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  2. Traction might be it, if I remember correctly the Beta V2 had a really high traction setting - though this also enabled it to climb cliffs which had hilarious consequences on maps like beta Canyon River.
  3. I'm sure others are sick and tired of their Artillery and V2 vehicles slightly moving when trying to line up a shot. You could try exiting and entering the vehicle but on some terrain this just doesn't work. I don't know if it is the game or my 180 ping but it's very annoying. My suggestion is the option to press Q to 'deploy' the vehicle. I use quotations because there would be no animations for this, it's not really deploying but the vehicle would simply stop moving completely, like the Nod Artillery from Reborn. This would save so much time when preparing to attack enemy defences and buildings. Speaking of the Nod Artillery, it would be awesome if when the Artillery is deployed we get the previously removed slight pivot to the left and right back. This was extremely helpful for me when hitting defences. For those who don't like the pivot then they just don't deploy and use the vehicle like it is now. I'll throw a poll up so people can vote if they would like this or not, although I don't see why not as those who are against can simply never press Q while in these vehicles.
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  4. Hey all, Under sure is a fun map lately... if you are the Allies that is! Look at all this fire power! those communists can't even step out of their base without getting blown back to Stalingrad! And by cutting off their income we've made certain they have no hope of ever sending large scale retaliation, very clever if i do say so myself. Whats that cadet? The soviets have a cost effective infantryman equipped with an RPG that is capable of destroying our glorious fire power? THEY ARE HIDING IN THE TUNNELS RIGHT NOW READY TO STRIKE?? Oh never mind they either all died in that explosion or they had to retreat Hahaha! but you know that last attack has me thinking cadet... if the Soviets had some form of access tunnel linking from their base to the top of the hill we might actually have to do some fighting for once, those RPG troopers could actually pose a viable threat from up there! but its a darn good thing that there isn't said tunnel so instead the soviets all die horribly to our assault isn't that right cadet? TL;DR I've been noticing a sequence of events unfold in the Under map in the same manner more and more often, the total allied mechanized dominance over the center, once this stage gets reached it usually concludes in the demise of the soviets sooner or later, now the factors leading to this circumstance could range from V2s being harder to use in the small map, or to the allies advantage in terms of mechanic units repairing what little damage soviets manage to do to allied tanks and artillery, however I would like to propose a map adjustment for the dev team to mull over. The core concept is an access tunnel either leading to the top of the hill exiting like so Or a tunnel exiting to the North west end of the map near or around the watchtower area, both of these are mainly to create access points for infantry to reach the center area and contribute to the combat without being slaughtered as soon as they leave base, thus giving opportunities to attack enemy vehicles and put up more of a fight like so obviously these two access points should be accessible for both teams however I would think the paths back to their respective bases should be team locked to prevent even more infantry rush routes, anyway that is up for debate as well, but really let me know what you all think of the idea, talk about your reasoning behind why you think it's either good or bad, necessary or unnecessary, lets hear it all!
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  5. Please don't drag up threads that haven't been active in nearly two years.
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  6. A valid point; it was a small game and I believe the Soviets only had 4 players on their team, and I recall that one was even shooting rockets at us as we were traveling to their base. If they alerted their team, nobody listened. I concur with moving the silo. Place it within range of a tesla coil and the Soviets have a well-defended source of income as the Allies do.
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  7. I like how Imperial Age has this. It's got my vote I LIKE IT
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  8. Nice tutorial, I'm sure it will be useful for those who do this sort of stuff.
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  9. [blurb]Another month another Apocalypse Rising update! This update brings a closer look at the Navy SEAL C4, Soviet architecture, and Allied base defenses.[/blurb] Another month another Apocalypse Rising update! This update brings a closer look at the Navy SEAL C4, Soviet architecture, and Allied base defenses. Navy SEAL C4 Special delivery! After mowing down enemy infantry and clearing a path, the US Navy SEALs effortlessly dismantle enemy bases with their signature C4. Soviet maintenance personnel should be diligent in disarming any and all C4 planted as a single brick is packed with enough explosives to destroy a building. It is rumoured that Special Agent Tanya carries her own unique model of C4, although battlefield reports have yet to confirm this. Texture by @Romanov Soviet Doors Continuing with the renovation of internal infrastructure, the Soviet Engineer Corps have had every detail in mind from the purchase terminals right down to the doors. While it may not appear to be much to the average Conscript, the Soviet engineers are nonetheless proud to now have doors that are truly representative of the working class! Concept By @Squid Empire, Model by @Romanov Patriot Missiles To keep the skies clear of Conscript paratroopers, Soviet Siege Choppers and Kirovs, the Allies turn to the Patriot Missile System. Serving the role as the primary anti-air base defense, the Patriot utilises advanced targeting systems and detection equipment that allows it to even down enemy MiGs called in by Boris. Unable to defend itself against ground threats, Allied forces must be vigilant in keeping the Patriot Missile structures operational lest they be overwhelmed by Soviet air power. Model by @Romanov and @moonsense715. Recruitment We are always hiring new team members to speed up AR's release! If you believe that you can help us out, you are more than welcome to help! The following positions are open: 2 Artists for modeling and texturing civilian buildings and props. 1 Artist for making nature assets (trees, bushes, etc.) 1 Character Artist 1 Texture Artist/Photoshop User (optionally Unwrapper) to help in texturing building interior objects If you wish to contribute to this project and believe you have the skills, give us a shout! If you would like to contribute to the game and believe you have the skills, don't hesitate to apply! If you don't know if you have the skills, send us a forum PM and we can chat. If you would like to help in areas not listed here, that is also more than welcome. To apply, just send @moonsense715 or @One Winged Angel a PM (Private Message) via the forums and let us know which position you wish to apply for. End Feel free to contact the team regarding testing applications for Apocalypse Rising and our other W3D projects and become an official W3D Hub Tester today!
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  10. I tested this offline so I'd know how to file the bug report. It doesn't dump - it just sits on the other team's refinery dump spot forever, possibly blocking the AI OT on the team with the working refinery from dumping. On the way there it is also likely to ram the enemy OT and get stuck though - you'll often have to help it out by ramming one of them away for the OT to actually reach the opposing refinery. I'll have to go see what the truck does on large maps where the pathfind grid isn't complete enough to connect the 2 bases together. Because in that case it certainly can't drive to the enemy refinery. e: it just sits still on its own ore field forever after collecting. Which is honestly what it should do in all cases. I have no idea why the ore miner script tries to seek out enemy dump zones if they're in range (it even knows they're enemy ones, if it didn't then it would actually dump at them!). It's not my script.
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  11. Snipers have their place in APB. If you wanna see kill whoring and cheap one shot insta kills take a look at the ramjet of vanilla Renegade. One shot kill to basic infantry, no bullet drop and a one shot kill head shot on anyone character. I have seen snipers used in a myriad of roles, if there are bothering you go buy a captain or use a soviet rifle soldier and run them down. If people wanna sniper people that's their prerogative, denigrate and nag them in game to stop being a useless pleb to the team. TL;DR lern2dodge
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