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Showing most liked content on 03/02/2018 in all areas

  1. <<<Incoming Transmission>>> Source: Cobra's Nest Actual Priority: Viceroy Scramble Index: Foxtrot-Beta-9 Intel has discovered that GDI has undertaken a redesign of their detestable War Factory, unlike what our operatives on the field have encountered thus far. One of our Black Hand operatives, codename "Hasak", has managed to infiltrate a nearby GDI base in the area and we have received his findings via comlink. <<Begin Visual Feed>> <<End Visual Feed>> Hasak's initial analysis shows that the master control terminal has been moved to an upper location, much like our own Nod War Factory. The hangar area appears to have been repurposed as a Wolverine maintenance bay. Also, a large area has been opened up in the back and what appears to be a surplus of vehicular components are now stored there. Observations have noted that the production speed of the War Factory has not been affected by these changes. <<<Transmission Offline>>> [blurb]#Incoming Transmission# [Source: Cobra's Nest Actual] [Priority: Viceroy] [Subject: GDI War Factory Alterations] #Requesting Acknowledgement#[/blurb] [thumb]thumb_tsr.d.png[/thumb]
  2. You know, I wonder if there are Orange-flavored pies? Let's find out. ##pie OrangeP47
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  3. Hey, Verti played as Jeod once
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  4. At the same time, you'll also have the chance to nail scum on D1. And also what Orange posted.
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  5. Perfect, I would've been able to attack next turn as well so I was almost guaranteed to win by this point. Good duel, Apprentice. I hope you'll learn to behave yourself in front of your Master from now on.
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  6. Looks like something @Pyryle made.
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