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Everything posted by AZ-Stalker

  1. I'd be lovely if you added in a bit more lighting effects around the place to make land combat areas more well lit. The map is oh-so-dark everywhere that it might be a welcome contrast. My 2 cents.
  2. Once again, APB and TSR players, don't be shy - let us know you're interested! Just leave a response. You have no obligation to ever show up, just tell us you'd like to play in coordinated matches and have the best games possible! The reply button is down there to your right. Also, vote in our poll!
  3. I'm assuming infantry only maps are out and that we'd ideally use the larger full tech level maps?
  4. Most of the votes are for random map selection so far. Would that mean that we should make a proper map pool of viable maps that fit clan war criteria and use online software to randomly pick out a number and select a map each time we play? That being said, both teams should be told which map is playing before we all jump into the game otherwise the preparation time in separate teamspeak channels means very little. At least 10 minutes of talking about strategies and knowing the map on both sides should be explored. I extended the list of players, we're nearing 20 on the roster. Keep it up! Apply now!
  5. Well I'm not very informed about the server-side of things so that's one thing you guys have to figure out. I just got the ball rolling. As an example, the way Renegade X does it with their PUGs is that they have a passworded server and you get a password after you hop on teamspeak and so on. But for a single server thing with random players, I'm not sure we can pull it off properly by just letting anyone jump in, they won't even know whats going on, thinking it's a regular match. Albeit we might not have much choice for the first time around. Maybe a message that repeats during the game telling people to join TS that a special match is in progress or something along those lines? I'd love to hear what everyone thinks on what's the best way to handle all of that. @FRAYDO DesoPug might be able to help you out with getting the word out:
  6. Any way to set a password on the server temporarily and edit the server name to "check XYZ for info" or something? Anyone who drops in kinda defeats the purpose of the PUG starting with pre-fixed teams, so that should be avoided. Ideally you can only join on the next map if you're late. I've added a few teamspeak channels with descriptions and some basic rules as to how I think this should roughly play out. Open to changes of course, just figured we need something as a start. People join a waiting room on teamspeak and team leaders pull them in accordingly or something.
  7. Just bumping this again. To anyone interested in playing APB or TSR games in a team versus team fashion where everyone coordinates like in the best possible regular server games (or better) please leave us a reply and sign up if you haven't already. You have no obligation to show up to any PUG match, but we can't organize correctly if we don't know you exist. Let us add you to the roster which is just a reference list to see how many players like to play cooperatively with others. Don't be shy. Just push that reply button and vote in the poll above! We need your help and feedback to make this happen!
  8. Keep it up everyone, lets get it to 20 interested players at least! Testers and server regulars join up too! This translates to all of our games once it picks up! Anyone with moderator powers please feel free to edit the roster list in the first post if for whatever reason I'm not here to add people in.
  9. Let's go W3D players, fill up the roster! You have no obligation to show up at any point. It's purely to see how many of you are interested and would join in if you could. It's just like any other game night except we're picking teams before a match and coordinating better. Don't be shy!
  10. I'm sure we can manage with some people just listening in, albeit that's the less than ideal version. We have quick commands in game too so should be fine. The important thing is we actually get it going and organize. Hence why, really, anyone who can listen to people on teamspeak is free to join. I'm not for cutting people out if it's just a mic issue.
  11. Voe and I were talking about trying to organize an APB clan war type of thing with anyone interested. Some high level play with teamspeak and everything.The problem is that we don't have the playerbase to support two high-end clans facing it off properly without one overpowering the other by sheer pro-player-snatch-up. To counter that we're going to try and make a community-wide roster and put everyone in teams prior to a match depending on game experience so the team skillsets are somewhat evened out. Anyone who applies to participate cannot expect for their entire clan to be placed on one side, it all depends on how many skilled players we have to put in game. We'll need somewhat evened out teams. We can handle this by having two very experienced W3D Hub staff members picking team members prior to the begining of a PUG (Pick-Up-Game) match on teamspeak. You don't have to have a microphone to participate (but it would greatly boost the quality of the game if you did!), but you do need to be able to listen in and follow directions if a strategy is being put in motion in game. Anyone who wants to join up and apply to play in PUG matches can just leave a reply here. We're trying to see how many people we can scrape up to play in organized matches. Ideally on a weekend for this first test. Anyone can play as long as you cooperate, don't go against a chosen team leader's game tactic and don't team hamper or break any server rules. We also need people interested in moderating and helping organize the thing, just keeping track of people and helping set up teams prior to a match on teamspeak. (moderators feel free to edit and add or remove people from the roster) POSSIBLE PLAYER ROSTER:
  12. I like it when my team makes a valiant last stand with nothing to loose to defend one useless structure and actually pulls it off to win on points. If you're thinking about removing that options then I'd be against it personally because it would remove that fun factor to make way for faster map rotation. But a console command on the other hand, well, if not well regulated could turn into what Renegade X is facing - teams giving up too easily after suffering a rush wound early game. It's not a simple matter, even if it seems to be at first. Up to you more experienced fellas. I'm just dropping my 2 personal cents.
  13. PR game today/tomorrow (Friday the 17th) a bit less than 14 hours from this post (noon CST, Austin TX time / which is around 6-7pm EU)! A few people already confirmed attendance, so join up!
  14. 2017 BUMP A bunch of us are likely playing Project Reality later today, roughly around noon US time / 6-7pm EU time. We meet up on Teamspeak.The game has a bunch of new stuff added in via updates and Zee made it so our tiny coop mod has an install and uninstall button for those of you who might be worried about making the base game bugged for online play. http://www.realitymod.com/downloads For anyone who doesn't yet know or hasn't been following - Battlefield 2 Project Reality is a completely FREE huge standalone game! Grab the latest PR game ISO or just update to the latest version, then install Zee's coop mod as noted in its readme file. Fire up Teamspeak and Evolve (the LAN client) and join us! Just remember to click "check for updates" in the PLAY button's drop down menu BEFORE you install Zee's mod... you need to have the game patched first. http://zeehive.net/gamenight/projectreality/Zee-PRMod-Feb-10-2017.zip
  15. The troubling troubles are real. Good thing it was troubleshooted.
  16. It's been free for a while now, but only recently got added to their On The House promotion.
  17. To all you tough guy pirates out there:
  18. Where does everyone keep finding the yellow one? Can't seem to run into it. Also, the game always shows the message that I've found a "yellow ball"...
  19. Enjoy your winter holidays everyone!
  20. Haven't opened up any door yet. Found the red and blue ones, missing yellow. What's up with the metal hatch in the overgrown vegetation near the broken statue up top?
  21. The standard edition of Mass Effect 2 is free on Origin. Not under "On The House" but just free off the store browser feed, so search for it manually if you don't see it. A bit of an empty experience if you're getting that one to play for the first time though; if you haven't played ME2 without all of the DLCs you're going to miss out on a bunch of story, some directly connected to the third game in terms of narrative. The ME series only really shines with all of its parts together in my honest opinion, so just a fair note. EDIT: Origin's confirmation via email says it already has a few DLC items included, but just a couple. Nothing too noteworthy except Zaeed's DLC, Firewalker Pack and the OST. An okay bunch for a free game.
  22. You can grab all 7 full games that Ubisoft was pushing out in their Ubi30 thing. Just visit the link and apply the bundle to your account. https://club.ubisoft.com/en-US/ubi30
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