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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Well true, I suppose. Off hand I'm not really seeing any scenarios where that plays out, but I suppose it's possible.
  2. If you're suspicious or hostile your item (if you have one) gets confiscated. Since I'm innocent that won't want happen is what I'm saying. Whoever gets nominated D1 (our current tie between FRAYDO and Irish) will have nothing to play with, unless there's something already in there.
  3. Put me in the camp of a rifle infantry SHOULD be able to beat a rocket infantry. Money isn't the only metric. Different units have different roles, and it has nothing to do with hoping your team picks up the slack (though a well oiled team is certainly rewarding). If you're a rocket infantry, part of the risk of buying one is being on the lookout for anti-infantry units.
  4. Unless there's something already in the vault, there's not going to be anything for anyone to play with because I'm innocent. That's why it's safe to ignore nominate today.
  5. Here's an example from forum games. I've circled two instances. In one case the button is kind of visible, but in the other I had to double check page 5 even existed. I think the difference is which row is highlighted.
  6. Hey, I'd just like to report something about the APB theme, and see if anyone else noticed it. When a thread gets long, 5 + pages, you can easily see the buttons for page 1,2,3,4 from the thread listing, but the 5+ button blends in with the blue background and is barely visible.
  7. Whoa buddy, a lot of quotes to catch up on over night. First off, could you elaborate a bit more about the bolded part. I assume there's even more to say compared to a little elaboration you did later. I'll admit, with all the mafia we play around here, my memory of *all* the details isn't the best. That's not what I meant, though that is the case too. I was more thinking if nationalities like Croatians, Bohemians, etc get boosted too much, they might have the power to force independence. Yeah, one thing I am aware of is how HOI4 is fond of those national focuses. In HOI2/DR, the different factions are all independent, but "puppets" of one another. Hungary is a puppet of Austria, as are most of the others, but Croatia is a puppet of Hungary (double puppet). That's the starting config at least, it can get changed up a lot. If full federalization happens, they all unite into a single actual entity, named the Danubian Federation, I believe. There are events for Austria-Hungary to join WWII (on the German side), but with all the different combos sometimes the events are hit or miss. In my recent playthrough I had to join manually, and then I had to manually force Hungary to join me because they didn't automatically when I did (which was kind of lame). I will say, from my experience as a bad guy last game, one of the major takeaways I had was get investigated early, even if suspicious, because it's better than being hostile and investigated. So yeah, normally I'd say be wary of anyone pushing to get investigated too soon. However, sometimes the person really is just innocent and wants to be town core, like I am now.
  8. That's one blindspot in my otherwise lore master role. I'm more familiar with the HOI2 era mechanics.
  9. 50% isn't bad, but you can see why I want to boost it if possible, and Nodlied did mention in one of the posts it can go both ways.
  10. @Nodlied You missed Jeod voting to investigate me, before the last CVC even.
  11. Well my original next step in the logic was more that we shouldn't nominate someone we haven't vetted through investigation first. Granted, D1 we can't do that, but D1 the risk of a false nomination is minimal so it kind of is negated anyway.
  12. Granted, the N size is small, but last game like this both baddies started as Suspicious (I know because I was one, then). Innocents were near universally good guys, whereas some good guys started suspicious. I suppose, given items in this game and other people can use them if they get access to the lock up, a good guy could go from innocent to hostile if they like stole a gun and used it or something, but that's unlikely and a separate issue than their starting alignment.
  13. Also, for what it's worth, I assume no matter what type of reform we pick, there will be at least one "bad" option. Bad, of course, depending on your goals, but point being, I don't think we're going to be 100% safe no matter what we do. Indeed, D2 is going to be very telling what balance we have going on.
  14. My point is, when I am cleared (and I will be cleared), that doesn't mean the other military voters are necessarily clean. I'm actually mildly suspicious of FRAYDO for nominating himself. I can't recall how he acts when scummy, though, and in general he's hard to read, so it's a very weak feeling, but still.
  15. Well to be fair, just because *I* have no ulterior motive doesn't mean someone else glomming on the military train couldn't
  16. I actually like this idea quite a bit. Overall I don't want things to change too much, I feel they're fine, but the underuse is indeed a noted problem I suppose.
  17. And yes, part of this is just to make you do more work, Nodlied
  18. Didn't someone else vote to investigate me? Or was that just talked about? Regardless, that's a bit of a surprise. I would have thought nomination was free too. I'll go ahead and vote myself for investigation, as it's probably best we get a strong reformer cleared. ##investigate OrangeP47
  19. I think that refers to any actions our characters have, rather than the inherent game actions.
  20. Yes, it's rather clear... in my favor :P Really Shade, I do this kind of thing for a living. The 1 PP cost is clearly under the section for passing REFORMS, not under investigate (or nominate, which you left out). We can always summon @Nodlied though if it makes you feel better.
  21. If it was 1 PP for everything, we'd only be able to do two of the three day actions that we know everyone has access to, AND only be able to vote once without changing it. Votes for people almost have to be free or else the game doesn't work. It'd be way too easy for people to investigate the wrong person late game and lose if that was the case.
  22. If everyone agrees to economic, but for the purposes of finding something to increase stability, I'm not opposed. I'll keep my vote on military, though, as not to waste PP, if you don't mind. I'm also not opposed to being investigated. My status is currently innocent, and I have the perfect character for leading "town" this game, so getting cleared early is a good thing.
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