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Showing most liked content on 10/09/2018 in Posts

  1. We'll work to get this sorted out in that case. I was under the impression that IA had been truly standalone'd, but if loose files in the data folder are the only thing making this incompatible with the rest of the Renegade serverbase then we'll work to fix it as soon as we can. Cheers @roszek Now that the issue has been explained by Roszek, I can see your standpoint a bit better. More mutual intermingling is definitely a good idea to bring an end to these unneeded standoffs. Ultimately we want what's best for everyone, which is why we're working on Renegade support for our launcher. Maybe it would be a good idea to get a load of us on TeamSpeak one night and play some cross-community games sometime? Any kind of relationship between W3D Hub and the wider Renegade community isn't going to work without a certain degree of trust for sure. We hold a lot of cards these days, but we really don't want to drive everyone else out of business. For now, we'll continue work on the Renegade-support for the launcher and take a look at what we can do with IA.
  2. I work rotational three-shift, which means I am either asleep when I get home (Afternoon/Night Shift) or dead fucking tired with no will to live (Morning Shift). Inbetween sleeping and work I don't have the time to meticulously break down 75-page essays from autists with seven hundred mafia games under their belt, who are trying to talk in circles about how they are not scum and how everyone is retarded except for them. Come back when you are actually doing something that's fun.
  3. I'm just going to comment on this from a humanitarian standpoint. The very fact you're bringing this up means you did want something in return, and it's just boiling up to the surface now. There's a gigantic difference between helping people out of the kindness of your heart, and helping people out of selfishness or to manipulate their emotions. I know this firsthand from the way I grew up, so I can sniff behavior like this from a mile away, and man TBH it kinda stinks.
  4. Firstly, let me to clarify this - the IA client downloaded by our launcher is *not* a complete Renegade client and cannot join Renegade servers. This was and remains an explicit precondition to our hosting of the downloadable client via our launcher. Until such a time as EA chooses to release Renegade as freeware we will not change this policy. In relation to the wider topic, it may help to consider that I am actively looking into supporting users joining stock Renegade servers using our launcher and their own installation of Renegade. Thisis tricky for the launcher as a lot of code was written with the expectation that it can install any game you don't already have on your behalf, so I'm in the process of adding interfaces which allow it to check whether these features are supported for a given application and adjust the UI appropriately when they are not. Thus your Renegade servers will also get the 'best of both worlds', as you put it. I also plan to provide an alternative presence reporter which can be used in place of GSA, allowing server owners to stop opening the GSA firewall port and reduce the amount of traffic hitting them asking for player counts etc. This will be an optional alternative. It would be great if you could work with us on this to provide the best experience for all players. I'm happy to answer any questions you have about how our infrastructure works and, as always, I remind everyone that feature requests, bug reports etc are always welcome via our public issue tracker - https://gitlab.com/w3dhub/w3dhub-launcher-net/issues
  5. We do not "troll" in any official capacity. Any comments made about soft drinks or such like are intended to simply remind us that this is a gaming community and whatever happens is likely not worth fighting over, while simultaneously working towards a solution (even when it may not exactly look like it).
  6. The patch pushed out today prevents the IA client from joining regular renegade servers btw. Even ones that host their maps on ttfs.
  7. If you're referring to the fact that we refused his request to run an APB server, it was because MPF was known at the time to heavily mod the game experience from what we deemed appropriate, turning it into something that didn't play or sound like the game that we made at all. Also, there weren't enough players to populate more than one server at the time, so a second one wasn't really required. Otherwise, I don't know what you're referring to.
  8. Thats subjective bud, I'm a coke boi. Dr Pepper is king though!
  9. This like Coke threatening to ban all soda, because more people enjoy Pepsi. 🤔
  10. The current setup of IA is unique in that it uses ttfs (as it always has I believe), but we also distribute it via the launcher. Its simply another way to download it and join. Normal renegade clients that connect will be prompted to download the missing files as always, while launcher users will already have them. Thats it.
  11. For the record (minor detail, clarification point here): The W3D-Hub launcher does not list renegade servers because we don't currently support renegade or have any stock servers. Also, beings as the game is not released as freeware by EA, we can not distribute a full installable copy of stock renegade. And even if we did so, we would likely only list our own stock ren server(s), as renlist is a different tool performing a different job, aimed at a different crowd.
  12. “Competition” as they said. They only seem to care about money, and not what the players enjoy playing.
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  13. CnCNet pulls it's listing from GSA, so the folks who currently run the GSA server listings that certain services use (RenList, CnCNet etc.) have removed it. We didn't ask them to, so it's out of our hands really.
