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W3D vs UDK


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UE4, in my case at least, is simple enough to work with. You can pay the 20 dollars for the engine subscription and then unsub- They can't exactly keep you from using what you've already downloaded, you only have to pay again once you want to update to the latest release. It would just start to add up if you get a larger team- Since I'm essentially on my own it's not so much of an issue.

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Regardless, Unreal 4 might be worth looking into. I do have a free year of UE4 due to industry connections that I haven't started using yet.

Oh I know its good, its just that I have so much invested in this engine that, at the time, I don't think moving on makes sense, I wouldn't have the drive to remake my teams work on a new engine, especially since so many have moved on (One of them went nuts, and another moved on to Saints Row 4 modding).

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You don't have anything "invested" in Renegade. I've made far more content than most people have (I'd be surprised if anyone actually beat me for the amount of content generated) for the game and I had no issues dropping it for better things. There's no sense in being emotionally attached to game engines. They're just tools. I get what you're trying to say but you're not making a convincing argument here. Now for the flip side:

How many people are actually playing what you're making? Who knows about it outside of the ~50 people that are left in this game? What happens to your project if Jonwil decides to quit, or if he gets hurt and can't program anymore, or dies, etc? Or if Saberhawk decides to be a shit and refuses to help anymore? It's a house of cards right now, man. You're better off learning how to do better things on better engines. There's plenty of talent to recruit from. If you have to start over, at least you're learning something new instead of trying to mod an engine whose graphical capabilities rival that of Deus Ex in 2000 - and whose gameplay is always a modded form of Renegade's C&C Mode.

Edited by Aircraftkiller
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You don't have anything "invested" in Renegade. I've made far more content than most people have (I'd be surprised if anyone actually beat me for the amount of content generated) for the game and I had no issues dropping it for better things. There's no sense in being emotionally attached to game engines. They're just tools. I get what you're trying to say but you're not making a convincing argument here. Now for the flip side:


How many people are actually playing what you're making? Who knows about it outside of the ~50 people that are left in this game? What happens to your project if Jonwil decides to quit, or if he gets hurt and can't program anymore, or dies, etc? Or if Saberhawk decides to be a shit and refuses to help anymore? It's a house of cards right now, man. You're better off learning how to do better things on better engines. There's plenty of talent to recruit from. If you have to start over, at least you're learning something new instead of trying to mod an engine whose graphical capabilities rival that of Deus Ex in 2000 - and whose gameplay is always a modded form of Renegade's C&C Mode.

By definition I do have time and money invested in this, the material result I'm getting from this is the satisfaction of having made something that people play. You whip out your stuff in a 10th of the time it takes most people, so you can't judge amount of content to amount of time spent, just because you make more doesn't mean they didn't spend more time doing it. As for you having no issues dropping it for better things, if I remember correctly you didn't exactly leave APB in a drama free way. I'm not attached to the engine I'm attached to my work and don't want to spend time remaking it. I understand that you want me to move onto a better engine because I can (and when I have worked with them do) create better looking things; however, my desire to create a new project is pretty much null at this point, and I spent 1/10th the time modding as I once did.

ECW is Standalone, and I have full access to the TT source so I could continue to work if I desired to even if all sorts of horrible things happened. No matter what engine you build something on, eventually it won't work anymore. And I honestly like the gameplay style of C&C Renegade, if I didn't I wouldn't have touched the engine to begin with.



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I can say this:


Renegade X is currently planning a full open-source release. It's in the planning stage, but the build I have right now has scripts, maps, models, and everything else fully uncooked and ready to open in an included UDK. The intention is to allow modders and mappers the ability to create content for the game.

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I can say this:


Renegade X is currently planning a full open-source release. It's in the planning stage, but the build I have right now has scripts, maps, models, and everything else fully uncooked and ready to open in an included UDK. The intention is to allow modders and mappers the ability to create content for the game.

