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Everything posted by AZ-Stalker

  1. which was about
  2. our disc thrower
  3. suddenly around the
  4. animal shelters. Undeniably! Just an advisory bump to keep in mind punctuation. Remember to keep an eye out where , . ! ? or any other symbol needs to land both in your own lines and to continue off everything before your input. As I've seen some of you do already, you can start your line off with punctuation or something that isn't a word if the continuation calls for it or you wish to end the previous sentence if it was left open. Capital letters at the start of each sentence as well, keep it easy to compile. Looking decent so far:
  5. blue zone presents.
  6. in good faith! Everyone please observe Voe's Bismarck post as what NOT to do, as it kills continuation and just ended the sentence in a disconnected way. Also this is what we have so far, a pointer would be to try and connect events into a story, that'd be the advanced version and requires cooperation, so please continue! :D
  7. he evaded hungry
  8. left behind at
  9. Yes, let's keep it in gold so it's clear. and realized that
  10. There's a game I've seen played on multiple forums through out the age of man in various forms, so I'd like to try making a version for our use. For practicality, I'm calling it the three word story. The story is compiled by splicing together everyone's consecutive input. Each participant posts a three word line with tasteful punctuation and such cut-offs when there is a need for it. Every next post must build upon the last post's three word line. You don't need to copy the text, just post a continuation. And please don't double post, you only get one line at a time. Let's keep it C&C oriented so we get something unique. But please keep it somewhat of a coherent storyline (example: don't kill off our main character as a joke). We'll compile the posts and post the full story by editing this first post every now and then. If two posts get sent in at the same time, we'll try to splice them in, so watch out for that notification! We'll end the story when we feel its potential has been exhausted or it comes to a good conclusion on its own. Note that you can drop in and out of the game as you please, just hop on and make a post whenever. No need to announce yourself. Example of how the game works: POST 1: A Nod cyborg POST 2: was making a POST 3: snowman when suddenly POST 4: he got EMP'd. POST 5: He exhaled, deeply, POST 6: only to realize POST 7: he didn't know POST 8: if he would POST 9: ever finish his POST 10: snowman. GDI was POST 11: the culprit. They POST 12: snuk around him... (ect.) We'll flesh out any additional pointers and rules as we run into bumps in the road. We'll refine the guidelines along the way. Additionally, if you feel like commentating about the game, make sure to first include your three lines clearly at the top of your post separated from your thread comment so it's easy to collect all of them for compiling, maybe mark it in the gold text color like the following. Let's see how this goes. I'll start: A disc thrower THREE WORD C&C STORY Compilation #1 NOTE FOR STAFF: Feel free to edit the story compilations above by writing in the missing pieces whenever you feel like it.
  11. Shhhhhhh... use an APB engineer, it'd make sense since you like to get technical. Anyway really glad you're back and hopefully doing well.
  12. Glad you're still kicking Raap! Your work is always highly appreciated! As far as I've noticed by talking to regulars on the server, people kinda got burnt out from the constant APB-ing... we had matches going on for months with lots of players, and the few I've questioned about the down time told me that they noticed people taking a brake so they took one too. It's a natural thing with games, it's like a sine wave as with all seasons in life. So currently there is less pressure for anything you'd like to contribute or explore until everything picks back up again! Get an avatar.
  13. Make a Uplay account if you don't already have one and grab the first Watchdogs game for free in the next couple of days: https://t.co/sNzoRZLvEF
  14. Stronghold HD + A.D. 2044 >>> FREE on GOG.com, DRM-Free as usual. 48 hours only
  15. I managed to pin Ice (spy) to a corner with the Chinook. He couldn't move. Soviet group hug.
  16. Fantastic to see more people working with Legos, was pretty fun to watch! Good transitions and such! More please!
  17. What's funny is that I used a spy and got in with the MCV regardless of the two flamers hitting me. And forgot to take the first screenshot. So I went and got another MCV and did it again and got the shots you see above. Pretty fun stuff. But yeah, the MCV actually has a big role to play if used strategically. It's the tankiest vehicle out there and can do laps around bases no problem. Two seats so it's great for a slow infiltration or as a cover element to shield a demo or assault force. I wish it were on more maps.
  18. Why yes. Your eyes do not deceive you. I call this GAP move the "double boink flip".
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