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Everything posted by AZ-Stalker

  1. My screenshot didn't save, so if anyone has the one where I tossed a grenade off a mountain that landed and killed 2 people and a mine, that'd be neat to see!
  2. At first I figured it must have been a mine I walked back into, but nope. He died point-blank in front of me, and I exploded shortly after.
  3. You killed it with the parking shots. Loving it!
  4. Right click view works for me. How do you make yours link to larger ones? Teach me master ChopBam..
  5. The heavy was moving back and forth trying to squish anyone who tried to disable it, and I saw two engineers standing on the hill crouched just inside the GAP radius waiting for their chance. I went closer and the idea hit me... I'll wait for him to swing his tank forward a bit and I'll ram the back to stop it from covering the flare for a few seconds. To my surprise, it worked perfectly. It was a pretty cool team effort. Just goes to show that you can do big things even with unarmed units and fire support.
  6. 5 mil copies of Payday 2 (only base game without the bajillion DLCs unfortunately) given away for FREE on Steam if you grab it now! EDIT: They removed the DLC purchases from the Steam store. You can only grab a free mission from there and get goodies by joining the PAYDAY 2 steam group.The only way to get the full game now would be the ultimate edition that is being prepared. It will apparently feature every DLC, so if you like the base game which is missing 80% of the content, keep an eye out for the ultimate edition once big sales hit around the usual yearly times. All future updates on the EU will be free, and as far as I know on the free base game as well.
  7. Novice modeller question: What is the purpose of the second picture's select part model style? Is that something game related or like an animation bone, or perhaps just the part you first made then later mirrored to complete the gap? Was wondering the same for the mammoth.
  8. Congrats! You made a human! Online alias suggestion: akhero47su
  9. Aren't we based in a hidden Europe-based server room in which Strike sleeps and vigilantly guards the data with his life 24-7 from the forces of evil? Or so the legend goes...
  10. I think we have some of the things in the tutorial section covering such things too, so you can rummage around in there for extra references. I'm sure Moonsense put in some stuff about .dds files.
  11. Spent some time with one of their devs at a friend's place at one point. They worked hard to get that game in good shape.
  12. The APC lag flip crash was hilarious! Also, anyone try to freeze frame and see what the end Hind OMFG scene is showing on text chat?
  13. That Ranger flip was so satisfying!
  14. Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault is FREE on Origin's On The House as of recently. Great classic game, fun campaign IIRC from the old days. https://www.origin.com/irl/en-us/store/medal-of-honor/medal-of-honor-pacific-assault/standard-edition
  15. That MGS Virtual Reality training scene MADE MY DAY. Atta boy snake!
  16. Can I just say that I'm completely hooked on your videos? I expect at least one every week like any other show I'd watch. It's very funny and interesting to watch, quite enjoyable. Plus your APB skills are amazing, you land such good shots. Puts anything I can do to shame.
  17. Well when we do it they usually are fodder shields to block fire for the weaker vehicles that want to get in range. Infnatry that bails out of destroyed vehicles seek refuge in the passing trucks until they reach a building entrance, they offload the infantry inside and block the entrances to help. Another good tactic is hampering the enemy vehicle bay so that they can't field thier tanks properly, they just bump into the OTs and get delayed that way. Plus they can't buy more than one vehicle otherwise the blocked one gets destroyed. So even as is, the Ore Trucks are definitely a tool to be used, a funny one, but a lot of times their main goal is to just delay the enemy so that reinforcements can come in for a second attack.
  18. Fantastic pack, very fun to listen to in game! Just for those days when you're feeling down. x)
  19. Beware of bully ore trucks. They push people off cliffs, trap you in corners, block your fire and smush you into mashed potatoes wherever possible.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jw6YAoai8fQ For anyone needing an ultimate guide to recording better footage. Features things like Fraps, Dxtory, Shadowplay... upsides, downsides, smaller video size and how to record teamspeak and in game audio separately and all that good stuff. Really helped me out.
  21. Good to see some outside exposure as always, but I really wish the author hadn't used that Arty shot for the only picture that features TSR out of all the shots we supplied. Oh well - next time then.
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