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Showing most liked content on 03/30/2020 in all areas

  1. Just a reminder that there is a stats website for ECW as well as several of my other coop games at [blurb]Stats Website Reminder http://jeradsnetwork.midcoip.net:10025/StatsWebsite/EcwSanCasina[/blurb]http://jeradsnetwork.midcoip.net:10025/StatsWebsite/.
  2. Our government (Bavaria) takes COVID very seriously. They even ordered the homeless to stay at home (The headline literally says "The homeless shall stay at home too")
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  3. Version 1.0


    To place the file in right place it goes this route: W3D Hub > Games > APB-release This will replace Serbia Strong to Soviet Anthem theme Soviet Anthem Instrumental Made by Jon D on Youtube
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  4. Honeslty, ECW can still be fun without players. It's one of the things I like about it.
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  5. Thanks again for the Risk! Now that I think about it, even if my CD wasn't scratched, I'm pretty sure it was the 16 bit version. I'm going to play me a few rounds of this and then maybe put it on a flashdrive for the next time I see my parents, they loved this game as well.
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