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Showing most liked content on 08/16/2018 in all areas

  1. I'm changing my statement. I'm now super excited for rivals.
  2. Awesome, Now to play some daft punk while playing APB.
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  4. Kane would be most displeased. For myself, the main thing I'm looking forward to right now is Metro: Exodus. The previous two games were absolutely top notch, and the book series was excellent(if a bit of a grueling read), so I'm very excited to play. Just hope my crappy computer can run it. Other than that, definitely Smash Bros. Ultimate. Nothing else recently announced has really struck my fancy, though Battlefield V looks neat, but I'll be waiting for a sale for that.
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  6. If I don't get to have this, I don't want any part of this system.
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  7. Feedback on the idea is, since it's APB related. It would affect everyone anyway.
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  8. Can you not tag me for things that aren't my department tia
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