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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. Slug is already way inferior to the Officer when it comes to shooting exteriors. So if you want the slug to do 63% more damage to exteriors, I can totally do that
  2. Removing 1 of his 8 pellets places his anti-MCT DPS 5% lower than that of captains and about 1% higher than that of kapitans, so in addition to the intended slight nerf against infantry, they wouldn't even have an edge in building destruction anymore. Keep in mind that they can't outrange defenses like a captain can. If you mean to also have his damage increased to match what it originally was with 8 pellets, less pellets = more RNG (unless you also have high accuracy i.e. slug). In Gamma they had 15 pellets so their accuracy was pretty reliable but I had to reduce it to 8 in testing due to issues with the sound engine. I've really only noticed the "can kill armies in buildings easily" aspect with starshinas and their altfire; I'd like to hear some suggestions regarding that too. For the primary I could reduce penetration vs infantry armour; this would make them less overpowering against combat infantry without making them any worse at assassinating technicians or wrecking buildings. Thing is I've adhered to a strict 12.5% tier system for inf armour potency, a change here would go from 62.5% penetration to 50%, which means a whopping 20% damage drop against non-techie/sniper infantry; this'd have to be balanced out by something else. Perhaps raising accuracy as well as the chance of inflicting burn damage (currently at 10% per pellet I think) to reduce the RNG aspect?
  3. Or just check the unit ranks like SilverShark suggested.
  4. Allied infantry: Rocket Soldier. Never hurts to have an anti-vehicle unit that most enemy vehicles have a lot of trouble hitting. Plus it's easier to hit infantry with than the RPG. Soviet infantry: Volkov. Not the most effective at anything but it can stay in the field for a damn long time hindering Allied progress, something that other Soviet units can't really do and tends to be what the Allies do. By the time you die you'll have money for another and maybe a nice vehicle. Allied vehicle: Ranger. Who was expecting anything else really. It's the quickest solution to a sneak V2 and whatever its pilot may be, and harder for the V2 and its guards to hit than a light tank, and also a solution to the omnipresent shock troopers and volkovs that pop out of tanks and pose a threat to your own tanks. Even if it doesn't kill them, it outranges them and forces a retreat before they can cause too much damage - even if you have mechs, a lot of games can go south if medmechs just face-tank all the shocks/kovs, kill them slowly, and feed them way more points than you get for killing the shock/kov. Soviet vehicle: V2 Launcher. What Totd said. Aerial: Hind. Not as powerful overall as the longbow, but it's the Soviets' only armed scout (the only other things that are fast enough to pull that off are the chinook and minelayer) and recon is always nice to have. Plus it weeds out phases and artys nicely and makes a great complement to any anti-building assault. Naval: Attack Sub, destroyer of worlds... and destroyers. Also a handy indestructible one-man transport if the enemy has no navy (except on HW gahhh Raap why you make beaches so steep) Least favourite to balance: Gunboat
  5. Which slopes is it having trouble with? I'll try some new physics values for the MAD and test it on those.
  6. Trouble is, that safe zone tends to be far away enough from the enemy base that trying to avoid it will just hinder your offensive more than continuing to attack will. By the time the MAD detonates and you get back in range people will already be repairing stuff. And if you decide to ignore it and just attack regardless of the friendly fire damage you'll take, enjoy having your vision obscured. Remember Reborn's MSA/MSG dome spam? And those were units that didn't even get deployed 3 at a time within 20 metres of each other like MADs do, so you only ever had one dome to squint through at a time. Perhaps a similar dome, which is only visible to the MAD driver and can be toggled on or off, would be handy for seeing if you actually have any buildings in range to hit though. But since it's not my script I'm not certain of whether the MAD's damage works as soon as the splash sphere touches part of the building mesh, or touches the centrepoint of the building; if it's the latter then a range dome would be of dubious use - alternatively there could be a "rangefinder" button which simply tells you if there are any main buildings in range by searching in the same way as the splash sphere does.
  7. Soviets already have superior vehicles and superior infantry, it's only because Allies have mechanics that their tanks are actually able to maintain any field presence against hightech Soviet stuff. Win ratios between both teams are roughly 50/50 right now. If Soviets had mechanics on top of what they already had... yeah... way too much stuff would have to be rebalanced just to find a happy medium again. And a group of MADs spaced properly with mechanics slipping in between them? Yeah good luck stopping that. So restricting what you say to only the MAD itself: maybe the MAD Tank could have a regen rate since it's based on the same chassis as the Mammoth Tank. The script is RA_MAD_Tank_Devolved and I've already made a trello card for it. CJ was a bit retarded with his naming - there's also one called RA_MAD_Tank_Improved but that's actually an outdated script.
  8. Changed the topic tile since it's about more than friendly fire now Currently the shockwave damage is 34% enemies/17% friends, can adjust that to a more favourable ratio of 40% enemies/15% friends, or 37.5% enemies/12.5% friends. Another thing that might be hindering MADs is the bug that they turn neutral a while after deployed - making it hard to defend them since you can accidentally hurt them, but on the other side of the coin, denying the enemy points for killing them. I've already asked jonwil to take a look at that.