Honestly, if I were moving to another engine last thing I'd do is build on top of another mod, its painful enough dealing with all the things the original devs of the engine did wrong, much less a group of people who modded on top of all that.


BUT, I suppose if you love reviving/working on dying games/engine and you are tired of W3D RenegadeX would be the next best jump.

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I think Jerad has a point with the vehicle physics. The way RenX's vehicles stack on top of each other when they collide is really stupid. The only thing I wish Renegade tanks had was proper acceleration.

wheeled ren vehicles have gears (is it called gears? idk) dont you think this can be adjusted to your likes? for the tracked vehicles maybe TT could implent gears. or what kind of acceleration you mean?


and for those eyecandy dudes, have you ever played playstation one games? they are still damn fun!

Edited by rackz
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I think Jerad has a point with the vehicle physics. The way RenX's vehicles stack on top of each other when they collide is really stupid. The only thing I wish Renegade tanks had was proper acceleration.

wheeled ren vehicles have gears (is it called gears? idk) dont you think this can be adjusted to your likes? for the tracked vehicles maybe TT could implent gears. or what kind of acceleration you mean?


and for those eyecandy dudes, have you ever played playstation one games? they are still damn fun!

Racks I still play my mega drive ;)

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I think Jerad has a point with the vehicle physics. The way RenX's vehicles stack on top of each other when they collide is really stupid. The only thing I wish Renegade tanks had was proper acceleration.

wheeled ren vehicles have gears (is it called gears? idk) dont you think this can be adjusted to your likes? for the tracked vehicles maybe TT could implent gears. or what kind of acceleration you mean?


and for those eyecandy dudes, have you ever played playstation one games? they are still damn fun!


Try giving your tanks more mass (I'm talking like 200,000 instead of 20,000 or whatever value most Ren tanks run. If you bump it up high it will take them longer to get up to speed, same holds true to aircraft.

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AR considered moving (and started working on a port) to UDK a few years ago.

Our artwork actually looks pretty good in Unreal and I had stuff like flexible tank tracks and IFV turret switching working.


The reason it fell through last time was mostly because I was the only one writing code for it, and I kind of had to drop it to focus on university. (danpaul isn't a fan of UScript).


If we were to switch at any point in the future it would probably be to UE4 not the UDK though.

I may port it myself at some point. Since I'm professionally working as a programmer now I consistently have less time than I used to but I'm not going to be forced to drop things by a sudden spike in work.

If/when I start working on this I'll make it public...

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One Winged Angel has the Battle Fortress working in UDK as well:


If any project has the potential to be successful on a new engine, it would be AR. They have most of their source files, most of their team members are quite familiar with UE, and since RA2 is much more popular (and easier for a new person to understand) than say, TD or TS, they would have the option of having a lot more people to work on it.

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One Winged Angel has the Battle Fortress working in UDK as well:


If any project has the potential to be successful on a new engine, it would be AR. They have most of their source files, most of their team members are quite familiar with UE, and since RA2 is much more popular (and easier for a new person to understand) than say, TD or TS, they would have the option of having a lot more people to work on it.

I hope that's just the recording software making the video choppy.

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I think moving to a new engine would be a good move . Personally I think the best thing you could do is to make you own engine bases of Renagade's that uses the assets you have already crated in a similar way so you don't have to remake all of your assets . Construct it with the same code/language as Renagade .


You should not underestimate the power of a good engine . Look at Limit Theory's engine it is insane :



And it is by a single person.

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You think big textures are the only thing the renegade engine should support to keep people on it. You are mistaken. How about things such as dynamic lighting normal mapping specular mapping modern tools actually having access to the source code of the engine. Sorry for bad grammar but I am typing this on a cell phone.

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I'd hate for all of the hard work people put into projects like TSR to be for nothing. Finished project = happy creators, unfinished project = sad creators (and players too!).

