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Showing most liked content on 08/07/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone! Earlier this year we mentioned that we wanted to make some sort of Global Freelancers Initiative to empower members of the community who would like to make content for the games, but don't necessarily want to be part of the staff team. This has mutated slightly to become the W3D Hub Modder's Alliance; a new group that will be comprised of active members that make maps and mods for W3D Hub games! So what's the deal? So what does a member of the Modding Alliance get? Well, Modders get a special usergroup which grants them exclusive access to all test builds on the launcher, a special forum section to discuss the engine and a special Discord channel to chat in. This halfway house between being a regular member and a staff member is great so that we can have a place to collectively help each other out and work on exciting stuff for the community, but it also allows us to train people who are interested about producing content for the engine. How do I become a member of the Modder's Alliance?When we're looking for people to join this new group, we're looking for a number of qualities. We won't be formally accepting applications as such, but we will be paying close attention to what people are doing and making so that we can make the best informed decisions. Ultimately though, these are the basic qualities that we are looking for: Members who are interested and passionate in developing content for the W3D Engine. Members who have submitted several mods to the downloads database or have made maps for the games that are considered to be of a good standard of quality or beyond. Trustworthy members who conduct themselves well on the forum, in Discord and in-game as well as being respected by their peers. If you fulfil some of these qualities, it is very likely that we will approach you to join the Alliance. Is that everything?Well not quite! I'm pleased to announce that our first Modders that have been invited to join the Alliance are Raap, Timeaua, Threve, Zephyrus and Kicken! Congratulations guys! Aside from that, if you have any burning questions or suggestions about any of this, please feel free to PM me (@OWA) about it. Cheers! [blurb]Read all about our brand new initiative that aims to provide support for community contributors; the W3D Hub Modders Alliance![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_w3d.0.png[/thumb]
  2. I have to admit, I actually like the layouts of the ANY and ASB better than the standard buildings. I would totally be in favor of having them be the new standard if possible.
  3. So I just made this mockup of what a new HW might look like vs the current one. After drawing it I realise having the dome that far forward might be a bit problematic. Not entirely certain on the missile silo as a replacement for the conyard either especially since the base is smaller. Due to the reduced map size it might be possible that the bergs are close enough to the base that snipers can hit rockets that are sitting on them. So even if the only way onto the icebergs is to use chinook taxis, snipers could stay relevant and we may not need the cold damage I talked about before!
  4. Same here, as you can't easily camp the subs/boats as they come out.
  5. 2 likes
  6. Biggest change: Raap now has an avatar.
    1 like
  7. My green is better. Also, less fat. You're fat.
    1 like
  8. No Art Deco look for the new logo, maaaaannn.
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