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  1. Ahem! Is this thing on? I need to make an announcement! My time machine has proven its worth once again by delivering us a blast from the past. An ancient technology that some of you may remember. . . A game from a bygone era. . . Our engineers have been hard at work in the lab, inspecting everything to make sure that it has survived intact the journey from past to present, and ensuring that it can survive on computers in this new time line, as much has changed. Things are looking well, and it is almost ready. . . W3D-Hub is proud to (re-)present to you: Red Alert - A Path Beyond [BETA] 1.2.0 Coming soon to a launcher near you! Over 10 years ago, the APB team moved the project into its [BETA] era, which was the height of player counts and online gameplay, clan games, mp-gaming, oxi-stats, demo noobs, and so much more! It was the "golden" era that defined the game in many ways. The game then moved into its "Cold Fusion" (1.3) and "Nuclear Winter" (1.4) updates, then Gamma (2.x), and finally what we all play now - Delta (3.x). And while Delta is undoubtedly the best and most advanced version of the game yet, it is fun to go back and see how things used to be, if for no other reason than to gain a deeper appreciation for what it has become in recent years. But if you're like me....you like to play Beta, because it was lots of fun, and there are lots of good memories associated with that point in time. To give a little more info on what this actually is, it is simply a "system update" of the original game. Starting with Windows 8 and moving forward, it is increasingly annoying to even get the stock game to run, much less "as it should", depending on your computer. This is largely due to the old version of the engine that Beta was built on (3.4.4). So we have ported the game forward to the latest TT4.6 scripts, which is the same version as Interim Apex, and probably most up-to-date stock renegade servers as well. The point is that it is made to work on modern computers. This was the first step. After that was done and the game was running stable, it was time to do some cleanup of old files, and of course fix some new bugs that appeared due to changing scripts versions. It was said by some that it would not even be possible, nor worth the effort to try to fix everything. But we found that surprisingly little was truly broken in the upgrade. The largest issues were related to Purchase Terminals and Aircraft settings, but of course there was a handful of other things. But it has come together quite nicely, and our testing phase is almost complete! What you will notice has changed from the stock Beta experience: It runs faster and more stable. It runs smoother and so much better overall than it ever did back in the day, and crashes less. You can have a near-miss with a tree or building while driving a tank, and you won't lag-warp back to it 3 seconds later. 10+ years of engine updates are to thank for this. It won't make you reboot your PC if it does crash. The old engine was notorious for causing a scene when it would crash. Most common issues from this were a black screen which the user could do nothing about, a "dead" area on the screen, in which nothing could be clicked, computer stuck in low resolution, and other forms of weirdness. Again, thanks to a much newer engine version, all of these are now non-issues. (Also, you can Alt+F4 to exit the game at any time now, which is cool). V-sniping is gone. For those that remember, V-sniping was a "feature" of Beta. It does not exist in the new version of the engine, so you will get a more "normal" sniping experience. There are 60 clicks on the scope zoom, so that should suffice The stealth shader is different. The stock Renegade stealth shader is being used because the one that was used in beta did not carry over. We might be able to implement this (or a better one) in a future update, but not at this time. A misunderstanding on my part previously. The shader was not activating at all, due to lack of configuration on the new engine, and thus merely displaying the underlying texture. This has been mended. Scroll-wheel in the sidebar! A happy accident of the engine upgrade, you can now use the scroll-wheel on your mouse to quickly navigate the sidebar purchase menu. Enjoy! Better and easier-to-find screenshots. Another happy accident, screenshots are now stored in their own folder with the other games' screenshots folders in your Documents folder. Absolutely ridiculous FPS (700+ on my PC!!!). Same old song, the newer engine made it better....maybe a little too good Unless you are still running a computer from when this version of the game was new, I would recommend that you max out all of the settings for this game, and run it in the highest resolution that it supports. Also be sure to tick on V-sync. Else you'll have super high frame rates, to the point that it will actually start to cause physics bugs to happen. Also, in order to play online, it is always best with games on the W3D engine if the client FPS and the server FPS are as close as possible. Our test server has been keeping a near-constant 59 FPS, and with maxed out settings, the clients run at 60 FPS - which is perfect. Bluehell is GONE! Another major benefit of using a newer engine, the bluehell bug (which is where you fall through the map into the blue "hell" below) was eliminated by simply upgrading! New (old) maps! In addition to all of the original maps that shipped with this version of the game (minus CamosCrossing until we fix it), we are also able to include several additional maps, which were made by fans or other staff members during the Beta era. Some you may have seen before, others likely not! Credit where credit is due. I would like to thank @moonsense715, @dblaney1, and @CMDBob for their effort in making this possible - these guys fixed the bugs. @Dghelneshi, @Jerad2142, @triattack, and @Pushwall for giving excellent tips, advice, and assistance in this. @A4R91N for providing me with some maps which I did not have previously (which was so long ago that he may not even remember doing it) @FRAYDO for accidentally giving me the idea to do this in the first place (he asked for old screenshots and I delivered a game ). @NoSoldier and @OrangeP47 for taking some extra time to test this. The Tiberian Technologies Team, as this would have not even gotten started if new engine updates were not available. And I would also like to thank all of the people who put work into making this game and the maps so many years ago. There are too many of you to name, and I don't know all of you anyway. But thank you. We are still enjoying your work. [blurb]Red Alert: A Path Beyond [BETA] 1.2.0 - coming to the launcher soon![/blurb][thumb]thumb_apb.3.png[/thumb] 0.9935 is next
  2. Hey all! I was told to speak up more by Mr. Einstein. I don't usually have much to say, but I thought you all might have some interest in some of my Roblox modeling work, since you showed interest back when I posted my reimagined M16 Mk. II Pulse Rifle. I still build a little for fun, and I make C&C stuff pretty often, much of which tends to be Tiberian Sun or Renegade. So, here are pictures of some of my latest work or updates to old stuff. Front view of my GDI Barracks. This is unfortunately the only outside shot I took, but I got all the external details thanks to the Reborn mod, which has been a huge help recreating this stuff. It has a full interior, but I wasn't able to show it due to upload limits. This is a quick vignette I threw together using my Riparius models, and all my wall components(Gate, Concrete Wall, Vulcan, RPG, and SAM) One of my larger vignettes depicting a scaled down scene from Renegade's first mission, The Scorpion Hunters. I took a lot of inspiration from Ren-X for a lot of the models used, mostly in the vehicles and weapons. Picture of my ORCA Maintenance Hanger. I used a pair of pictures from a guy named AircraftKiller as inspiration, but threw in my own flair. The ORCAs I've been building for years, and this is their current best state, which I think is pretty good. They're a mashup of a couple dozen reference pictures I've found over the time I've been working on them, so they're not really accurate to TD. Better view of the ORCA from the top. I hope you all like these! I've put a lot of work into this stuff, it's sort of a hobby of mine.
