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Everything posted by AZ-Stalker

  1. The last few loads-of-people matches on Antlion were great with no significant performance drop on my end. Maybe some when the Ants got very close. I don't have a beast of a PC, it's just average, maybe even sub-par to today's standards. The neat thing that I've been pushing for the last three times we played with the Ants is cooperative play. We got 10+ people on the same page to play only versus the Ants. And it was good enough to warrant more coop attempts. The more people were in, the more Ants spawned or whatever the logic was. It wasn't that exciting, but it was very cool to see the entire server playing together against a common threat. Enough so that Pushwall, Chopbam and a few of us started talking about what Ants and coop play's potentials and drawbacks are. But yeah, it plays just fine for me. And I'm assuming the prop density doesn't kill performance only because the map is tiny. But I've never edited maps so I can't speak with certainty on that part.
  2. Motorized is one of my favorite tracks. So good to hear a new version of it! Keep up the creative work GraYaSDF, we really appreciate your efforts! Hey is your SoundCloud up to date with all of your new tracks? I can't find some of them.
  3. Something has gotta be off with how your computer processes color data when you save a screenshot. Try taking a few via different methods - in game shot, recording software shot, print screen paint paste, ect. It's like your color hues are off by a certain degree, hence the orange in addition to the blues.
  4. Guess that's one way to get the big issue of portraying a communist regime as bad out of the way. Soviets fighting the good fight against oppression! Tanya possibly?
  5. All media in China gets censored, screened and propaganda-filled so it doesn't go against "core values" that the Chinese communist party enforces. Marketing with the Allied and Yuri sides more up front and in focus before they tackle how to put in the Soviets in a regime-friendly way makes sense. Otherwise EA couldn't sell it on the Chinese marketplace. That's part of the price they have to pay for access to Chinese players.
  6. Just realized there was Max Payne 3 on the list. Not my type of game, but passed the game on to someone I often play with and who will no doubt appreciate it very much. Hope you don't mind BigJoe, you're our W3D Santa!
  7. Thank you very much for Life is Strange! Much appreciated!
  8. AC4 Black Flag is currently free: https://freetrial.ubisoft.com/promotions/assassins-creed-black-flag/16/ Additionally, Grim Fandango Remastered is also free on https://www.gog.com/ so grab that as well.
  9. was never actually
  10. to properly facilitate
  11. to conclude that
  12. There were indeed
  13. unbeknownst to our Also should we think of a title for the story? We have a lot of info now on what it's about. Well... kinda... in a psychedelic way.
  14. in the desire
  15. a memory of Also quick note, any mod that feels the need to compile the remaining text and add it into the edit on the first post, feel free. As well as copy some of it in a post if the story gets tricky.
  16. [ Yeah lets fix my line. No worries. Edited it retroactively per Chop's suggestion. ]
  17. . Things got quiet. FIXED TO: tickets. Things got
  18. , without a doubt,
  19. Seems irrational, yes,
  20. . A harvester, accidentally,
  21. reality. He quickly
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