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  1. If you don't set a font colour at all the forum picks a suitable one for each theme đź‘Ť
  2. Everything you're saying is true and what IA is and makes it great. What ends up happening is someone complains about X unit and instead of it getting a slight nerf or minor speed decrease it gets nerf'd into oblivion despite me answering said person on how to deal with the vehicle/character or a !poll being conducted to see what the whole entire server thinks. Fair imbalance is what makes a game fun. The disappearance of fair imbalance in my belief results in an over reliance on teamwork and diminished strategies other than "We have to mass rush with teamwork, so that we have a overwhelming amount of units against enemies". This just makes you (or me) feel like a placeholder and leads to very boring gameplay.
  3. Please hear me out before you hit reply and pillory me with insults. I was thinking about IA and it’s balance, and something occurred to me. Newbie weapons are important. Here’s what I mean, everybody looks for the biggest firepower granted in every match (their BFG). Newbie weapons are BFGs at little to no skill. And 90% of players complain about no skill BFGs. But without these no skill BFGs the server would be a tiny group of skilled players and would never grow in number. Let me explain with an example: John a new player joins the game and all the weapons are high skill BFGs. John a new player will die repeatedly and not enjoy the experience, nor take the time to gain the skill to use the high skill BFGs. Now, imagine if all the weapons are no skill BFGs, then John a new player will get bored, feeling he’s mastered the game. Thus there should be some no skill BFGs, but with more high skilled BFGs. I will use my experience as an example: The M202 Flash (delta force flamethrower weapon) was awesome, it became my BFG. Best newbie anti-infantry gun ever. I even killed a few very skilled players a few times (mostly just by suiciding). Yet once I gained more skill I leaned toward the FN 2000 from Patch or the Auto-Assault-12 from Logan. I have yet to gain enough skill to use Havoc or Sydney’s quick draw headshot. But if I didn’t have that newbie weapon that no skill BFG, I might’ve skipped over Interrim Apex completely. Same goes for tanks! I was at first drawn to the mammoths (especially the 36inch), but now I am trying to master the Mirage tank or ADATS. Skill should not equal power at all the times. Instead I think combat is balanced when some weapons/tanks are no skill BFGs while others take 5% extra skill for 15% extra power. And No I didn’t forget Nod; my first BFG was the Blackhand minigunner. Slowly I enjoyed Petrova / blackhand trooper, the Nod fanatic (wink wink), and as my skill goes up the soon the shock trooper, ravashaw, and Sakura’s headshot power. Same with Nod tanks! When I first started it was all about the Stealth tanks (especially the Ezekiel wheel tank) and as of recent I’ve started using the Stingray, Ontos, and the Tunguska. Therefore: Low skill BFGs (Newb weapons) can also lead to fair imbalance. I say fair because for every character (A) that excels (and everyone then spams/uses) there will be a character (B) that will dethrone/excel against character (A). Then character (C) will out perform character (B) and so on. Eventually someone will realize Character (A) crushes character (Z) and the cycle will continue. Thus No character/tank is skilled at everything, and the game becomes unendingly interesting. If fair imbalance is done right everyone will complain and say “character A should get nerfed” until discovering character B will crush character A, and thus keeping a rolling cycle and strategy game alive. Any thoughts?
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  4. Sorry about that, I originally posted in black, but then with my APB theme I could barely read it. Is there a setting best for all themes? I also fully agree with Guard55 ”I think part of the issue here is knowledge. If you aren't aware of weakspots, you won't take advantage of them”
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  5. The complaints typically roll in when they encounter a player with exceptional skill, or encounter an entire team of these guys. Somewhat like no one noticing the misses, but only noticing the hits. I've noticed that some players have a hard time distinguishing between the strength of the weapon vs the skill of the player. A good player can make anything seem OP. A below-average player can make the most OP weapons look mediocre. I never really had a problem with stealth Comanches when I found out how easy it was to kill them. In fact, it's criminally easy to destroy them that quickly. I think part of the issue here is knowledge. If you aren't aware of weakspots, you won't take advantage of them.
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  6. Hello! Welcome to the Help and Support section of our forum. We the staff are here to help. But in order for us to do that, we need some vital pieces of information from you first. So before posting a thread stating that "AHH MY GAME CRASHES HELP ME", or "AHH MY LAUNCHER ISN'T WORKING HALP", please check the help threads in this forum pertaining to the issue that you are experiencing. AFTER you have done that, if your problem persists, then make a new thread here, and calmly and clearly provide us with the following information for the issue that you are experiencing: For Launcher related problems: For Game related problems: Additionally, we need the following from you: Any extra information. Please tell us anything at all that you can think of that might be relevant to your issue. We are not magicians , we are nerds . The ONLY information that we have available to diagnose your issue is whatever you provide us with. Patience. We will do the best we can, but sometimes it takes a little while to figure out exactly what is going on. Please be patient and realize that we are helping out in our free time and for no compensation. So, do this for us when you ask your questions, and we will do all that we can (within reason) to help get you back into the action! Cheers!
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