (I have NEVER seen this one, but it's also pretty stringent, so I don't know if it's just bugged or nobody's done it. Lytton Police: Using a Sergeant, kill an aircraft. Range Quit: Using a Starshina, kill an enemy Sniper with the TOZ-194 - no pickup weapons! (Think this is bugged as I've done it and not unlocked...) First Blood: Using a Captain, get the first kill of the match in the first minute of the match. (I really need to get rantanplan to extend this to 2 minutes as right now it is only possible on Fissure and FoI) Summary Execution: Using a Kapitan, kill an enemy Spy who has not acquired any kills or stolen any vehicles in his current life. I Am the LAW: Using a Rocket Soldier, destroy an enemy vehicle and kill its pilot with the M72 LAW in a single life less than 1 minute apart. The Holy Grail: Using an RPG Trooper, destroy an enemy air unit and an enemy naval unit in a single life with the Strela. (May also be bugged? Seems like it wouldn't be that uncommon on Pacific Threat but I've never seen it.) Hypocritical Oath: Using a Medic, get 5 kills in a single life. Grand Theft Auto: Using a Spy, steal a freshly-bought Soviet armed vehicle (same list as for Knight in Foreign Armour) and keep it alive for at least 30 seconds. For King and Country: Using a Spy, steal a freshly-bought Soviet Demolition Truck and detonate it in 15 seconds. Most Valuable Plagiarist: Using a Spy, be named the "Soviet" MVP with at least 1000 points in score. Knight In Foreign Armour: Using a Mechanic, pilot an armed Soviet-exclusive vehicle (Heavy Tank, Mammoth Tank, V-2 Launcher, Tesla Tank, Hind, Attack Sub, Missile Sub) and use it to destroy one of these vehicles. Voltage Doubler: Using a Shock Trooper, pilot a Tesla Tank and destroy a target with both units in a single life. (Pretty sure this is bugged as I've done it and not unlocked it.) Lights Out: Using a Shock Trooper, destroy an enemy Power Plant. Got Juice?: Using a Shock Trooper, get 3 kills in a single life. Professional Volunteer: Using a Tanya, destroy an enemy main building with your C4 and acquire 4 kills within 2 minutes of the destruction. Dominatrix: On Forest of Illusion, lead your team to victory by domination points and be named MVP in a Tanya tournament. Let's Make a Steal: Using a Volkov, pilot a Phase Tank. (I only saw this for the first time a couple of weeks ago, like a whole year after this achievement system was added.) The Everyman: Using a Volkov, kill at least 3 enemy infantry, 3 enemy vehicles, and cause at least 500 HP of damage to enemy buildings in a single life. (This could probably stand to be reduced a bit as it was devised at a time when Volkov was OP.) Ranger Danger: Lead your team to victory and be named MVP in a match where you bought at least 1 Ranger and never piloted any vehicles other than Rangers. Eat It, Fatties: Using a Light Tank, destroy one of each mammoth-armoured vehicle (Ore Truck, Mammoth Tank, MAD Tank). Twice the Barrels, Twice the Fun: Using a Heavy Tank, destroy an enemy Light Tank and Medium Tank in a single life.. My Phase When: Using a Phase Tank, destroy a Demolition Truck within 10 seconds of an enemy player entering it. Mobile SAM Site: Using a V-2 Launcher, destroy an enemy AH-64 Longbow in flight. Searchlight: Using an Mi-24 Hind, spray your gun to reveal a full-health enemy Phase Tank and allow your teammates to destroy it within 15 seconds. Mind the Gap: Using a Mobile Gap Generator, crush an enemy infantry. Demolition Derby: Using a Demolition Truck, cause at least 1000 HP of damage to enemy main buildings in a single detonation.
