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Showing most liked content on 04/04/2020 in all areas

  1. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/582494871?t=01h01m27s 1 hour 1 minute 27 seconds. Check it out.
  2. It's a command. It's called !char Whenever I'm low on HP or about to die, I quickly type !char It's available at Vet Rank 4, if I recall correctly. It will give you a random character, including spies.
  3. My 3-layered, aloevera velvet smooth rolls poop on yours!
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  4. @Threve yeah I've been observing the NY situation from afar. "The South" is pretty shut down as well, but some people are still out and about. I'm still doing a few things not at home when I have to, but am limiting my interactions where at all possible. If I'm not exposed already, I will be soon because my wife is employed at Vanderbilt Medical center, and is deemed essential. Aside from her going to work every day, we're keeping in for the most part. Shelter-in-place orders are coming out as well. @MPRA2 Hopefully this will be over in time for you to get something done. Put back that fancy government check when it comes in lol As a side-note: I still have not bought toilet paper, and we have plenty...
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  5. I think even the devs are missing the point here. I am the only active AR developer left here. That does not help make this proceed fast. It's not motivating to be alone.
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  6. Made this to practise video editing and effects 🤘
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  7. I'll give my two cents here, but I'll leave the bulk of answering to the project heads. First off, I want to thank you for approaching this with the level of respect and friendliness that you did. I'm more than happy to have a discussion about this with you. Simply put, while it can feel like the game has been stagnant as far as developing goes, this isn't quite true. AR has gone through quite a number of changes just in the time that W3D Hub has existed, much less the length of time that I've been with the team, or even the full life of the project. These aren't small changes either; the unit roster has been tweaked several times, and there's been quite a few mechanics implemented, toyed with, and proposed throughout the years. There's also the unspoken fact that APB Delta was quite a game changer. No longer does it feel right to release a game that is more-or-less a reskinned version of Renegade. It has to know what it is, show a lot of polish, and truly feel like a legitimate game in it's own right. We really want these games to knock your socks off when they come out- and trust me, they will.
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  8. Now is also a good time to take up forgotten hobbies like wood working, carving and etc. I recommend newbies start with pine, those who want more of an art piece go with aspen, and those who are up for a longer lasting but slightly difficult project go with walnut wood.
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  9. ITT: Voe has a big hairy ass and Einstein has a tiny tush.
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