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  14. Is this the reason for the IA server's removal from the listing at CnCNet?
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  15. @danpaul88 Ok so I installed the ia client pointed renlist at it and joind mpf the map downloaded but I was blocked by the anticheat so I removed all the crap from the data folder and rejoined with no problem I also was able to join rdx and rencorner. As well as I ran mixcheck which is in the client and it game me not only all the maps but always.dat. So basically you guys are giving out a free version of renegade. I would suggest that they make a stand alone full conversion mod to add to the launcher same as everyone else has to. Note I have no connections to rencorner and certainly not mpf, and I don't agree that this would (at this point) cost imperial and dblaney any players if it was removed from the launcher, I simply just don't agree with giving out ren for free. Make them do the work.
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  16. You came in hostile instead of reaching out privately, which isn’t a good first impression. Then you give threats about banning the server, and expect things to go your way? You even tried using Zunnie as a chip in this.
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  17. Just a question. Out of curiosity, if players could hypothetically join APB using RenList, would we be having the same conversation as we are having right now? If the issue is truly and only one of competition between servers, then the Renegade support that's coming for the launcher should fix this whole problem right? I can say for definite that once it comes in we plan to support all servers (and not blacklist servers that we don't like) in the interest of fairness. It would be interesting to see how many players have switched to the W3D Launcher to play IA and how many are using RenList to judge whether the numbers point to a correlation with your statements. It's interesting, since it's really hard to judge without the hard numbers. Also, I'd like to point out that the latest version of IA isn't Renegade. It's a total conversion mod that adds a large amount of new unit types in order to make the gameplay vastly different.
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  18. I haven’t seen ANYONE here “agree” with you. I have seen people try to empathize and find some sort of logic in this whacked out idea you insists is fair.
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  19. Still not seeing how “Do as we say, or we’ll do it for you.” Is fair. Would it be fair if the tables were turned?
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  20. It's worth pointing out that 700mb is almost the size of the stock always.dat so I think whichever server you were joining was filling in the entire always.dat from it's ttfs. You might want to let the server owner know so they can fix that - it's not what ttfs is meant for.
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  21. I will look into this once I'm home from work - my understanding is that the IA client is meant to have removed all non essential files as they've been replaced by IAs own models, maps, sound effects etc. This should render it unable to join a traditional Renegade server. You didn't indicate whether, after downloading the map, the client was successful in actually joining the server? It's possible ttfs has advanced to the point where it can effectively bootstrap an entire copy of Renegade from an empty shell, which would raise some interesting questions for those server owners in that case as they'd effectively be supplying downloads of most of the game content. Worth investigating.
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  22. Ah I see, thanks for clearing that up @danpaul88
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  23. You need to wait a second for it to finish querying the server. 9 out of 15 of the current players are using the launcher btw. So your telling me that the entire ren community is 6 players?
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  24. So then what seems to be the issues? They’re not in competition with Renegade. They are their own mod. Is W3D Hub not aloud to promote our own games ? And what’s stopping MPF from making their own launcher ?
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  25. This isn’t about the community. It’s the fact that they’re here at W3D Hub.
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  26. So you’d rather take something away from the players rather than help grow the Ren community?
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  27. So let me get this straight. You claim to come over peaceful but have already decided that if we don’t remove it you’ll just remove it anyway. Seem more like a strong arm tactic than a peaceful decision.
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  28. @shaitan Hello! I've heard your name for years but I don't believe we've ever spoken. Nice to meet you. And thanks for the IRC help, etc. And Wally is just bantering as he said He does that. I'm not going to issue an "official" answer to this question or anything, but I did want to try to get something clarified really quick. What do you mean exactly here? Whats getting installed twice? Thanks.
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  29. Hey shaitan. The IA team has previously told me that the version of IA on our launcher is standalone, so it's not a straight-up build of Renegade. That being said, the team has also made it so that players can connect using a stock Renegade client with RenList if they choose to do so. We have only given it publicity through our own site and social media channels so far. As for jacking the playerbases, well IA is heavily modified compared to stock Renegade, so the gameplay experience is somewhat different. We have been working on full Renegade support for the launcher, but unfortunately that isn't quite ready yet. Our intention is to list all Renegade servers (including RenCorner and MPF) on it once support has been completed in order to provide the definitive way to play Renegade online.
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  30. Im sorry AZ- Stalker I will never do it again this is just a data game can you ranke on interim server yes or no? also from red alert a path beyond? You are my new friend im from norway everyone can make mistakes?
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