  3. Hello, one question please. There are a list of all achievements and how are they unlocked? Thank you
  4. So we were playing Soviet's and lost a game. Why? Because the Allies had an unfair advantage. They abused a known bug that makes a particular team OP and continuously abused it throughout the match. What was it? Teamwork. Teamwork. Teamwork!!!! The Allies constantly used teamwork, such as medics and tanyas, mixed unit tactics, diversions, etc... etc.. etc... I recommend a modest improvement to help combat this bug (Which @Pushwall has not chosen to fix for some reason) Simply, give the Soviet's a Chronosphere, they can then go back in time and add an additional 15 mins to the game timer for themselves. The Allies are kicked off at 00:00, the Soviet's at -15:00. A simple and easy fix. Everyone will be for this, unless you are part of the Bourgeois. Pic only added for likes.
  5. Hey those one-in-a-million chances make achievements fun
  6. Thank you pushwall
  7. It's an earthquake, draw your own conclusions from that.
  8. So, I will cut the introduction short and state the stuff as it is. Most grief when it comes to map balance being scewed in Allied favor comes from a single unit being a pain in the butt. And said unit is Artillery plain and simple. So let's start with the obvious and compare Arty to V2. + Higher mobility due to tracks > wheels. + Higher versatility due to higher ROF and ability to turn. + Higher sustained DPS on enemies due to less punishing misses. + Way better at self-defence: easy to kite slow large soviet vehicles and kill infantry pestering you at close range. + Higher indirect durability. They have the same 150/150 HP but this one is kinda funny. It takes 10 serg slugs to kill a V2 and 5 shock shots to kill an arty. Both take similar time but one is 150 no barracks CQC specialist and the other is "advanced" AT infantry. Also mechanics. + Smaller general profile. + Smaller projectile. + Prop heavy recent map philosophy makes indirect fire far more efficient, esp. combined with V2 projectile size. + Harder to track back due to small trail and large arc. - Less accurate. - Lesser alpha strike. - Lesser splash AOE. That list already doesn't seem right for a cheaper unit, does it? Now let's take a look at what each of them have to deal with. V2 has to deal with faster agile and sometimes stealthy enemies which makes higher punishment on each miss even worse. If infantry got too close to you, you better just run and hope that there would be something nearby to hit to use your AOE which would still not kill the attacker but at least would make killing them on foot easier. If ranger or whatever got too close, you are toast. If Phase fired at you from the side, you are toast. Arty on the other hand has to deal with larger and slower targets most of the time. The only real threat to it are V2s on open terrain. As soon as terrain stops being open, arty gets an upper hand. If soviet vehicle got close which is far less likely due to their lower speed, you just turn around and blast it in the face. Even though you would likely lose your arty, that guy is now crippled with mammy being the only exception. But where were your eyes if you let a huge mammoth tank to flank you? Seriously. Anyway, then you get on foot (serg, cap and RS all work fine here) and finish off that person vehicle making it 1 to 1 trade. And maybe kill the driver. So in economy terms you've lost 600 and killed 700-1500 worth of units (+ maybe driver). A list of solutions (can be applied in any combination): - Make arty 100/100 again and remove tesla resistance (why is that even a thing?). It already has more versatility and mobility than the soviet counterpart to defend itself. No need for it to be tanky also. This will also allow TTs to avoid being cripped by the return fire should they engage the arty. - Reduce turn speed. - Slightly reduce range. - Make minimum gun elevaton higher so it can't fire at everything point-blank putting both it and V2 in the same boat when it comes to close range engagement. - Just make it more expensive (700-800).
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  9. I loved that mass Grenadier rush; and I loved how it failed too. Same with the Hind one, wasn't expecting it to work but it worked our rather beautifully.
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  10. Teamwork? In an online multiplayer game? Unbelievable!
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  11. Character art is APB's graphical weakness at the moment. Also consider that characters are the first thing people look at when they join the game. Impressions are everything, and even two new 'basic infantry' models would do wonders... But hey, I didn't want to hijack this thread. I'll look forward to seeing some environments created. Hopefully your art direction is solid on them.
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  12. Wow... You did create the topic.
