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Posts posted by NoSoldier

  1. On 12/10/2022 at 5:57 PM, SniperDrew said:

    Sorry for the delay in answering. Life was getting hectic.

    1) Yes, I installed the scripts-update from Tiberian Technologies. And afterwards it initiated an update as well.

    2) I installed through Origins and installed everything except the desktop icon.

    3) I don't believe so, but I will admit I don't know for sure.

    4) I seem to only have DirectX 12 active. How would I go about making sure those are active?

    5) I haven't had any issues saying they don't have admin-privileges. How would I go about to make sure they do. I clicked on properties of all the .exes and it says they have all access. After trying to run one of the game.exe I did notice a new error pop up saying, "missing required file 'ssleay32.dll'" Would that be the issue?


    Don't worry, we all know that life can be hectic.

    4.) DXDIAG should report your supported levels (just type in dxdiag into your commandline.)
    5.) Open your Renegade-folder and check for every .exe under Properties the Compatibility tab. (You've got "running with admin privelege there) Also, please check whether installing DirectX 9.0c (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/directx-error-90-or-higher-issue/81c28e00-0a4b-45d4-ba58-98c2a73da63e) or 11 (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17431) helps.

    Also found these two posts about ssleay32 which might be worth trying:



  2. Usually with the scripts-update installed crashdumps get generated in the folder Unstoppable mentioned. We are in need of some more information in order to help you to the best of our ability, thus I'll just ask you a few smaller questions:

    • Due to compatibility issues possibly present in the stock-version and as it's not obvious in your post: Did you install the Scripts-update? (https://www.tiberiantechnologies.org/downloads)
    • During Install through Origin, did you install the redist packages Origin recommends?
    • Does any program or your OS block the .exe? (If you do not know, please just say so)
    • Is DirectX 9 or 11 active?
    • Do the .exes in your Renegade-folder have admin privileges?
  3. 44 minutes ago, danpaul88 said:

    Translation Tags - May 5th 2019 (Batch 2)

    Translation Tag English Comment Translation
    BUTTON_GAMESETTINGS Game Settings   Spieleinstellungen
    BUTTON_INSTALLUPDATES Install Updates   Update installieren
    BUTTON_INSTALLUPDATES_TOOLTIP Update to version {0}   Zur Version {0} updaten
    BUTTON_OK OK Heh  
    BUTTON_CANCEL Cancel   Abbrechen
    BUTTON_YES Yes   Ja
    BUTTON_NO No   Nein
    BUTTON_SAVE Save   Speichern
    BUTTON_REPAIRAPP Repair Installation   Installation reparieren
    BUTTON_REPAIRAPP_TOOLTIP Attempts to automatically repair the installation of this application



    Das Programm wird auf Fehler überprüft und repariert. Sollte das Problem bestehen bleiben, schaue bitte unter https://w3dhub.com/forum/


    BUTTON_UNINSTALLAPP Uninstall   Deinstallation
    BUTTON_UNINSTALLAPP_TOOLTIP Uninstalls the application   Deeinstalliert das Programm
    LOBBY_BUTTON_SEND Send Message   Nachricht senden
    LOBBY_LOGINREQUIRED You must log in to your W3D Hub account to use the lobby   Logge dich bitte in deinen W3D Hub Account ein, um die Lobby zu nutzen
    BUTTON_IMPORTAPP Import   Importieren
    BUTTON_IMPORTAPP_TOOLTIP Import this application from an existing installed location * Eine bereits bestehende Installation wird (vom Launcher) importiert
    BUTTON_INSTALLAPP_TOOLTIP Installs this application   Installiert das Programm
    BUTTON_PLAYONLINE_TOOLTIP Automatically join the best available server for this game * Trete automatisch dem naheliegensten Server bei
    BUTTON_PLAYOFFLINE_TOOLTIP Launch this game for single player play   Spiel im Singleplayer starten
    IMPORTAPP_DESCRIPTION This dialog allows you to manually import an existing installation of the {1} channel for {0}. Use the 'Browse' button to browse for the executable or type the path into the location field and then click 'Import Application' {0} - Application Name
    {1} - Application Channel (release / testing / etc)
    Dieser Bereich ermöglicht dem Launcher eine bereits bestehende Installation von {1} zu übernehmen und in {0} zu importieren. Nutze den 'Durchsuchen'-Button, um die Ausführungsdatei zu finden oder schreibe den Dateipfad in das Dateipfadfeld und klicke auf "Programm importieren"
    IMPORTAPP_BUTTON_BROWSE Browse - in this case! Durchsuchen
    IMPORTAPP_BUTTON_BROWSE_TOOLTIP Browse for the executable file for the application to be imported   Suche nach der Ausführungsdatei des Programms, um es zu übernehmen und importieren.
    IMPORTAPP_BUTTON_IMPORT Import Application   Programm importieren
    IMPORTAPP_BUTTON_IMPORT_TOOLTIP Import the application from the selected location   Importiert das Programm vom ausgewählten Pfad
    IMPORTAPP_TITLE Import Application 

    needed a break anyway - sorry for not incorporating it directly into the spreadsheet of Jeod, was too lazy for it.

    *not a direct translation - needed to make as much sense as the english counterpart

    ** added a hint in the second sentence to look at the forum if the problem persists.

    As said before, if I need to correct something, I will either port it other to jeod's sheet or repost it here.

    Just to mention it: Server Browser translates to Serverliste [Server list] in German - I will leave that decision to you.

