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  1. It is with a heavy heart that I bring this news. I awoke this morning to the news that zunnie is no longer with us. A well-known gamer and founder of MPF, zunnie was a friend to all persons he had met throughout his life. zunnie has done a lot for the Renegade and MPF community and will be greatly missed. This is a terrible loss for us all. Our condolences go out to his family and loved ones. May he rest in peace. Source: https://multiplayerforums.com/topic/7663-rip-zunnie/ [blurb]It is with a heavy heart that I bring this news. I awoke this morning to the news that zunnie is no longer with us. A well-known gamer and founder of MPF, zunnie was a friend to all persons he had met throughout his life. zunnie has done a lot for the Renegade and MPF community and will be greatly missed. This is a terrible loss for us all. Our condolences go out to his family and loved ones. May he rest in peace.[/blurb] [thumb]custom_thumb_ren.png [/thumb]
  2. I just added a feature to Mammoth so it will read these per-map sky settings. The old Westwood editor is going away in the near future since Mammoth is nearly feature complete (the main remaining thing on the to-do list is fixing all the bugs in our reverse engineered clone of the vis generation algorithm) and definitely couldn't have this stuff added in any case. When you change the ini you will just need to reload the map and it will read your changed sky colors. As for the dependencies, Mammoth makes it trivial to add the ini file as a dependency of the map (that will get automatically exported into the map mix file). The dependency information is then stored in the .lvl file and travels with that.
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  3. I already posted a commentary in MPF topic ( if you wish to read it, click here ). In addition, Zunnie was one of my closest foreign familiars. We never met in real live, but I saw his face in Skype, and I of course heard his voice several times. I remember the last time we met in Skype, he was ill, and, as he explained to me, it was just a common cold. This was months ago, we were setting up the server for Commando Assault, so I don't know what happened to him. And no matter, is it a joke to cover him or a real event, I will be always missing him. P. S.: Coffee time! Yep, definitely.
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  4. The real solution is the introduction of a poorly thought out ranked-matchmaking system. And then add loot boxes. EA would be proud.
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  5. I feel the issue with newcomers isn’t learning the infantry. More like its patience with people like me who have played for years. Patience for when I steal your tank, patience when plow through you. Patience when I call you an idiot for buying a demolition truck when the base is under attack. And etc. Five things that work in newcomers favor are the player count scaling for defenses, the friendly attitude of the staff, the friendliness of the forums where everyone’s opinion is respected, the teamwork aspect of rushes (easy to buy x and shoot at y), and finally the new server feature that picks levels based on player count. (I’m not as good at strategy as silverlight, but I’ll get there. He uses newbies in tanks as accessories to awesomeness)
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  6. Wouldn't giving all infantry the exact same anti-building weapon (timed C4) provide the opposite effect to the intention of "make them more different" and "make them less boring"? This engine really is not designed for weapon bloat. It's hard enough to use the Engineer right now, they have five weapons and making sure that you can scroll to the exact right one when needed (for example, using clearing charges against mines instead of accidentally throwing your anti-building C4) is awkward. This also why Tanya/Volkov, who used to have binoculars, no longer have them - because it's painful to accidentally switch to binoculars when you want to switch to your C4 as Tanya or switch to your alternate anti-unit option as Volkov. Why should we make this an even bigger issue than it already is? On top of that, one of the things I see new players have trouble with is characters that have multiple weapons. It is very common to see newbies keep using Volkov's AT cannon against infantry, or keep using the LAW/RPG-7 against aircraft when the Redeye/Strela exist and can clearly be seen holstered on the soldier's back. In the past I've considered giving most infantry a LAW/RPG with 1 ammo and nerfing the power of bullets vs tanks to compensate, for the purpose of making infantry against tanks look less silly and giving further incentive for the Supply Truck - but the weapon bloat, newbie-unfriendliness, and homogenization issues just complicate matters. It's still up for debate though; it's probably the only "add more weapons" thing that I'll ever consider, but another problem is that it would shake up the balance of a gameplay area that, as far as I can tell, is in a pretty good spot right now and doesn't need much change. Oh, and if we're supposed to go whole hog giving every infantry a "full loadout" with like 2 or 3 unique weapons each, then we run into the issue of where do we get the weapon models? Most of the old team is long gone and everyone around here with modeling experience is too busy working on stuff for other projects and stuff that's more important than "extra weapons for units that already have a weapon and work just fine with what they have".
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