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Showing most liked content on 02/17/2020 in all areas

  1. Close topic please. DMB, please shitpost on discord instead of here.
  2. So its been quite a while and I figured I might as well push out a few quality life improvements as well as some bug fixes that have been live on the server for a while to the public. “New” Features · The Status Website for ECW and several of my other Renegade based games is live at http://jeradsnetwork.midcoip.net:10025/StatsWebsite/ (It has been for a while but I’m just now announcing it to the public. · Due to fixes in how the saving code works, stats for the ECW scores are now updated every ~5 minutes to the website. [blurb]Quality of life improvements as well as stats website announcement![/blurb]Improvements/Tweaks · House Auto-Renewal system now keeps renewing your home up to 30 days of inactivity instead of 14. · Save data only saves when someone has been in game or a round ends, this will reduce file writes for the server. · Updated the copyright date because I figured I might as well. Bug Fixes · “Fixed” a bug that allowed players to get 2billion+ when purchasing items, this has been live on the server for a while but I’m just pushing it to the public now. (I fixed it in a super hacky way, it just resets your money if you exceed a certain amount of money on hand). · Fixed a bug that caused phone numbers/player pin to display gibberish when backspacing (I actually fixed this long before the 2019 patch but I guess I failed to push it). As a side note this is my first update from my new laptop, so everyone can rest assured that LevelEdit and everything still works!
  3. That’s exactly what a hacker would say.
  4. Currently seeking members to join our Public Relations Team. Interested persons please read the posting. Our Mission Build the W3D Hub community and grow our member base, while establishing and maintaining close interaction with our fans and contributors. Responsibilities Create content for press releases and developer blogs Disseminate project news through our media networks Develop marketing strategies to broaden our reach Evaluate opportunities for advertising and promotion Monitor, analyze, and communicate PR results to the team Requirements Passion for our work with the W3D engine and its projects Experience with social media Strong relationship with our community Etc etc. Just tell me what you bring to the table and we'll go from there. Accepting applications in my Forum Inbox. [Message me!] Happy to answer any and all questions regarding this. Thank you for your time. [blurb]Currently seeking members to join our Public Relations Team. Interested persons please read the posting.[/blurb]
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  5. The launcher has been translated in that thread I linked. The google sheet needs proofing since google translate is unreliable with regards to context, but once that's been done danpaul can add the language to the launcher.
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  6. He shoots me and I die wtf hacks
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  7. In the past I used to use a custom font to get rid of that , 3.4.4 doesn't support hiding the credits text for some reason. Normally nowadays I just photoshop the text out.
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  8. Oh, ok. Well just stop hacking I guess. Thank you.
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  9. @KaskinsROCKETS - yes pls, I want russian chopper from rambo III
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  10. Actually now it's medium range accurate flame tank and Nod versoin of prism tank in one. Left click fires high fire damage directly and fastly. It's burns buildings perfectly like flames. Right click now fires long-range powerful (Obelisk animated XD) beam. It's enough long-range to snipe vehicles and sometimes even infantry. Still not enough effective against aircraft.
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  11. well I know what im playing later
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