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Good Evening all. Due to the amount of things in ECW and no real collection or wiki for it, I am making a user guide that will hopefully shed some light on where to find things or get perks. I understand there will be a group that will say "That's just the nature of the game. You should go find stuff". But I am not interested in spending 2 hours trying to find a vehicle that i've been wanting forever and also have to earn money for in the first place. I hope you find this information well and encourage all with knowledge to post their findings below as it would really help out. I do not have everything unlocked and also forgot some things so do remember this thread will be ongoing as people list things of their own. Again, please comment on anything you have found yourself that isn't included. Thank you.



Section 1: Vehicles

Section 2: Perks/Power Ups/Pets

Section 3: Weapons

Section 4: Locations

Section 5: Characters

Section 6: (City) Events

Section 7: Server Records

Section 8: Tips/Tricks for beginners

Section 9: Radio Soundtrack List


SECTION 1 (Vehicles)

*Note: Typical easy to find vehicles such as a Panda or Delorean will not be added*

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SECTION 2 (Perks/Power Ups/Pets)

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Section 3: (Weapons)

*Please note that average weapons such as the pistol or shotgun will not be listed*

*Damage will be categorized as such due to different weapon types and categorizing all their damages into one. (Example 100 damage from dynamite doesn’t make sence if it only does a small amount of damage when you’re far away)

Damage types:

None, Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High, Unsurvivable*

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Section 4: (Locations)

*Please note that Spawn and Average Normal Locations will not be included. This includes the Desert/City/Air Craft Carrier*

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Section 5: (Characters)

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Section 6: (City Events)

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Section 7: (Server Records)

*Will constantly need updating*

*Updated Last Jan 28th, 2019*

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Section 8: (Tips/Tricks for beginners)

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Section 9: Radio Soundtrack List

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*NOTE* This is still being typed up and edited. Not to be considered an Official Version.

Edited by Threve
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  On 1/23/2019 at 9:40 PM, ganein14 said:

This is a great thing to have going Threve, though I think some of the things are intended to be secret. Though that's @Jerad2142's call.


Though I agree/am aware of some things being kept secret because of the nature of the game. I do also believe that the game is so expansive/old there should be a guide. Anyone reading this thing is probably a old timer or plays the game often and the belief is that this will help find that one object, perk or thing you've always wanted without spending 5 hours doing so. Further more with the server/game crashing on so many things I think it would be fair.

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  On 1/24/2019 at 1:28 AM, Testament said:

Renhalo is very much a real possibility to still reach, search high for a special object.


I mean this in the most respectful way possible to you and everyone else who comment. Is it possible you can tell the exact location or where about's? Of course if you along with another group believes this game should be explored and secrets kept I fully understand as well. Any help is appreciated regardless.

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1. You need to get tazed 50+ times (around 56 I think) to get the Taser Resistant.

2. The Dropship on the casino is a Lion Dropship, not Rose. (they're almost the same,but people might get confused here)

3. The mechanic Repair Wrench can be bought at Internet Purchase Terminals.

4. The matrix portal that takes you to renhalo is manually set up by players. It's for sale for $500.

5. MadCATS sometimes are for sale at two other locations. Just look for suspicious locked doors at heavily-defended areas.

6. An easier way to obtain the handheld flak cannon is at the Downtown office or the military base.

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  On 1/24/2019 at 11:25 AM, Cat said:

4. The matrix portal that takes you to renhalo is manually set up by players. It's for sale for $500.

5. MadCATS sometimes are for sale at two other locations. Just look for suspicious locked doors at heavily-defended areas.


This is meant to be a specific guide. Where is the exact location of both of these?

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  On 1/24/2019 at 2:30 AM, Threve said:

I mean this in the most respectful way possible to you and everyone else who comment. Is it possible you can tell the exact location or where about's? Of course if you along with another group believes this game should be explored and secrets kept I fully understand as well. Any help is appreciated regardless.


I could tell you where nearly everything is, but as an insider who was shown where some of the stuff was by the dev I can't in good faith tell you where it all is. It really is a huge part of what keeps people in the server. Once you get to a certain point where you are rich and perked up finding stuff on your own is what makes this game rewarding.