I think most of the people here feel a strong nostalgia to Westwood era games. Imagine yourselves in a few years wanting to go back to all those memories. You'll want to play the crap out of these W3D games again, that's for sure, but you'll be sad you never gave them the form and polish they deserved and it will be way too late to work on them later in the future with countless new issues to deal with. And that lingering sadness will always stay with you. So heads high and get to work! After that, see about moving to more modern solutions IF that idea truly strikes your (C&C?) passion in the right spot.

I know I'm new here, but I'll stay and play as long as there is someone to play with.

Edited by AZ-Stalker
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I think moving to a new engine would be a good move . Personally I think the best thing you could do is to make you own engine bases of Renagade's that uses the assets you have already crated in a similar way so you don't have to remake all of your assets . Construct it with the same code/language as Renagade .


You should not underestimate the power of a good engine . Look at Limit Theory's engine it is insane :



And it is by a single person.



We could do this and make the game support more modern features and be more portable.

There isn't much to gain from doing this though. Particularly when unreal gives you full source code access.

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You think big textures are the only thing the renegade engine should support to keep people on it. You are mistaken. How about things such as dynamic lighting normal mapping specular mapping modern tools actually having access to the source code of the engine. Sorry for bad grammar but I am typing this on a cell phone.


eyecandyLOL! just leave w3d. please.

Edited by rackz
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You think big textures are the only thing the renegade engine should support to keep people on it. You are mistaken. How about things such as dynamic lighting normal mapping specular mapping modern tools actually having access to the source code of the engine. Sorry for bad grammar but I am typing this on a cell phone.

In all fairness Renegade does have dynamic lighting, I think you mean dynamic shadows (plenty of engines out there have dynamic lighting and static baked on the terrain, even in Unity (Unless you go pro) your forced to pre-compute light maps).

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I'd hate for all of the hard work people put into projects like TSR to be for nothing. Finished project = happy creators, unfinished project = sad creators (and players too!).


I think most of the people here feel a strong nostalgia to Westwood era games. Imagine yourselves in a few years wanting to go back to all those memories. You'll want to play the crap out of these W3D games again, that's for sure, but you'll be sad you never gave them the form and polish they deserved and it will be way too late to work on them later in the future with countless new issues to deal with. And that lingering sadness will always stay with you. So heads high and get to work! After that, see about moving to more modern solutions IF that idea truly strikes your (C&C?) passion in the right spot.


I know I'm new here, but I'll stay and play as long as there is someone to play with.


Obviously a UDK/UE4 version would not be ready tomorrow. It takes up to 2-3 years to have something playable... which my guess is the lifespan W3D has left. There's no need to abandon W3D. But it would be wise to have something ready for when the curtain falls on W3D.

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I'd hate for all of the hard work people put into projects like TSR to be for nothing. Finished project = happy creators, unfinished project = sad creators (and players too!).


I think most of the people here feel a strong nostalgia to Westwood era games. Imagine yourselves in a few years wanting to go back to all those memories. You'll want to play the crap out of these W3D games again, that's for sure, but you'll be sad you never gave them the form and polish they deserved and it will be way too late to work on them later in the future with countless new issues to deal with. And that lingering sadness will always stay with you. So heads high and get to work! After that, see about moving to more modern solutions IF that idea truly strikes your (C&C?) passion in the right spot.


I know I'm new here, but I'll stay and play as long as there is someone to play with.

Obviously a UDK/UE4 version would not be ready tomorrow. It takes up to 2-3 years to have something playable... which my guess is the lifespan W3D has left. There's no need to abandon W3D. But it would be wise to have something ready for when the curtain falls on W3D.

Where'd you get this figure from? Why will w3d only be "alive" for another few years? Just interested in how you got to this information?

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good, then leave in 2-3 years. i will stay. oh and for your interest, there isnt any UDK or UE game that i enjoyed more than a month.

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Rackz: While you may or may not enjoy Unreal-based games, your preferences are not to be used to bludgeon other users. There will come a day in the near future where this engine simply stops working due to upgrades in Windows breaking functionality, or network code eventually changing, etc. Being hostile to change is not a characteristic that I feel this community endorses.

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