  4. 3 hours ago, danpaul88 said:

    Translation Tags - May 5th 2019

    Translation Tag English Translation into German                                                                
    APP_INOFFLINEMODE In Offline Mode Offlinemodus
    APP_TITLE W3D Hub Launcher -
    BUTTON_EDIT_NICKNAME Set Nickname Spitzname festlegen
    BUTTON_EDIT_NICKNAME_TOOLTIP Set the nickname you will use when playing online Lege deinen Spitznamen für Onlinespiele fest
    BUTTON_INSTALLGAME Install Installation
    BUTTON_JOIN_SERVER Join Server Server beitreten
    BUTTON_JOIN_SERVER_TOOLTIP Join this game server Diesem Server beitreten
    BUTTON_LOGIN Login (Common in German online-speech)
    BUTTON_LOGOUT Logout (Common in German online-speech)
    BUTTON_PLAYOFFLINE Single Player Einzelspieler
    BUTTON_PLAYONLINE Play Now Jetzt starten
    BUTTON_PROFILE Profile Profil
    BUTTON_PROPERTIES Properties Eigenschaften
    BUTTON_REGISTER Register Registrierung
    CHOOSE_NICKNAME Choose Nickname Spitzname - direct translation: Spitznamenauswahl [not common though]
    GVI_INSTALLING_APP Installing Application Programm wird installiert
    GVI_INSTALLING_APP_VERSION Installing {0} version {1} Installiere {0} Version {1}
    GVI_PSTATE_DOWNLOADED Downloaded Download fertiggestellt
    GVI_PSTATE_DOWNLOADING Downloading Download initialisiert
    GVI_PSTATE_FAILED Failed: {0} Fehlgeschlagen
    GVI_PSTATE_INSTALLED Installed Installiert
    GVI_PSTATE_INSTALLING Installing Installation
    GVI_PSTATE_PENDING Pending Verbindungsaufbau
    GVI_PSTATE_VALIDATING Validating Überprüfung
    GVI_REPAIRING_APP Repairing Application Programm wird repariert
    GVI_STATE_DOWNLOADING Downloading Download initialisiert
    GVI_STATE_FAILED Installation Failed: {0} Installation fehlgeschlagen
    GVI_STATE_FINISHED Installed Successfully Installation erfolgreich
    GVI_STATE_GET_MANIFESTS Downloading Manifests Dateiabgleich
    GVI_STATE_INITIALISING Initialising Initialisierung
    GVI_STATE_INSTALLING Installing Installation
    GVI_STATE_PREVALIDATION Validating Existing Installation Überprüfe bestehende Installation
    GVI_UNINSTALLING_APP Uninstalling Application Deinstallation
    GVI_UPDATING_APP Updating Application Programmupdate
    LOGIN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATING Authenticating... Authentifizierung...
    LOGIN_STATUS_FAILED Login Failed Login fehlgeschlagen
    LOGIN_STATUS_NOTLOGGEDIN Not Logged In Nicht eingeloggt
    TAB_GAMES Games Spiele
    TAB_HOME Home I would actually leave it (a "home-button" has become pretty common)  
    TAB_LOBBY Chat Only weird translations possible - has become common in german as well
    TAB_SERVERBROWSER Server Browser Same here


    Settings - Einstellungen. The table bugged out here.


    Just a fast sketchup into a German translation. If someone wants to improve these translations, feel free to do so. Tried to stay close to the character amount. If something needs to be changed, I'll copy a new table below this post.

    • @jonwil: what are the plans upon the continous development of the W3D-engine? Which aspects do you think are worthy of improving [a rework of the network-code for example]? - do you have any C&C-related lego stuff you mind sharing? ;)
    • @danpaul88: Any plans for support of custom resolutions launcherwise?
    • @ChopBam: Which projects over the past few years did you like the most in the sense of working upon it? If there were any, why? Anything in store that might be related to this?
    • @Wallywood: Which aspects of TS:R are the ones you aren't satisfied with? How is life on your side? How did you get into W3D-modding and what led you to "make" Reborn?
    • @OWA/@moonsense: Props to you (and the team) for the development of AR. As we are able to see continous progress in the artificial intelligence department, are there any plans to build upon this single-player-wise?


    And just for the joke, as some things in life shouldn't be taken as seriously

    • @Silverlight: When do you think that we will expand over in TS:R and take control of every patch of tiberium? [Without you being in the role of Kane though. No reason for that.]
    • Nodlied: As the whole testing team is already bleeding from your godly whips, are there any plans to change from a steel whip to a leather one?
    • For Pyryle: As you are in charge of A E S T H E T I C S, are you planning to stop being so fabulous? - Any plans for future induldgement into the world of forum-mafia games and relations for advertisement?
    • For Jerad2142: Any plans for a full-deer-mod with tanks and everything? - But to remain serious, you've added some racemechanics into ECW the last patches. Any plans to further build upon that or are you focusing upon new projects?


    4 years were gone in a blink of an eye. Thanks everybody for your hard work. Cheers upon the next years. After all these years I am still enjoying every game and every match, so give yourself a clap upon the shoulder, as you still deserve it.

  5. Just my fast 2 cents about it: You could convert it, as I've always seen it as reference to the fallen wall of the warsaw pact/iron curtain, a map with a death strip, which makes it easier to find pathways for less campy fights.


  6. I was a huge fan of Shallow Graves back then. Might need to take a look at it though or look back at some of my old screenshots.. My nostalgia sense is tingling on the same level as the... welp, let's call it "snowy-dam-map" from beta as both were of my favourites in the sense of snow maps. (Even though I just am not able to remember the name of it.)

    Bunkers, as well as TWT could be pretty fun now as Pushwall has done a great job balancing the game. And the city map looks campy but pretty pleasing for the eye.

    My piece of advice? Just do what keeps your interest up. You've always had great intuition in the sense of good map design.

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