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Everything posted by Goliath35

  1. Is that a dog tied up? :/
  2. @Threve Mans gotta hump three times a day yannoe
  3. @Einstein As for cooling, liquid or classic air cooled?
  4. Own build, but when the time comes, I'll ask you guys the best specs and builds. I'll sort the budget when the time comes however.
  5. @Einstein Funnily enough now that you mentioned that, I saw multiple posts about the issue I am having, and multiple replies have stated to go into the registry and delete two registries, UpperFilters and LowerFilters. I did just that and my computer was stuck in a reboot loop, so I had to do a system restore. Thankfully it automatically made a restore point and all of my important files are still safe But in the meantime, I'm going to be ending up buying an entirely new gaming PC. But I will save up money for that first, as I also need to buy a van for work
  6. Actually, I might open up one day and clean the DVD drive and see if that does anything. For the first time, I'm a n00b on the PC world XD
  7. No But it is something I want to learn during my free time, something I don't have that much nowadays. And there's animations in the always.dat? I have downloaded XCC (mostly to see what shit's hiding about), as stupid as this sounds, but what extensions do animations end in? If and when I have free time, I'll have a look :D
  8. I should hate you for saying that but I found it too funny
  9. Was able to borrow someone else's drive, and I can indeed confirm that my current drive is an F.
  10. Naw, the computer recognizes that the drive is active, but when you insert a disc, it doesn't show up as being read, i.e my disc drive is still CD/DVD (D:) even when a disc is inserted (GTA_SANDANDREAS) (D:) /example.
  11. I've tried other discs and even a DVD and it would not read whatsoever, I've even tried GTA: San Andreas, and usually that shit would go straight to autorun however not this time. I'll ask a friend of mine to lend me their drive and see if it works then. If it does work, then we know it's a new drive for me. I'm not fussed about prices anyways I'll report back to this thread when I've done what I need to do. Cheers for your reply bro.
  12. I've managed to find my old copy of The First Decade so I can play C&C Renegade again, however I can't install it due to the fact that the CD-DVD drive will not read any discs whatsoever. I can't ascertain as to whether the disc is knackered, or it is indeed the component itself as I don't have a spare drive lying around. I will give cookies to any assistance on this
  13. I was watching some old E3 videos of C&C Renegade back when it was in very very early development stages, and there's a few things there that I wish I knew how to create, i.e the running animations of Logan running around an empty Nod base, to the FPS model of Havoc's EVA unit. Wonder if EA will ever release these builds as part of an anniversary bundle or celebration of the C&C Franchise?
  14. Eric Martin, better known as General Mark Jamison Sheppard recently passed away. I saw the news from Frank Klepacki on Twitter and saw that his sister-in-law is doing a fundraising for him. https://www.gofundme.com/helpemartin F
  15. Thank you for sharing the twitch link, finally got to see myself playing for once 😄
  16. Silverlight - his tactics and rushes are the reason why I lost a lot of games Pushwall - Great team pilot Dghelneshi - Great player to fight with
  17. I want to see the stream of that night, I want to see myself landing and squishing somebody on hostilewaters.
  18. The fact that the name of the developer company for this monstrosity is called Redwood Studios has made me even more angry.
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