I look forward to perk lists though. I have always wanted to know what I'm missing or what I can get. The perks people have tend to vary a lot.
For weapon or combaty? put down "sniper".  to unlock it you need to buy a ton of sniper rifles. Probably around 25 or 50. It's a great perk for people to get as sniper rifles are versatile and powerful guns to use during disasters and in Mutant Assault and with 2 instances of the perk you can run and shoot at the same time.

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  On 1/27/2019 at 9:07 PM, Testament said:

I could tell you where nearly everything is, but as an insider who was shown where some of the stuff was by the dev I can't in good faith tell you where it all is. It really is a huge part of what keeps people in the server. Once you get to a certain point where you are rich and perked up finding stuff on your own is what makes this game rewarding.

I look forward to perk lists though. I have always wanted to know what I'm missing or what I can get. The perks people have tend to vary a lot.
For weapon or combaty? put down "sniper".  to unlock it you need to buy a ton of sniper rifles. Probably around 25 or 50. It's a great perk for people to get as sniper rifles are versatile and powerful guns to use during disasters and in Mutant Assault and with 2 instances of the perk you can run and shoot at the same time.



Ty. I see. I've found almost every vehicle by now and weapons with a couple mystical and ultra rare ones being elusive. It can be said however that @Forget or the player "forgot" has unlocked %63.73 of the perks thus far. I'll list all the ones I have but of course the perks section will need updating from others with said perks.

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  On 1/27/2019 at 10:06 PM, Threve said:


Ty. I see. I've found almost every vehicle by now and weapons with a couple mystical and ultra rare ones being elusive. It can be said however that @Forget or the player "forgot" has unlocked %63.73 of the perks thus far. I'll list all the ones I have but of course the perks section will need updating from others with said perks.


Forget is good people, if you see him in APB or IA give him a shout and see if he'll help you with this guide. I can give some feedback on perks as well.

There should be a few things that should be given a ??? and not gone into detail about. For example, I never knew this game had a incendiary shotgun until a couple of months ago and I hadn't seen the Halo rocket launcher for nearly a decade. It's just a nice touch to have a FEW secrets for people to chase

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  On 1/27/2019 at 10:11 PM, Testament said:

Forget is good people, if you see him in APB or IA give him a shout and see if he'll help you with this guide. I can give some feedback on perks as well.

There should be a few things that should be given a ??? and not gone into detail about. For example, I never knew this game had a incendiary shotgun until a couple of months ago and I hadn't see the Halo rocket launcher for nearly a decade. It's just a nice touch to have a FEW secrets for people to chas



Those I believe that truly would like to experience the game and enjoy the mystery of things won't look at this guide.

However someone who is looking for that certain object or really doesn't care will. Furthermore with the amount of time it takes to earn money, the size of the map (Flying for 2 minutes over water and not knowing where you're going), the threat of buying something expensive and the server crashes or a AI blows it up for no reason.. I think it is fair to say it (The Guide) will be used accordingly by those who wish to bypass all of that or are fed up with grinding for something.

That being said I still am missing some things that I've only seen in death match or heard about such as the Nuclear BattleSub, the ROFLCopter and I haven't seen the Halo Rocket Launcher ethier in-game. So.. while the guide is pretty extensive. There will always be a secret or two to chase. I feel the guide will never be finished due to the depth.. I mean the person with the most perks is only at 60%. So I still have alot of chasing to do myself!

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  On 1/27/2019 at 10:23 PM, Threve said:


Those I believe that truly would like to experience the game and enjoy the mystery of things won't look at this guide.

However someone who is looking for that certain object or really doesn't care will. Furthermore with the amount of time it takes to earn money, the size of the map (Flying for 2 minutes over water and not knowing where you're going), the threat of buying something expensive and the server crashes or a AI blows it up for no reason.. I think it is fair to say it (The Guide) will be used accordingly by those who wish to bypass all of that or are fed up with grinding for something.

That being said I still am missing some things that I've only seen in death match or heard about such as the Nuclear BattleSub, the ROFLCopter and I haven't seen the Halo Rocket Launcher ethier in-game. So.. while the guide is pretty extensive. There will always be a secret or two to chase. I feel the guide will never be finished due to the depth.. I mean the person with the most perks is only at 60%. So I still have alot of chasing to do myself!


ROFLcopter is a mystery to me, but I know both the Halo RL and the chopper are SOMEWHERE in Renhalo.

