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[DAY 9 - Game End] Death Note themed Detective Mafia Forum Game


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It seems odd to me that Nodlied would "return the favor" with trust points, not knowing a thing about CK. This hobbit team Nodlied is proposing could be the end of us all. If Kira gets in there, he'll have names.

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Just now, ChopBam said:

It seems odd to me that Nodlied would "return the favor" with trust points, not knowing a thing about CK. This hobbit team Nodlied is proposing could be the end of us all. If Kira gets in there, he'll have names.

I return the favour because Chaos_Knight and I tend to make for good teams. The hobbit team refers back to the LotR mafia where Voe, Chaos_Knight and I were the three hobbits who had to keep the one ring safe. Chaos almost blew it when he put it on his finger, despite everyone telling him not to. Don't expect him to do such a thing this game though. As for the entire names thing, the killer would also need faces according to the OP. Besides, he'd need to have the debtnote before he could even start murdering people.

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4 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

It seems odd to me that Nodlied would "return the favor" with trust points, not knowing a thing about CK. This hobbit team Nodlied is proposing could be the end of us all. If Kira gets in there, he'll have names.

Now hold the damn train.

How do you know that meeting Kira reveals names?

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All it means is that Kira needs to know which player has which role. It's like a Werewolf role. Thus, anyone unsuspectingly meeting with Kira is essentially dooming themselves.

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Well, meeting with someone doesn't *inherently* tell them your role. And that said, I would not be surprised if Kira doesn't have a way of getting roles without much effort as it is, so I wouldn't feel 100% safe just sitting around either.

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2 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Well, meeting with someone doesn't *inherently* tell them your role. And that said, I would not be surprised if Kira doesn't have a way of getting roles without much effort as it is, so I wouldn't feel 100% safe just sitting around either.

It's an unknown. Verti may choose that "meeting" with someone literally means that, and so players will know eachother's identities.

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

Well, meeting with someone doesn't *inherently* tell them your role. And that said, I would not be surprised if Kira doesn't have a way of getting roles without much effort as it is, so I wouldn't feel 100% safe just sitting around either.

That's what I was thinking. Kira likely needs more info than just googling the Death Note wiki and playing a guessing game with his Notebook. Even more so, I believe he might need to have his targets role to be a "confirmed flipped one" as stated in the CVC. Else it would be just too easy.

I have little doubt now that Jeod is a Shinigami, the real question is who is he working with?
Obviously not Voe it seems.
Likely not Nodlied.
Likely not me.
KY is probable. His slips were interesting tbh.
ChopBam is probable. He seems to know some extra stuff.

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2 minutes ago, Jeod said:

It's an unknown. Verti may choose that "meeting" with someone literally means that, and so players will know eachother's identities.

I see it a bit differently, in that I can meet physically with someone and never tell them my name. To know their identity meta knowledge would have to be used, which, while fine for our reasoning here and such (kinda, and the meta is changed either way), I highly doubt the meeting will just be phrased as "Character X walks up to you" as opposed to "a strange person walks up to you". Hell, it's probably no such introduction at all, merely "Here's your doc, you're labeled as your forum names". "Realistically" there'd be some details, such as man or woman, but it's not like that's enough to know a name and even if you meta-guessed the rules say you actually have to something to base it on, not just a guess, I'm pretty sure.

Technically speaking, we're all meeting right now, but don't know each others names.


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Now, where were we?

Obviously not Voe it seems.
Likely not Nodlied.
Likely not me.
KY is probable. His slips were interesting tbh.
ChopBam is probable. He seems to know some extra stuff.  Jeod also doesn't oppose him much.
Mojo, Orange and Cat5 are a bit on the mystery side of things.

