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Showing most liked content on 12/16/2020 in all areas

  1. Shade, you do realize my degree is literally 50% statistics, and I'm telling you this is stupid.
  2. I mean, this is not the perfect axiom for this conversation, but I think it gets the point across: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_causation
  3. Imagine this game is just KYs plan to mess with Shade, we're all actually scum, he's the only town, and there is no win condition.
  4. He had to participate in a mafia game.
  5. Shade's confidence > Irish's Confidence.
  6. 2 likes
  7. Clearly you're a limpet mine so you're trying to bait the cop into investigating you by proving you're not a spy.
  8. 2 likes
  9. 2 likes
  10. To be fair, I did have a town 25% reflection passive to protect me once (that worked like a charm and the 25% RNG not only succeeded, but killed FRAYDO of all people).
  11. Because Mythbusters were on Wednesday nights and those nights my parents sent me to after school religion classes even though I'm an atheist
  12. INTRODUCTIONHello, and welcome to the first forum Mafia game based on Tiberian Sun: Reborn! This game is essentially a "mod" of Verti60's classic APB mafias. Hmm... a mod of a forum game based on a mod based on a game, which in turn is also based on a different mod of a different game in the same franchise? WHEN WILL THE MADNESS END?! With a winter break in Dead Legion filming on the horizon, I'll have time to run this without the assistance of a co-mod. So for those who've played those games before, you probably know the drill. For those new, however, let me go over the details of what you can expect. THE GAMEThis is a forum-based game of "Mafia," in which the majority of players (Town), must decide who among them is part of a hostile faction (Scum), and eliminate them via lynch before scum can whittle down Town numbers via nightkill. This is primarily a socio-analysis game, and success relies upon coordination, communication, and reading your opponent. The game is divided into two phases; day and night. Most of the game takes place during the 48-hour day phases, which are divided up by 24-hour night phases, during which many players have abilities that can help them and their faction achieve victory. In this case, the game will revolve around an outpost set up by the Global Defense Initiative, which has been infiltrated by the Brotherhood of Nod. There will not be any Neutral or Third Party in this game, as this is largely a "back-to-basics" game, as a refresher for everyone who feels like CYOR has been a tad overplayed, and for me who doesn't feel comfortable going crazy with a game setup, considering I wasn't too happy with my previous outings. Here is the preliminary rolesheet that I've created. Keep in mind that this is a guideline, not a hard-and-fast rule. Not all of these will appear in the game, and there may be some secret roles not included in the sheet that might appear. Also, for balance purposes, everything is open to adjustment. One thing that I should mention: /!\ EARLY HAMMER WILL BE A FEATURE IN THIS GAME! /!\ This means that if 51% of the votes are placed on a single target, the day will end automatically with that person being lynched, and the game will move into the night phase. Keep this in mind... Sign-ups will close Friday, December 11th. The game will begin on Monday, December 14th. SIGN-UPS-13 (8 min) @Jeod @ChopBam @iLikeToSnipe @FRAYDO @Category 5 Hurricane @Voe @OrangeP47 @Retaliation @Mojoman @Shade939 @TheIrishman @Anon_Kat @Louis BOOKMARKSDAY 1 NIGHT 1 DAY 2 NIGHT 2 DAY 3 GAME END
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  13. TBH I'll post it now. Basically found this awhile back. It's well researched and lore-friendly, set 5 years after C&C3/KW in a timeline where C&C4 doesn't happen. It also has insets for TD and TS, and annotations. I recommend downloading so you can zoom in to read it better.
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  14. Take it however you like. I may be making a tounge-in-cheek attack on someone's playstyle from a prior game. Or maybe I'm neutral, and am taking advantage of that situation to make the toung-in-cheek attack when it's actually true!
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  15. Okay fine, you can get a like for that now.
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  16. We've had a weeks worth of mafia in less than 48 hours, you can't expect shade to remember stuff like that.
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  17. Plenty of mafia players could fill that role.
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  18. Why be a killer minelayer when you can be a killer mine!?
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  19. Hey Shade, we should play poker sometime.
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  20. Everyone has a 50/50 kill chance, either they kill someone or they don't
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  21. And anyone who outs themselves as claiming one of those power units, would find themselves targeted by Nod, preventing them from using their ability effectively to start with.
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  22. Also it's myth busted. How is that the one result you forgot.
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  23. If the majority of players were spies, we'd have lost already.
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  24. I do not understand Shade's logic at all. No result would prove a person's role.
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