  9. Or maybe 40% damage instead of 34% (but with no extra friendly fire damage) so just hunkering down and engy camping is not a solution to 3 of them popping up, and so single/double ones aren't as ineffectual?
  10. Not to mention MAD Tanks don't even hurt aircraft anymore. Not that that detracts from the points about ground vehicles.
  11. That's a fair point. A no-MAD zone in the Soviet base would also be nice to stop newbies insta-deploying but that also means spies can't do shit with a stolen MAD tank. Though if Soviets are able to afford enough MADs to defend with, Allies likely also have mechs in their attack force who can just go on repair duty once the detonation is about to happen - or they can just kill the MAD itself if their vehicles are too close to the enemy base to mech safely, as a MAD can only take as many hits as a heavy when a med/phase/RS is attacking it. Losing a MAD to a surprise is far less likely than a demo given the MAD can actually take some hits...
  12. I'm considering getting rid of the friendly fire because MAD Tanks just don't get enough use, and every time someone uses only 1 or 2 of them, all they're really doing is hurting their own team's tank rushes. It feels like something the original developers did just for the sake of sticking to RA (which as we all know did not have much thought put into its balance). I can always drop its health down to 300-350 or reduce its speed a little or something along those lines to compensate. What are your thoughts? Be sure to post as well as poll if you have any input on why this is a bad idea or how to do it better.
  13. Will ask rantanplan about that, I feel like it shouldn't be too hard to do if it sums up all the kills that can potentially get added to the "top 10 most kills" column - since clearly players outside the top 10 do get tracked otherwise they wouldn't be able to make it onto the list - instead of just using the normal kill count.
  14. I remember asking for this because the match list used to be spammed with 0-player Allied base destruction victories on seamist
  15. Medals are basically grind achievements. Like kill 2000 vehicles or whatever. I think they at least have the same player count reliance thing as score/kills/etc so they can't be farmed in empty games like recs can. Oh yeah and to confirm about low player count games not counting towards ranking, sort the rankings by MVP. If someone is the only player in the game, they would be guaranteed to get the MVP award - you'd be seeing a lot more of those on new/poor/"farming" players if empty games counted on stats. (You may find people who've soloed on the server for a while and have MVP*3 under their name but that doesn't mean it's added to the stats.) Also, since people tend not to play unless others are playing, it would be really self-destructive to "do something" about people who play when nobody else is online. Empty-game farming is really only a problem when the farmer uses the "Ransik technique" and drives players away.
  16. None and nothing because if the player count is too low (1-2 or 1-3, idk I'll ask rantanplan whenever I can find him) then matches don't count towards your ranking, so it's not a problem. Who even cares about recs, I told rantanplan to ditch that system ever since achievements came out. Weren't you the one clamoring for more Camos Canyon Bots because it contains easy kills that are even more exploity?
  17. Are you dying or pelvic thrusting
  18. Another problem with letting repair tools capture is that one lone technician/engineer can roam around the entire map and take everything. Limited ammo (refillable) repair tools for technicians might change the main game too much though.
  19. Only one warhead can work on a capturable building at a time. So only repair tools will work, everyone will be confused about why the golden wrench does nothing, engineers will not be any more worth buying than techies for capturing, and there will be even more unused money as a result.
  20. I suppose you mean team money crates like Stormy Valley, but then anyone who isn't actually there at the start, or hasn't loaded in before someone gets the crates, doesn't get money.
  21. The original 8 credits per second made it pointless to capture silos or destroy enemy silos any later than the initial LST rush. I remember when it was like that and I don't think I've ever seen my team's reserve money as high at the end of a match as it was back then, except when newbie ore truckers spend an entire match on other maps collecting gems. What we really need is a way to set starting credits on a per-map basis, then I'd just raise it to 500 or 1000 on HW right away. I had considered that but then they can only shoot you just as you're about to enter a building, so all you have to do is sprint past 1 fireball or pillbox burst to reach safety. Which isn't going to leave you with much health as a solo infantry but that puts barely a dent in a full LST rush.
  22. They're being lowered on Hostile Waters at least, Raap went way overboard on putting defenses there initially.
  23. Trigger warning: manspreading huhuh. No wonder those things can only fit 4 in the back I also also got a screenshot of the truck The fact that I was scoring higher than the rest of your team (in order to steal MVP) while you were so badly wrecking us speaks volumes of how bad the rest of my team was D: Nice idea! That involves placing defenses in LevelEdit though, where it's hard to place them exactly where you want or shape the terrain/props around them unlike in max. And since spawners refuse to spawn vehicles if even the slightest part of them would be stuck in something, I imagine the same would happen with defenses since they count as vehicles, so in order for them to actually spawn properly a lot of defenses would have to be floating. And given the level of clutter in the maps now, it can be hard to find more places to put defenses that don't end up being easier to destroy than normal because of a protective rock/tank husk or whatever. It'll take a bit of messing around to get right but I like it.
  24. Holy crap people use LSTs on Pacific Threat? Pfft you're missing the part where our rangers outdid your shotgunners in the base trade. And Alstar was proven right about Swirly's sub-par playing ability because Swirly decided to argue with him in IRC instead of defending the base that he was in. And then it devolved into a stalemate because both sides lacked a refinery and WF. Until most of the Soviets quit.
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