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17 minutes ago, Sunflower said:

That would be me. I investigated Nodlied last night and found he's town. He should be able to confirm he was visited.


I had a feeling it might be you too.  You being extra quiet seemed to fit with how you felt the pressure of being a cop before.

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Just now, TheIrishman said:

Yep, so Nodlied and Shade are our only options but it's looking like Shade is our most likely suspect (especially when you think of how him and Jeod didn't get into a big fight this time).

True. I did note they were getting along oddly well.  Plus Sunflower jumped on the Jeod wagon pretty strongly, so that's town points I'd forgotten about, so I believe her claim.

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3 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

Yep, so Nodlied and Shade are our only options but it's looking like Shade is our most likely suspect (especially when you think of how him and Jeod didn't get into a big fight this time).

Excuse me, but usually Jeod's risking throwing the entire game for Town due to him trying to carry out some convoluted scheme that's based entirely on how expects other players to react to it...

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Just now, Shade939 said:

Excuse me, but usually Jeod's risking throwing the entire game for Town due to him trying to carry out some convoluted scheme that's based entirely on how expects other players to react to it...

Claiming to be me was kind of convoluted :v  I mean, even if I got lynched, what was the next step?

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Yeah, and I was pretty sure a cop targeted me N1, and of the 3 Scum suspects, one had to be the cop then. Honestly, this is our best case scenario, I wasn't looking forward to it if our Cop happened to investigate the person who died.

And Shade, you usually risk the entire game believing his scheme makes him Scum, but oddly enough you didn't really do that this time. You were skeptical at best even with his idea coming out of left field about me having a double vote. You also thought of the possibility of a daykill which would've been a decent defense to support himself if not for how many vanilla roles we had.

True, Orange, xD but obviously he didn't know that Malcolm was taken.

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1 minute ago, TheIrishman said:

Yeah, and I was pretty sure a cop targeted me N1, and of the 3 Scum suspects, one had to be the cop then. Honestly, this is our best case scenario, I wasn't looking forward to it if our Cop happened to investigate the person who died.

And Shade, you usually risk the entire game believing his scheme makes him Scum, but oddly enough you didn't really do that this time. You were skeptical at best even with his idea coming out of left field about me having a double vote. You also thought of the possibility of a daykill which would've been a decent defense to support himself if not for how many vanilla roles we had.

True, Orange, xD but obviously he didn't know that Malcolm was taken.

Yeah, funnily enough, we have a lot of vanilla roles to have a Mafia Roleblocker in game...

How may Town Power roles does it take to balance out a Mafia Roleblocker in the first place, and at what point does it become unbalanced?

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Just now, TheIrishman said:

It looks like there might only be 2 or 3 Town power roles. Do you have any abilities, Shade? Nodlied, do you have any abilities? It looks like we have 3 vanilla Town at least, considering Jeod's chances to hit or miss, it looks relatively fair.

Well, I don't think iLTS was watching me last night...

Also, have you considered the fact that in a gamer where the GM confirms a player visiting you at night, it becomes an impossibility for Scum to try and claim that role unless they actually have that ability?

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1 minute ago, Sunflower said:

Just sayin... there's a lady killer on the loose, and you're lookin' pretty suave there.

TBH he looks like a cheeto man or an oompa loompa, both of which would fall under my namesake color, and I'm not sure if I want to continue to grant him free licence on that :p

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1 minute ago, Sunflower said:

Just sayin... there's a lady killer on the loose, and you're lookin' pretty suave there.

You do realize that is a picture of a character actually called Shades, which how could I pass up using a character with a name like that given my username? :v

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That's why it's best to avoid claiming stuff right away as Scum to see how the GM has it set up. The easiest roles to claim as Scum are Cops, Doctors, and Bodyguards since they're less likely to get any notifications. Trackers and watchers are a toss-up. There are nightkill and daykill vigilantes that can also work. After looking it up, apparently trapper is another easy claim for Scum, it's like a 2-step Watcher/Doctor mix that we've never used. Same with Medium which allows you to talk to the dead (prevents a Dead Doc though), we've used something similar to this only once but it was the ghost's choice of who to visit.

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5 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

That's why it's best to avoid claiming stuff right away as Scum to see how the GM has it set up. The easiest roles to claim as Scum are Cops, Doctors, and Bodyguards since they're less likely to get any notifications. Trackers and watchers are a toss-up. There are nightkill and daykill vigilantes that can also work. After looking it up, apparently trapper is another easy claim for Scum, it's like a 2-step Watcher/Doctor mix that we've never used. Same with Medium which allows you to talk to the dead (prevents a Dead Doc though), we've used something similar to this only once but it was the ghost's choice of who to visit.

I think most Trapper variations kill whoever visits their target though.

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2 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

Yeah, I think that's the case for Mafia, the site I looked up Trapper and Medium was for Salem which is basically the same as this but it has witches, vampires, werewolves, etcs...

Yeah, don't forget to add in the occasional full moon to the night phases. :v

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