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  13. Weren't you complaining before about how artillery units aren't combat-viable enough? Why not boost the V2 in some way? The tiny profile might be a little less of an issue when the new model finally gets textured - obviously it won't be V2-size but it'll help, compared to the current arty it's a good couple of metres longer thanks to the stabilisers on the back, slightly taller, and the base of its barrel is a bigger target. The "tesla resistance" is a thing across all light vehicles that don't have some kind of stealth capability - which for the Allies is just the Ranger, ST, MRJ and Arty. It was really intended for the Ranger to give it more of a chance against shocks in close quarters. Since the Tesla Tank's unique actually-tesla-resistant armour doesn't really have much reason to exist (it only really matters if a spy steals a TT which, let's be fair, doesn't happen much because its frailness makes it nigh impossible to get out of the Soviet base anyway) I could replace that with a special armour for Rangers and return actual light vehicles like the Arty to being treated normally. Surely reduced range would hurt it more in the open than it would in the enclosed spaces it dominates in, in which it can't even make use of its current maximum range? More sluggish rotation will, again, significantly hurt it in the open as turning and moving is pretty much your only way to not get your shit pushed in by V2s that have line of sight to you. So I will probably just go with no tesla resistance, maybe stricter elevation, and a 750-900 price tag. Allies need to use more money anyway, right? (Which is part of why MGGs got their price doubled, the other part being that having a see-thru sphere and enough health to survive a stiff breeze makes them so much more viable than earlier versions.)
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  14. Maybe it's something that I inadvertently managed to fix for the next build then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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  15. Looks like I'll take the answering from OWA this time 1. It wont be a playable team, but a small AI team of Yuri's forces might appear as secondary objectives on certain maps, and as an AI team that will keep harrassing both teams. 2. I actually talked to Jerad2142 and from the discussion it came out we can totally toggle player/AI controlled Osprey on keypress. I was thinking it can be either controlled by a second player, or the first player ("driver") switching over to control the Osprey or let the AI fly it (chosen by the player which method to use for maximum player-decision support) 3. No idea how we'll do this yet. 4. Yes, someone already posted the model we have. 5. The Chrono Miner is already teleporting back to the Refinery. Chrono-infantry will come in a later release. 6. If you get in the IFV it starts with the standard rocket turret. Then if you press Q, depending on the infantry you entered with, it will switch to a different turret like in RA2. You can switch back to rocket too. See video for yourself. 7. Kirovs will be in, the Soviet War Factory was modelled big enough with Kirovs in mind so they can fit through the roof. 8. Engineers stealing tech? Probably not. TBD. We might find a different usage for them. Right now they can disable buildings, repair bridges and capture tech structures. 9. Yep. Your country is chosen randomly by the game at mapstart. Map-makers can choose which countries are allowed or their map. 10. Only 4 as there are 4 pads. This is how it works currently. 11. The Spy in the Refinery should work similar to the APB thief. For stealing tech/battle lab units we might require him to bring the stolen data back to your own base though. A mini-game in the game (if cash stealing seems too easy, we might force him to walk back with the money to your base too) 12. They are cute up close when friendly, but when you see an enemy one running towards you, you'll sh*t your pants. 1. Paratroopers are partially in already. On Fort Bradley for example, soviet players spawn as paratroopers dropping down on New York. Detto for soviet bots. 2. Yes. 3. We don't even know if garrisoning will be a thing at this point. It would be useless for infantry to physically walk into a building and shoot out the windows. Tests proved that this version makes the people in the building die faster. It's also too slow for them to really walk in the building and yes I consider modeling the civilian buiding internals a waste of time compared to how much we gain with it. If we ever make garrisoning a thing, we will let people control a "turret" in different windows of the building, letting the players quickly switch to another side of the building on button press. You mean let the engineer capture stuff the same way as in the RTS games? That sounds pretty broken if you can just start pumping our vehicles in the middle of the enemy base. Not to mention, what happens if I use an engineer to take over your barracks? You now have no barracks and cannot train any engineers to take it back... Are we talking player-controlled paratroopers? As in, a bunch of you go into the Air Force Command, press some panel to summon the plane, get magically teleported into the plane, and then someone flies it or it flies itself to the destination? Kinda like a supply truck rush, but with an airplane? Engineers will not capture enemy structures. America's version of paradropping is not implemented yet in the way you mention it, but it will be somewhat like that, yes.
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