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Showing most liked content on 03/20/2015 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone. I know of several people here who are fans of C&C Shockwave. I just wanted to spread the word that not only is there an update coming for C&C Shockwave, but I am also a developer of it! Read more about it on the official thread here: http://forums.swr-productions.com/index.php?showtopic=8020&view=findpost&p=103069
  2. Hey guys, so during my sandbox (searching for myself) phase I got a bit of a tiberium fever and this is what I ended up making. Here is the full album : http://imgur.com/a/FktwT and a link to the workshop file on steam : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=291766279 and some of the images from the album:
  3. Hello citizens of the W3D world! Today is the day when we open the gates of the W3D Tutorials section of the forum to everyone. We promised a tutorials database back in February when the website has launched and we have achieved just that. This new forum area will hopefully help everyone who is looking to learn how to use the W3D Engine! About the tutorials Back in 2002, when C&C Renegade was released, Westwood provided the community a little "HowTo" package that explained how to create your own vehicles, characters, weapons, etc. for the W3D Engine. Shortly after, the community created lots of tutorials themselves. The biggest of the sites hosting them is not reachable anymore, but Läubi's Renhelp website is still alive and kickin'! These tutorials helped to expand everyone's knowledge of the W3D Engine and provide step by step instructions on how to to make your creations come to life within the game! So what's new? We have been working hard to revive old, forgotten and deleted tutorials by locating, reformatting and updating them. With help from oxi and Strike we were able to recover a lot of the tutorials that used to be on MP-Gaming.com's forums. All of these tutorials, new and old, are either free to distribute (and the authors are credited everywhere) or the original authors have given us permission to re-host them here. The tutorials that we have copied were heavily scrutinised and hand picked by us, as there were a lot of tutorials that were either too poorly written/old or they covered the same/similar game areas. This means that you will not find any low quality tutorials hosted here. More importantly though, there is now a huge amount of completely new tutorials that we can guarantee that you have never ever seen before on other websites! The future We will continue to add tutorials as new features become available in the engine and we will keep our eyes open for your feedback on existing tutorials as well as requests for new ones! If you want to add your own tutorials, go right ahead! Please bear in mind that they will need to be approved by an admin or moderator though! Check out the tutorials section here!
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  4. In case you missed anything, a good friend of mine has generously whipped up a series recap!
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  5. The happiest song in existence:
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  6. Probably because that's his (user)name?
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  7. impossible to listen to without a smile on your face! (at least if you remember this song from years ago)
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