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Showing most liked content on 05/24/2019 in all areas

  1. The summer build is here, but this time I am focusing more of polishing, re-balancing and fixing stuff rather than implementing new stuff. But don't worry new stuff are on is way. They are now officially on the Interim Apex server. -Let's start with the overhaul of some existing units with new visual model. such as M1128 MGS, with the new overhaul and suspension changes. Capable of reaching a top speed of 17m/s in 5 seconds time. M1134 ATGM has been overhaul now with the ATGM missile visible the viewer may know if the vehicle is fully armed ready to fire or require reload ( empty barrel ) Mk.2 Matilda Hedgehogs make a return with a facelift and having a mortar/artillery capabilities to launch spigot mortar. Stridsvagn 103 now the entire tank will tilt with the gun when you aim up. The secondary fire now have been swap out of twin machine gun on the right corner of the tank which is offset from the barrel. M3A1 Bradley now drive smoother on the terrain. In addition, the TOW Missile on the right side of the Bradley Turret have visible ammo capable to viewing the TOW missile in it when it has ammo. M6 Linebacker now comes with 25mm Autocannon and 4 Stinger Missile ( Ai Control ). The style of playing this vehicle has been changed being able to move fast and engage aircraft. Below here are the massive change log which is not sort out unfortunately as I got my hand full. I am 90% sure I have all these changelog recorded. Well the other 10%? Well I just got to remember to put it on changelog every time i adjusted some stuff.
  2. <<Incoming Transmission>> Source: Today's Execution Priority: Low Scramble Index: None Our forces were recently ambushed by those detestable shiners. Recovering their equipment after our victory, our soldiers noticed something peculiar. Stay alert, brothers. Do not allow your weapons to fall into the hands of those unworthy of Kane. [blurb]Our forces were recently ambushed by those detestable shiners. Recovering their weapons after our victory, our soldiers noticed something peculiar about their weapons.[/blurb] <<<Transmission Offline>>>
  3. A new update is now available for the W3D Hub launcher, which contains a few small bug fixes and one major new feature. For the first time ever, parts of the launcher UI have been localised into new languages as part of efforts to make the launcher more widely accessible. This first implementation does not cover all parts of the UI, as not everything currently supports localisation, but I intend to gradually expand this to cover more and more of what you see in the launcher. As of today, translations are available for; German Russian Turkish Croatian If your Windows regional settings are set to one of the above languages, the launcher should automatically apply the appropriate translations. Thanks to @NoSoldier, @__nEmPoBu4__, @Sheila and @AZ-Stalker for their help in providing translations Localisation Help If you spot any errors in the translations, or would like to help us translate the launcher into more languages, please drop by our translation spreadsheet (created by @Jeod) and update it with your new entries / corrections. Alternatively you can contribute via the localisation forum topic.
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  4. min 6:40 min 10:40 ob gun location
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  5. I wonder what it could mean .....
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  6. Topology wise: it's very similar to many maps. Both C&C_Field and C&C_Under have one open route, one infantry route and some overlap in the middle. EDIT: many IA maps follow this too. Texture wise: yes it's going to look like other maps. I've kept the custom texture count low, it's mostly using default renegade textures. If this map turns out to be any fun then I'll make the main map geometry prettier. Hopefully I'll be able to give this a play online against others soon. I'll contact DB and see if he is kind enough to put it up on his ttfs.
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  7. Thank you guys for these wholesome memes
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  10. It's a good thing. You guys are all good players and everyone here knows how to play the game, I don't think the drama needs to escalate to 24hr banning if it can be avoided. Just let the feud go and if someone is team hampering then video tape it and don't TH yourself. Next person I witness that team hampers will be kicked.
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