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3 minutes ago, Jeod said:

I'll consider my hunch validated. I suspect your alliance and you go all out on me :v

Lynch all liars. Simple as that. And you lied quite a lot. Starting from the very thing you are.
You were obviously fishing for a soft-counter claim to try and find the real Nia (Near)

1 hour ago, Jeod said:

From your point of view Nodlied there's no solid evidence that I'm Near or a Shinigami, so you suspect the latter given the circumstances. Understandable since you don't know a thing about who Near is. At this stage of the story (where L has first introduced himself to Light), Near and another by the name of Mello were children at an orphanage called Wammy's House. L came from the same orphanage, and both Near and Mello are meant to be L's successors should anything happen to him.

By the time Near enters the story, it has been five years since L died. So, when L was alive, Near was 13. When he enters the story, he is 17. Perhaps that will offer you some explanation for why a super cop ability didn't affect me: at the moment, I am a child in an orphanage with no use to the game whatsoever.

You are seriously saying that the game will span for over 5 years. And the excuse? "It's a game, mang!" Yeah. Right.

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2 minutes ago, Chaos_Knight said:

You are seriously saying that the game will span for over 5 years. And the excuse? "It's a game, mang!" Yeah. Right.

I know there's more coming, but to this, I think we need to separate the mechanics "day" from the plot "day". Plot "day" moves however fast Verti decides, and is likely variable. Granted, I don't remember how long in-plot it was from the Day 2 Scene since the Day 1 scene, but I think it was longer than 1 day.


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Next you claim that you are in the orphanage. And you apparently talk to us through your amazing ego which spans kilometers and all the equipment L has can't track you. How funny, eh?

And the final bit. Where you claim "dormant". If that was so, you wouldn't be there in the investigation, eh? Throwing all dem points and votes around to boot.

Those are 3 quite obvious lies, not counting everything which hasn't surfaced yet.

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

I know there's more coming, but to this, I think we need to separate the mechanics "day" from the plot "day". Plot "day" moves however fast Verti decides, and is likely variable. Granted, I don't remember how long in-plot it was from the Day 2 Scene since the Day 1 scene, but I think it was longer than 1 day.

Realistically speaking, we are rounded up for the investigation by L. Whatever liberties Vert has taken with the plot there are.

But the thing is. How can you even remotely imagine a group of people hanging around for 5 years to come? This is stretching any sort of suspension of disbelief beyond 1 atom thin level. It simply doesn't compute.

What Jeod might be trying to pull is called "The more outrageous the lie is, the more people might believe it" IMO.

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How about we just investigate you and/or Nodlied and we can see if you're a Kira/Shinigami team?

Orange has the time thing right. Light's in high school when he first gets the Death Note. L introduces himself in college.

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I'm not fully agreeing or disagreeing with any side, but I still stand by my earlier statements that investigating Jeod again, whatever crimes he has or has not committed, is a waste of resources. I really think if we vote him against we're just blowing our Day 2 investigation. Hell, assuming for a second he's scummy, the more you focus on him the more we're drawn away from the other threats while he giggles gleefully behind his protection. Even before his most recent statements I warned this likely isn't a one-shot protection he had, and I don't see the wisdom in banging our heads against the same wall repeatedly.

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2 hours ago, ChopBam said:

##propose trust Jeod 50

ChopBam proposed 50 Trust Points to Jeod!


2 hours ago, Chaos_Knight said:

##propose trust Nodlied 50
##propose trust Voe 15

Chaos_Knight proposed 50 Trust Points to Nodlied!

Chaos_Knight proposed 15 Trust Points to Voe!


2 hours ago, Nodlied said:

##Propose trust Chaos_Knight 50

Nodlied proposed 50 Trust Points to Chaos_Knight!


1 hour ago, Jeod said:

You know, come to think of it, Chaos Knight and Nodlied are being awfully buddy-buddy after one night.


Giving eachother trust points like it's nothing is fitting for a Kira and his Shinigami partner, I think. I wonder if it's true.

#vote Chaos_Knight

[Vote Cancelled] Jeod cancelled his/her vote on Voe!
[Vote Counted] Jeod voted Chaos_Knight to be lynched!


