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Engineer Clearing Charge


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Is there anyway to make this a regenerative weapon instead of limiting it to 3 only? Or just up the # of clearing charges engins get? On maps where Allies lose the War Factory but Soviets still have the mine layer, the 3 charge limit still makes the Soviet base practically inaccessible. 


If engins can have more CCs, it would make more sense for Soviets to get engineers when attacking (just hop out and clear the mine), or just travel on foot to continuously clear mines. Allies engins can also have some incentive to stay alive after a failed attack on the Soviet base, just sneak around to continuously ninja-clear mines.

Edited by des1206
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Is there anyway to make this a regenerative weapon instead of limiting it to 3 only? Or just up the # of clearing charges engins get? On maps where Allies lose the War Factory but Soviets still have the mine layer, the 3 charge limit still makes the Soviet base practically inaccessible. 


If engins can have more CCs, it would make more sense for Soviets to get engineers when attacking (just hop out and clear the mine), or just travel on foot to continuously clear mines. Allies engins can also have some incentive to stay alive after a failed attack on the Soviet base, just sneak around to continuously ninja-clear mines.

Mines are pretty much pointless as of now..... Since the CCs have a large splash radius, can be thrown further, and you can refill them with a supply truck (if you get team support in field) then you can effectively clear out every single last allied AT mine in little under 5 minutes without losing all of your friendly vehicles to the mines. In my opinion, Allied mines are equal to the Hedgehogs you find near tank routes... Meaning they are just slight hurdles for smart Soviet players, and even if they run into the mines without an engineer, they'll just either spam engineers, or bring an engineer next time to clear out every mine in the field, leaving the allies with nothing to hold/defend with other than their players because GOD KNOWS THERE WILL BE THAT ONE ALSTAR V2 IN THERE THAT SNIPES ALL THE BASE DEFENSES!

Then again, this is all from experience on the Allied team, so.... Yeah.

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and even if they run into the mines without an engineer, they'll just either spam engineers, or bring an engineer next time to clear out every mine in the field, leaving the allies with nothing to hold/defend with other than their players because GOD KNOWS THERE WILL BE THAT ONE ALSTAR V2 IN THERE THAT SNIPES ALL THE BASE DEFENSES!

Then again, this is all from experience on the Allied team, so.... Yeah.


You act like the Soviet engineers they're forced to bring can just magically turn themselves back into the standard rpgs/shocks/volkovs in the middle of the field after minesweeping. Or that said engineers are even remotely as threatening to the defending Allied infantry/vehicles as rpgs/shocks/volkovs are. Those Soviet tanks will go down a lot faster when they aren't turning into more anti-tank stuff upon death - and since the engineer tanks want to take point anyway, those are the ones that will typically die first.

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Thats why you leave the supply truck either where it spawns or not far away so as not to draw attention to the fact that you're using it to refill :) I agree, engi on foot (if alone) is better than single engi in a truck. On the other hand, multiple engis tends to be interesting

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