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  1. NATIONALITY: Polish STARTED PLAYING MAFIA (YEAR): 2011 or so HAVE PLAYED MAFIA ON THE FOLLOWING SITES: <Don't have any knowledge of him playing elsewhere, though I imagine he does> BIO: Voe is an arrogant, irritating, arsehole who perfectly represents all of the worst aspects of the mafia-playing members of W3D Hub. In a community where the Mafia always dominates and the Town is always helpless, Voe stands out as the player most likely to cause the biggest mess of any game just by being bombastic. He's traumatized players in at least a couple dozen mafia games over the years. He plays with such an attitude that nobody trusts him no matter what alignment he is, and most will do whatever it takes to remove him from the game as soon as possible. Voe is a infinite-edged sword. His stubborness is legendary. He once had a game where he correctly labeled all mafia players by roleblocking them and calling out the fact that no kill occured, therefore the player he blocked must be mafia, ignoring that there might have been other reasons. Amazingly, in each of those cases the mafia would have failed to kill anyway, and the lack of night kills was totally coincidental. At the same time, his stubborness in a Dead Space themed game caused problems for everyone, including himself. Voe is also the kind of guy who signs up for something and then fails to follow directions, leaving others wondering what is going on, and to do his tasks for him. I'm sure the above makes Voe sound like he's bad at the game. Indeed, he is insane. However, his insanity sometimes works out in his favor. Sometimes being insane is what it takes to fish out the scum. He has great intuition, so if he picks up on things, others should listen.
  2. A similar thought though: I could do something like this with APCs? If I gave them "mammoth armour" to compensate for the reduced health they'll be getting, they could just charge right through flame towers as long as their armour stays up, while still getting wrecked hard by any real anti-tank weapon. This would still leave them at the mercy of coils though. Flame weapons are the thing that's impacted the most by mammoth armour - small arms come second but with the health drop and the ease of hitting an APC with them, the armour boost won't make that much difference here. I can always increase Hind damage vs mammoth armour so APCs don't become even more of a hard counter to them (it's not like Hinds have any reason to waste ammo on ore trucks, mammoths or MADs anyway so it doesn't affect that).
  3. Stealing the Mammoth MK II just as it gets delivered and going on a wild rampage. That's enough positives for me.
  4. BAHAHAHAA They're actually using that Bio already. That's awesome!
  5. I can't be the only one who thinks this is very uncomfortable to look at? Is it possible to return it to what it was before, where it wasn't so intense? Another suggestion: When I was playing Renegade earlier I used !td to donate credits to the team, I liked how it showed this: Is it possible to a) make it so just typing !td donates all credits and b) tell us how much the individual gets in addition to how much in total? It's nice to know how much each team mate gets when I donate X amount. Thanks for reading.
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  6. You may argue that the spy is a teamwork killer but I get the feeling you might be thinking about ye olde spy who could kill anyone in one hit with his Nod knife o' doom I used to love that spy because of its retarded strength and the patch that reduced its damage made me hate it... then while testing the new spy for lulz i had a real eye opener. I discovered that due to its lower damage per hit I was no longer able to insta-kill anyone whenever I wanted instead I had to bide my time, wait till a damaged soldier would duck behind cover to reload or as they attempted to escape, then strike and take them out of the fight, this ended up becoming quite tactical, I would pair up with cadre to tip the balance in the favor of Nod during 1v1s with GDI officers when they least expect it and escort tic tank assaults as they destroy enemy vehicles I would kill off the pilots so the force could focus on other targets. In the end I still did very little spying and more so finishing of wounded infantry it was an interesting experience. Yes this is pretty much kill stealing to the eyes of many, but I do feel I was able to fill an important role, maybe changing the spies abilities to further suite this kind of play style of could lead to an interesting development? An organized team of Nod players who know their roles and plan to whittle down GDI infantry for a Chameleon to finish them of could prove to be waaay more cunning and deadly than a bunch of cyborgs charging forward into a wall of officers to see who can get the most head shots. So perhaps I'm saying with the right changes the spy could foster a niche teamwork role rather than drain the life out of teamwork all together, I suppose I might be mistaken in thinking its teamwork but rather just the spy depending on the rest of the team to ks, but perhaps this is about changing the players mind set to think of support instead of ks machine, I suppose the only real way to do this is to alter mechanics and stats further or something but hey that was my thoughts on the matter, the spy still has potential.
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  7. Sup. "Недостаточно места на диске." means "Insufficient disk space". Plain and simple. So I guess the culprit is a lot simpler than anticipated. It's hard for me to tell the exact numbers, but I'd say that about double the size of Delta in free HDD space should be enough for the smooth installation.
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  8. Ah yeah, I remember that from back in the day. I've always subscribed that the 'true' timeline was RA-TD-and so on, and RA2 and sequels were the alternate universe. I can't remember specifically what the source document was, but I liked the theory that Soviet Victory led to TD, as in the wake of Stalin's death the whole operation collapses and grants just what Nod wanted, chaos, while an Allied Victory leads to RA2 and so on.
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  9. Now that's a long read! Can't wait to get through it, maybe on my next flight. Regarding the lore, I've always imagined RA2/YR + RA3 as non-canon or simply an alternate reality. Westwood was going to link them together with Tiberian Incursion (Yuri's allegiance was with Nod) but when EA took over that was all canned. Thus, this is my timeline: Red Alert > Tiberian Dawn > Tiberian Sun (all expansions included). The end of Firestorm and the supposed defeat of CABAL is where the story ends, with GDI recovering and rebuilding and Nod, under Slavik, doing what it does best - surviving. Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath aren't included because I hated what they done with Nod, didn't like the direction of the story, and most FMVs were terrible. Don't even get me started about Tiberium Twilight. Edit: Forgot about RA2 and RA3 lol. Gameplay for the former, good, the latter, bad. The story and FMVs were too silly, I wish they were more "serious" like RA1. A positive note: Kari Wuhrer as Tanya was HOT and my favorite actress as Tanya.
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  10. I get that it's mean to be darker and harder for the submarines to see but after about fifteen seconds my eyes start to hurt. It's making me not want to purchase submarines because I don't want such discomfort when evading enemies.
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  11. Seriously, do me! Do me! Pleeeaaase?
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  12. Wow Cat5. Mind doing a bio of me? I'm genuinely curious how you perceive me!
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