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Strike last won the day on March 25 2020

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About Strike

  • Birthday 08/10/1990

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  • Legendary Webmaster of the Netherlands

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  1. that is strange, can you reach the following link fine on your browser? https://secure.w3dhub.com/apis/w3dhub/1/get-service-status
  2. The launcher supports the option: Repair installation. Have you tried this?
  3. It seems the launcher is unable to set-up connection towards the back-end. Are there any logs located under: "My Documents/W3D Hub/Launcher"? If there are any, can you post them here?
  4. Are there any logs located under: "My Documents/W3D Hub/Launcher"? If there are any, can you post them here?
  5. Upgrade completed :)
  6. Maintenance completed, all services should be back online
  7. Sunday 9th of December at 10:30 CET there will be a maintenance window to update our main infrastructure. This will result in a complete downtime of all the W3Dhub services. The expected downtime should be minimal. What will be done in the maintenance window: Core Infrastructure Windows/Linux kernel updates Update of Teamspeak Website: Database will be updated to a new DB version Website: PHP version will be updated
  8. connecting to our old server. We have stopped using this server a week ago. By default you should connect to the new server to fetch the launcher updates. Can you give me the output of the following command in "CMD" (windows command prompt) nslookup w3dhub.com
  9. Well i understand this, but then there are many ways to go around this
  10. Correct The game servers are hosted in the Netherlands. We have no issues with fcc
  11. Everyone remembers me Doing alright, how is your life?
  12. O really, long time i didnt see this nickname
  13. Java (SE/EE) C# ASPx SQL PL/SQL Got a few crash courses at uni for python.. Also know more language's but never really use them
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