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Posts posted by TeamWolf


    I'm wondering how the Mirage Tank will work out in practice. Wouldn't people eventually get accustomed to the map and realize "hey, there's not supposed to be a tree here normally"? And also, it can't be that hard to just spray fire in the direction of all trees as you approach them.

    I can tell you from experience that if you place your tank well, people will just flat out drive/walk past you, allowing you some jucy shots on their rear before they can retaliate. And as for the ''shoot all trees'' thing, I haven't seen it happen yet. :v



    You can learn where every tree is but yeah, you will still sometimes forget. Tree spraying used to happen in the early testing days but doesn't happen so much anymore since the Mtank was missing for awhile.


    What do you suppose happens when these streamers turn up to do their pre-scheduled live streams and find an empty server? Looks bad for them to cancel a stream they announced in advance and looks bad for us too. Our servers aren't full of players 24/7 and that's a problem for streaming an online only experience!


    Which is what my point was. The game and W3D infrastructure could do with various improvements first, to solve the empty server issue. Then, and only then, can you start approaching streamers.



    Well that goes without saying, really.



    I was pointing out how secondary fires that you can't tell are different from the primary are a bad idea. This is regardless of what game does it. Reborn just conveniently happens to be a W3D mod that does it so I can use it as a comparison. You are now the one bragging about actual unit role differences between the two games.



    Well you're the one comparing the grenadier to spy, engineer, or whatsoever. Let's compare it to it's actual counterpart then :p



    He did, the diskthrower.

  4. Before we continue this as a back and forth argument, I'd like to say that I am in favor of the new changes.


    They are tricky to use at first, but that's mainly down to how we are all used to the nader playing. Instead of having an instant exploding grenade, this is a bit more of a modern take on it. After playing around with it for a good 30 mins, understanding it's arch and reach, you get a much better feel for how to use it.


    You've more got to lead your throws now and you can also setup small traps for people or chasers to walk into. The Grenade splash is way better now as well and can do some serious hurt to any infantry. Also, people seem to be talking about these guys as some CQC melee combat unit... Which the Grenadier has never really been, if anything he's better at his ranged roles with better accurate and infantry damage.


    He's also not intended to be some rambo lone unit, teamwork is still required and you're only going to as last long as good you are.




    Got a different model of a Russian grenade that actually fits

    If you have to ask for a model of a damn GRENADE of all things with a completely straight face... you might want to take a long hard look at your development team. Just saying.



    Uncalled for and not even sure why you are saying this tbh.

  5. We know you guys want certain RA1 units in, but please listen to Lead Devs. These guys work with the engine and game the most and know what can and can't be done, also what would and wouldn't work. Delta's balance currently is pretty damn fantastic and all of it's units fit their roles perfectly. Adding in a unit just because it's not there would mean redefining every role linked to it, which could result in horribly destroying the game balance.


    As we have also stated before, APB isn't going to be going under any major changes here at W3D Hub.

  6. reading this thread you have to remember, this is an FPS version of C&C not battlefield. So when you balance this game you dont do it like battlefield, you balance it the way the units work in C&C.


    Having restrictions is what makes it very much like C&C. So while fliers in C&C only had 1 weapon and couldnt attack each other than doing the same in the game would give it a C&C feel.


    Its very important to keep the C&C feel rather than turning it into a battlefield game.


    APB took a Battlefield approach many years ago.

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