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Showing most liked content on 02/10/2021 in all areas

  1. We are halfway toward our yearly funding goal and it is only February! A massive thank you for your massive donation! Thank you forg! For others who would like to chip in, we do have a Donations button in the forum tabs and also to the right. With forg's $500 donation we are halfway to our yearly goal of $1,000. We appreciate every bit that goes toward this goal as it keeps our servers and infrastructure running. [blurb][/blurb]
  2. OWA's Birthday Game Night! Hello APB players! We're excited to announce another Game Night event! This Friday, starting February 12th, join us at 3PM EST (Time Zones for everyone else) for a thrilling night of gaming with the W3D Hub community. We'll be celebrating @OWA's birthday! We're once again calling on the fans to make this a night to remember, so mark your calendars! Prizes!Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 players based on the event scoreboard. Players who have the most points over the course of the event will win the following: 1st Place - $20 Steam Gift Card 2nd Place - $10 Steam Gift Card 3rd Place - $5 Steam Gift Card Players who are voted as the most valuable during a poll we'll hold on our forums after the games will win the following: MVP Award - $10 Steam Gift Card MVP Runner Up Award - $5 Steam Gift Card Thanks to member @ryknow69, we have another set of prizes for this special event! During the event (after a set amount of players join the server) we'll record 10 games worth of stats, and award even more prizes! They will be given away based on the following: 1st Place - $30 Amazon Gift Card 2nd Place - $10 Amazon Gift Card 3rd Place - $10 Amazon Gift Card This will be the biggest prize pool we've had at W3D Hub. Good luck to everyone who attends! Spread The Word!We hope everyone can spread the word along with us. You can greatly help us out by posting about the event on social media. Tell your friends who might've played in the past, but took a break from playing. If you enjoy the game, you can help by reaching out with us! Thanks everyone, and have an awesome week <3
  3. Yeah I'm in. It'll be fun! I can't wait until we get to the point where we include battle labs and if the spy infiltrates it they become a new unit. And when we advanced further and we have to 1v1 @Alstar in Mental Omega skirmish in order to confirm a NK.
  4. no problemo. I did it for the apb gold account. Just figured id give something back for all the years of w3d fun
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  5. I would prefer the original start date and leaving the door open for more players.
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  6. Starting games too close to each other probably contributes to burn out, I know it does for me. I need time to focus on doing other things other than watching the forum 24/7, so I'd say it's fine where it is now. I'm still trying to get caught up on some of my things I put off while playing last game.
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  7. But imagine the chance to see Shade get stuck IRL, cause you know it'd happen.
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  8. LOL resolve daykills by signing into APB and having a 1v1.
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  9. I hope I get this mysterious hird Party! Signing up.
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  10. I'll sign up. Sorry I got a bit heated earlier, and I think you see what I was trying to say now.
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  11. LMFAO Nu Pogodi Renegade-da Cheeki Breeki Cyka Blyat *I Need Repairs* *I Need Repairs* *I Need Repairs* *Negative*
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