1 hour ago, Jeod said:

##propose suspicion 80 Chaos Knight

Jeod proposed 80 Suspicion Points to Chaos_Knight!



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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

I'm not fully agreeing or disagreeing with any side, but I still stand by my earlier statements that investigating Jeod again, whatever crimes he has or has not committed, is a waste of resources. I really think if we vote him against we're just blowing our Day 2 investigation. Hell, assuming for a second he's scummy, the more you focus on him the more we're drawn away from the other threats while he giggles gleefully behind his protection. Even before his most recent statements I warned this likely isn't a one-shot protection he had, and I don't see the wisdom in banging our heads against the same wall repeatedly.

Investigating Jeod is indeed pointless. He knows it and he uses it. I would wonder what his objectives might be but considering that we can't affect him directly as of right now, this isn't really relevant.

What I am trying to find is whom is he working with. After all, I am fairly sure that he knows who Kira is and can probably communicate with that person.

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1 minute ago, Chaos_Knight said:

Investigating Jeod is indeed pointless. He knows it and he uses it. I would wonder what his objectives might be but considering that we can't affect him directly as of right now, this isn't really relevant.

What I am trying to find is whom is he working with. After all, I am fairly sure that he knows who Kira is and can probably communicate with that person.

A good goal indeed, though to be fair, he doesn't have that strong a ties with anyone in particular. I think ChopBam is being honest. Maybe not playing the smartest, but honest nonetheless. KY I think is honest too, though I'm not sure, it's hard to get a read on him. For fairness, I'm not against your or Nodlied either, but you guys do seem rather "overzealous" to put it charitably. I'd be really interested to hear from the people who have been less involved, such as FRAYDO and Cat 5.

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Just now, Chaos_Knight said:

Investigating Jeod is indeed pointless. He knows it and he uses it. I would wonder what his objectives might be but considering that we can't affect him directly as of right now, this isn't really relevant.

What I am trying to find is whom is he working with. After all, I am fairly sure that he knows who Kira is and can probably communicate with that person.

So you think I'm a Shinigami then? If so, what's the point of my role? Care to tell me? Shinigami are inherently neutral. Ryuk never cared who won between Light and L, and all Rem wanted to do was protect Misa. All Sidoh wanted to do was get his first notebook back. So tell me, even if I am a Shinigami as you claim, what's the point of tunneling me?

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1 minute ago, Jeod said:

So you think I'm a Shinigami then? If so, what's the point of my role? Care to tell me? Shinigami are inherently neutral. Ryuk never cared who won between Light and L, and all Rem wanted to do was protect Misa. All Sidoh wanted to do was get his first notebook back. So tell me, even if I am a Shinigami as you claim, what's the point of tunneling me?

Not CK, but IF you are a Shinigami (which I myself would not commit to saying), I'd bank on you just trying to get the death note back. There are ways to do that, but they take time, and you can afford to sit back and wait. That seems consistent with your playing so far, and its why I personally don't think you're much of a threat. Shinigami gonna shinigami, after all, not much anyone else can do about it. We have bigger fish to fry, and its best to look elsewhere.

It is but one possibility, however. If you are Near, I'll point again to what I said earlier about a Backup Role that until activated is a vanilla townie with perm investigation protection.

This can all be derailed, possibly, by game design considerations I have not thought of.

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4 minutes ago, Jeod said:

So you think I'm a Shinigami then? If so, what's the point of my role? Care to tell me? Shinigami are inherently neutral. Ryuk never cared who won between Light and L, and all Rem wanted to do was protect Misa. All Sidoh wanted to do was get his first notebook back. So tell me, even if I am a Shinigami as you claim, what's the point of tunneling me?

That is remaining to be seen. To from get X amount of kills to protecting Kira to whatever Vert made up? Idk. There are many possibilities really. So far keeping Note and Kira in play seems like the most visible one with all the baiting to get someone to counterclaim.

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