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[GAME OVER] Marvel Endgame Mafia


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10 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

I, did nothing, and nobody apparently has visited me (who's died at least).

Louis, if you have a kill, might I recommend introducing Irish to the business end of it?


iLikeToSnipe, might be the time to hardclaim.

Louis, please explain why you held your vote on Mojo.

Brigitte, same to you, but also explain your apparent visit to ChopBam N1.

Orange, you missed the discussion where Mojo was confirmed doc, so you're off the hook for now.

Irish, thank you for claiming neutral. This makes things easier.

As for yesterday, as I stated, I was hoping for RNG to hit iLTS.

Also, Shade came to my door and gave me the Time Stone before he died last night.

I'll be leaving soon, but I'll be on most of tomorrow.

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2 minutes ago, Killing_You said:

Almost forgot: If any of you are actually Third Party, go ahead and claim right now. We're fast approaching MYLO (if we're not already there), so we'll ignore you in favor of scumhunting.

I don't think shooting Irish would really hurt us here :p

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4 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

Pretty sure I know who scum is. Sorry, I cannot post until later. Busy right now.

This is like the man who refuses to name his killers when help arrives and dies giving a monologue...

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Okay, just got home. Gonna be putting some stuff together, I'm 80% sure on scum right now. I'll need role claims from @Louis @OrangeP47 @Killing_You and @Brigitte to be 100% sure. I need your role flavor, ability name, and what it does.

I will also be typing up my own role claim.

@TheIrishman would also be nice to get ability and goal claims from you.

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2 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

Okay, just got home. Gonna be putting some stuff together, I'm 80% sure on scum right now. I'll need role claims from @Louis @OrangeP47 @Killing_You and @Brigitte to be 100% sure. I need your role flavor, ability name, and what it does.

I will also be typing up my own role claim.

@TheIrishman would also be nice to get ability and goal claims from you.

I've already said a lot of it, but the backup role I have is called Technological Solution.  If someone visits me, then later dies, I get the option to inherit the ability they used on me.  I can only pick once, once it's used it's gone forever.  Unfortunately, it's been blocked most of the game, and I haven't had the option to use it.

The other is Fake Death, which is my previously mentioned ability to come back the next day if lynched/day killed.

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On mobile, borrowed fiancee's phone to check in for 1 second.

Day ability is Web, as demonstrated previously. It roleblocks a player for the rest of the say (including votes). I can only use it every other day, and if I target the wrong person, it goes away.

Night passive is Spider Sense. It just let's me see who visits at night.

K bye for now. See you tomorrow.

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I am Loki, king of the Asgardians, protector of the Nine Realms.


Secure half or more of the infinity stones so they can no longer be used. After the death of my family and most of my people, I'm determined to make sure the infinity stones can no longer be used for evil.

Master of Illusions - I'm immune to daykills.
##steal <player> - I can swap an infinity stone the target posseses with an illusion I create.
Asgardian Vault - Instead of passing an infinity stone I can place it in a secure location so that it can no longer be abused.

At this point, I just need to survive and vault one more infinity stone to fulfill my goal. I'm willing to work with town to win the game.

One thing I've learned as a neutral is to never trust scum or work with them. So far I have purposely targeted players I thought were scum. Since I'm neutral I believed that Irishman was either scum or TP. But after his investigative abilities were confirmed I do believe that he is neutral. I haven't seen two neutrals in one game for quite some time, but it is possible.

I still need to see claims from @Louis and @Brigitte. I'll wait to say more until I see those claims, but I'm pretty sure I know 100% who one person on the scum team is.

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I'm not using my day kill unless it's useful

I am Nebula, after Gamora's death, I am set on revenge on Thanos but I can't kill him, and I am told that the infinity stones are being used for evil deeds.

As you know I have a day kill

At night I have a regenerative heal which allows me to heal myself if I'm targeted it works twice

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1 minute ago, Louis said:

I'm not using my day kill unless it's useful

I am Nebula, after Gamora's death, I am set on revenge on Thanos but I can't kill him, and I am told that the infinity stones are being used for evil deeds.

As you know I have a day kill

At night I have a regenerative heal which allows me to heal myself if I'm targeted it works twice

What's the ability name of your day kill? Be honest...

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Just now, Louis said:

Mhmmm... You say that if you have any stone you can store it away in a safe place, have you done that to any stone?

Yes, I've done it with one. I'm holding on to another stone as protection, I'm sure you can guess which one it is.

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