The Nuclear sub is somewhere cold, take a gander. If you look around you'll find it along with a cool james bond style lair.

P.S. It's worth mentioning that there are treasure chests filled with money at the bottom of the sea. I found one by a pure fluke near where you buy the seaplane in the bay between the mainland and the desert.

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  On 1/27/2019 at 10:27 PM, Testament said:

ROFLcopter is a mystery to me, but I know both the Halo RL and the chopper are SOMEWHERE in Renhalo.

The Nuclear sub is somewhere cold, take a gander. If you look around you'll find it along with a cool james bond style lair.

P.S. It's worth mentioning that there are treasure chests filled with money at the bottom of the sea. I found one by a pure fluke near where you buy the seaplane in the bay between the mainland and the desert.


Oh btw.


- Mysterious Offshore portal

Features: A tiny island in the middle of the water with 4 Surface to Air missiles and 1 Hellfire Missile. Also has a massive but blocked off Portal. Still don’t know how to get into it (the portal). I was able however to glitch my way in there using the RC Tank. When I went inside the portal though it teleported me to hell. I believe that the portal will take you to hell until deactivated correctly, however this is just speculation. It may actually just end up taking you to hell after all..

How to get to location: Go to the Bridge leading into the Desert Military base and halfway through the bridge (middle of the Bridge) go towards the ocean for a while. You’ll then see this floating platform shortly. Be warned the turrets will attack your aircraft. 



This fucking thing. I actually ended up unlocking the barrier and doing it the correct way and it fucking took me to hell. Is it supposed to take you to hell or am i doing something wrong here?


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The portal used to take you to Mars, but Jerad changed it to Hell later. Not sure why.

Also, good luck finding the damn ROFLCopter. I went over Renhalo several times, wallhugging like crazy to explore every inch as thoroughly as I could. If you find it, by all means, tell me.

Oh, and speaking of Renhalo, that's where you get the helicopter blades. You have to beat the final boss of Renhalo to get it, though.

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  On 1/28/2019 at 12:38 AM, Killing_You said:

The portal used to take you to Mars, but Jerad changed it to Hell later. Not sure why.

Also, good luck finding the damn ROFLCopter. I went over Renhalo several times, wallhugging like crazy to explore every inch as thoroughly as I could. If you find it, by all means, tell me.

Oh, and speaking of Renhalo, that's where you get the helicopter blades. You have to beat the final boss of Renhalo to get it, though.


 Any Tips on where to go in Rennhalo to advance. I can't get past the first level because idk where to go. And Cat seems to know where to find it as i saw it driving it earlier.

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  On 1/28/2019 at 1:08 AM, Threve said:

 Any Tips on where to go in Rennhalo to advance. I can't get past the first level because idk where to go. And Cat seems to know where to find it as i saw it driving it earlier.


On the bridge where you find the Ghost Strike Craft, walk further towards the portal. Keep an eye to your right. Eventually, you'll see a switch. Activate it, it'll let you know that you did it right by sounding a loud horn and shaking the screen. It will open up a large door back towards the start of Renhalo that leads to the rest of it, but it'll also bring the aliens to life. They are armed with Spikers and Energy Throwers; be careful.

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I believe I have found each and every single note worthy Weapon and Vehicle besides possibly the Portable Ion Cannon from Renegade. If possible could someone check over this and confirm? Also Killing you, yesterday we were playing ECW and I believe you found the ROFLCopter. Correct me if i am wrong but is it behind the portal on the outside bridge of RenHalo? Where did you end up finding it and did it have any weapons or special abilities?

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  On 1/29/2019 at 7:10 PM, Threve said:




I believe I have found each and every single note worthy weapon besides possibly the Portable Ion Cannon from Renegade. If possible could someone check over this and confirm? Also Killing you, yesterday we were playing ECW and I believe you found the ROFLCopter. Correct me if i am wrong but is it behind the portal on the outside bridge of RenHalo? Where did you end up finding it and did it have any weapons or special abilities?


It is. You'll need to grab the Red Keycard before going to Renhalo, though, otherwise the door won't open. Also, wallhugging is necessary to get behind the portal. The ROFLCopter itself is armed with LMFAO Bombs and LOL Rockets.

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