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Showing most liked content on 05/20/2017 in all areas

  1. [blurb]Coming soon to a RA:APB near you! Introducing the Yakovlev Yak-9P![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_apb.7.png[/thumb] Red Alert: A Path Beyond Dev. Blog Yakovlev Yak-9P Set to debut on Guard Duty, the Yak will afford the Soviets an incredible alpha-strike in their arty-hunting efforts. The Yak can reach speeds of up to 45m/s (the next fastest unit being the Longbow at a mere 24m/s) and expend its magazine in a minimum of 1.33 seconds. The Yak boasts infinite ammo but with a long reload time, although that shouldn't matter much as once you've expended your magazine you're turning around for your next attack. It's splash damage ignites infantry, better allowing your comrades to finish the task should your target remain alive. While mostly effective against infantry and light vehicles, the Yak can still find opportunities in armour-broken heavy vehicles that are on the retreat. As in Red Alert, the Yak will cost 800. With a health of 350 and lack of armour, be advised that your attack runs will leave you vulnerable to return fire. Choose your battles wisely and you can stay airborne for long periods and dish out more punishment than a Hind can. Unlike the Hind however, in the event you are shot down your infantry will also die in the crash. Airfield It goes without saying that the Airfield will also be included as a new structure. Purchased Yaks will fly onto the strip waiting for takeoff, and here you repair and can sell your Yak. It should be noted that the Airfield is technically a "Helipad" in the code, making it unlikely to see both buildings on the same map. Nonetheless, we can discuss how to fit the Airfield and Yak into high-tech maps and implementing them in the future.[thumb]thumb_apb.7.png[/thumb]
  2. I found some old screenshots from back in Beta, circa 2008-2009. These where taken on my old '04 PC, so don't expect any good graphics settings.
  3. I remember back in the Beta days all the calls of 'it'll never happen'. Honestly, it's kind of surreal being here. I also remember people telling me in the 9935 days that the mod was dead too, so maybe predictions are just tricky things.
  4. And I've been upholding those same messages until just 2 months ago as well. It can take a long time for a solution for something like this to pop up, but oh boy, when it does... The solution unfortunately came too late for me to implement it into the "testing grounds" of Lunar Paradox but I think the VTOL Yak was enough of a teaser
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  5. Should have known there was a reason for delaying the patch. Excellent choice trying this on Guard Duty, the map really needed something to make it more exciting than, well, guard duty. Take that 2007! Ten years later, W3D finally offers airplanes! Looking forward to the solution to enable them on high-tech maps (Siege was created for airplanes). Also the MiG. Also the to-be-created Allied equivalents. Also me getting triggered by that helipad airfield texture resolution...
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  7. Get us a close up of the Rifleman's face at 8k please
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  8. If anyone needs context, I work at Linus Media Group now and we're reviewing the Dell 8K monitor. Figured I'd throw this thing at it on the overpriced Maingear build we were also sent. It crashes if you try to get to the menus but otherwise everything renders fine. Similar problem to what I was encountering playing at 4K the last time I worked on the game. Waiting on some pics of me playing from Ivan. Might give it another go Tuesday if I get a chance. We have to return both items.
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  9. Great article, it was how I found APB (beta) back in the day in gameinformer (I think)
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  10. I'd be more than happy to release an open beta of the game if it was in a better state, but unfortunately it is not. Hell, everyone could be having fun even just playing alone in the server, because ALL of the maps are bot-filled with my latest AI upgrades and base attacking/repairing/C4 explosive setting mechanics. Those bots also do most of the testing right now and produce a lot of balance feedback by just looking at them. I mean these are fun things, but at the same time you can also clearly see how really underdetailed the map is looking:
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  11. Extra sick shots edition
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