  3. No, nothing else will be getting a horn or anything resembling it. Sorry! Courtesy of @Yah-Nosh: planes that act more like planes. Aside from that, I hope to do one or two more maps, particularly ones with planes and botes since there is a lack of those. Most likely candidate for me is the Volcano rehash I mentioned in the Shallow Grave thread. There's not much else in the pipeline besides general scripts improvements that all 5.0 projects will benefit from; for example you will no longer have your floating player name blocking your view when using a first-person vehicle camera, and weapon firing sounds won't cut each other off anymore. As ChopBam mentioned, he is more occupied with non-APB projects, and that's perfectly fine; I may end up contributing more to the other projects too, now that APB is nearly feature complete. But I'll continue to keep an eye on balance here.
  4. Holy shit, Pushwall. That was a close call with that cliff. That has to be a stupid amount of luck, don't lie to me.
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  5. Not any time soon... I haven't really been interested in forum mafia. Even if I was, my IRL job as a hospital nurse wouldn't allow me to keep track of whatever day/night cycle shenanigans; The work I put into my job can get really physically and emotionally draining at times. As for ads/relations, I would occasionally post on the W3D Hub Facebook page with content generated by myself... Content such as this rekt-video-turned-forced-meme among some of the APB players
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  6. On the bridge where you find the Ghost Strike Craft, walk further towards the portal. Keep an eye to your right. Eventually, you'll see a switch. Activate it, it'll let you know that you did it right by sounding a loud horn and shaking the screen. It will open up a large door back towards the start of Renhalo that leads to the rest of it, but it'll also bring the aliens to life. They are armed with Spikers and Energy Throwers; be careful.
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  8. I love doing the work of designing and developing map terrain. There is pride involved in manually handcrafting terrain, as opposed to taking a large plane and using a basic brush to push and pull hills out of it. When I was a kid I loved trains and always lived in wonder at the the paths that were already carved out for them, the mountains, valleys, and tunnels they would be led through. I believe this is a similar principle to mapping and carving out the various vehicle and infantry paths present on APB's maps. The knowledge that, at any point during map creation, I can think about how these particular extrusions of polygons will be walked on, driven on, mined, and fought over for years by players is a pretty cool thing. That all said, Canyon River is probably my favorite recent-ish project, and I'm excited to get back to mapping sometime, although the vast majority of my time is spent fixing and improving things that already exist. Hm I guess I answered this already above. xD Just the passion for carving out paths and bringing imaginary worlds to life, then watching and playing with other people on that terrain. It brings me satisfaction and happiness. I guess this is the part of the show where I plug the RA_ShallowGrave thread. The next APB map project could be any of those, really, but there are still things in the meantime that need fixing with other projects, such as with TSR. At some point I may also be interested in helping AR with their mapping. It's a different style than the APB one I'm used to, and I'm interested to try my hand at it sometime. There have also been talks since KOTG's inception of bringing various iterations of KOTG to AR and TSR.
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  9. I'll take these questions. Currently the TSR team is reviewing balance, revamping structures, and implementing bug fixes. We have changed some damage values beginning with the infantry and have resumed testing. Based on the feedback we'll gather, we'll further refine infantry combat and then move on to vehicles. Back to the revamped structures, rumors are stirring within the Brotherhood that Agent Hasak may be delivering new intel soon. Keep an eye out, brothers. The PR team is currently looking to bring in paid talents for W3D Hub exposure. Talents such as Big Man Tyrone and VoiceoverPete. 100% serious about this. It's my idea that we could use the meme boost and these would make great videos for our users to share. Whether this will bring in new users or not to the community is debatable, though making these entertaining videos for ourselves is something I am more than happy to fund. We're also involving ourselves more in the social media trends, such as the #10YearChallenge that was floating about. I believe that trend will pass soon, or may have already, and so we'll be keeping an eye out for the next one to jump on. Fun engagement and sharable content is our 2019 strategy. Lastly, @Nodliedand I have devised a plan to compile an all-encompassing W3D Hub trailer to show off our community! The PR team and QA team will be working more closely in collaboration this year and on, and this project will benefit greatly from that. I may open up the project to public users to submit their footage for a chance to be featured, but currently this is a Staff project. More details on the trailer will be given to those interested.
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