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Showing most liked content on 01/24/2016 in all areas

  1. Check out the latest explosive trailer for Red Alert: A Path Beyond! With the release of the new APB patch, we thought it would be a good idea to make an awesome trailer to show off the fun, uniqueness and nostalgia that the game brings to the table. Not enough people know about Red Alert: A Path Beyond, so now with this trailer we can begin to stretch out and show other gaming communities what they are missing out on. You can watch the video below! Please feel free to repost this video in any other gaming communities that you frequent, since the more people we can get to play the game, the more information we can get on how to improve it!
  2. Hearing people with attitudes like this is what discourages the developers and lengthens the time it takes for a project to reach completion. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a fine example of how not to be. Lets stop with the instant negativity on everything shall we?
  3. Some things are better left unanswered. None of us know how that guy showed up. Some say that there are certain triggers on the map that will cause him to haunt the forest area. The thing is, we never put such a thing on the map!
  4. No probs man, If you want to shove assets at me and ask "hey does this look like how it did on TA?" you know where you can talk to me.
  5. COMPATIBLE WITH LATEST A PATH BEYOND RELEASE! Texture pack last updated 2016/06/22 for Delta's 3.0.6.X release. See changes/additions below. All content featured in this texture pack should be compatible with the most current/recent patch of Red Alert: A Path Beyond. Enjoyed playing Red Alert? Ever wanted to play Red Alert: A Path Beyond with faction colors? Then this texture pack is for you! The textures contained in this pack will colorize the characters and vehicles of APB to represent their house colors from the Red Alert RTS. Allies will have the following house colors: Blue, teal, green, desert/sand Soviets will have the following house colors: Red, orange, yellow, brown When choosing a unit that has multiple camos, the symbol on the upper left of the purchase icon will tell you which color you will be buying: UPDATES FOR DELTA 3.0: SEE UPDATES FOR DELTA 3.0.6 IN THE NEXT SPOILER! UPDATES FOR DELTA 3.0.6 DOWNLOAD HERE INSTALLATION Unpack the contents of the RAR file into the game's "data" folder. For reference, the installation path should be the following: Once unpacked, load up APB and play like it's 1996 all over again! Special thanks to V0LK0V and Kicken for the original idea of the classic colors pack. Without them, this texture pack would not have existed for this long.
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  6. Now, I do intend for this topic to be more.... level headed then my last one. The purpose here is to offer constructive feedback, and give pushwall and other developers something to work with. Here we go... 1.) Overall review of the patch: Pushwall and the other devs did a great job here, with the naval buffs a definite step in the right direction, along with most of the changes. If pushwall can supply us with the win ratios, I'm sure they are more balanced then they used to be, although players learning how to play soviets, along with teamwork, also has an effect. 2.) Potential balance concerns, but if a more experienced player can offer a solution, that would be great as well. a.) I fear there may be some imbalance in air-to-air combat, in favor of the longbow. I would like someone to test this with, to confirm, or put this issue to rest. b.) This is not imbalance at all, but more of a personal question: I feel that soviet mines really stifle allied infantry play. Does anyone have a suitable method for dealing with them? 3.) Map issues a.) The coastal influence arty problem is still there, but it can be countered by heavy teamwork. Still, is this being worked on? tbh though, naval control is far more important on this map... This is my preliminary assessment. As I would like this to be a structured forum/topic (If that is not to much to ask) please put a 1 for overall patch comments, a 2 for balance concerns, and a 3 for map problems, and 4 for misc. This is just so I may assemble a grand list later on. (Sorry if this fells like backseat moderation, really sorry.)
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  7. Total Annihilation: Extinction has been announced! Read more on the forums! Introduction Greetings and salutations, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, of all ages, genders, sexualities, preferences, colors, and religious beliefs or lack thereof. It is my pleasure to announce that we are officially developing Total Annihilation: Extinction, which will be a total conversion modification for Renegade, and will put players in the four thousand year conflict between the supremacist CORE empire and the ARM resistance! Background This mod has actually been around for a while. Danpaul88 started working on it before he joined the AR team, with many of the earliest models dating back over ten years! In the more recent past (probably about 5 years ago) cnc95fan had a stint at the helm of the project, but it never gained much traction and has mostly lain dormant on dan's NAS all these years. We're hoping to revive this nascent project and finally bring a compelling TA experience to the W3D engine! The concept Danpaul summed it all up perfectly internally, so I'll just repost what he said here! The Premise "What began as a conflict over the transfer of consciousness from flesh to machines escalated into a war that has decimated a million worlds. The CORE and the ARM have all but exhausted the resources of a galaxy in their struggle for domination. Both sides now crippled beyond repair, the remnants of their armies continue to battle over ravaged planets, their hatred fueled by over four thousand years of total war. This is a fight to the death. For each side, the only acceptable outcome is the complete elimination of the other." -Total Annihilation Intro Thousands of years in the future, humanity reached an age of prosperity. Hunger, disease, poverty... all were eliminated as we colonized the galaxy. Then, a group of scientists discovered one possible path to immortality: Planting their minds into machines. This process was called "patterning," and quickly became mandatory. However, many people disagreed, and were vocally opposed to this process. Soon, the debate became violent, and war broke out between the CORE empire and the ARM rebellion. CORE Hailing from the metal world of Core Prime, The CORE Empire seek total control of the galaxy, and the elimination of organic life. Preferring artificial intelligence to pilot their units, they are almost completely geared for combat. Their units are more expensive than their ARM counterparts, but they make up for it with superior armor and firepower. ARM Based on the distant world of Empyrrean, the ARM rebellion rose against the patterning process, and now seek to destroy the CORE empire once and for all. All of their pilots consist of clones. Although not as strong as their CORE counterparts, ARM units enjoy being faster and less expensive. They also carry a number of specialized units that, if used properly, can turn a tough struggle into an easy victory. Tasty Images Would you like to see some special behind-the-scenes screenies of some of the stuff we have? Wish granted! Here we have an early wireframe of the ARM's primary KBot, the PeeWee! This is a model of the ARM's early defense, the LLT! And a beautiful shot of the ARM Thunder flying around! We want YOU! We've got a great team here at W3D Hub, but most of us are dedicated to other projects at the moment. So there's no time like the present to lend a hand! We need people who are experienced with modeling, texturing, animating, mapping, and coding! If you are interested in this project, just shoot a PM to either myself or danpaul88. If you're interested in helping W3D Hub in general, fire off a PM to: -One Winged Angel -Teamwolf -danpaul88 -moonsense715 -Wallywood -Jerad2142 We'll get back to you asap! In Conclusion We're excited to get this project going, and we will keep you all posted as development unfolds! See you next time!
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  8. Some of you may know that I'm currently trying to make training documents. I need help. It's not hard, it just requires a bit of back and forth. If you would like to help make these with me, send me a pm. If you would like to view them and note any issues with grammar and consistency, please click on the links below. Allied TRADOC Soviet Field Manual Thank you in advance!
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  9. 2b) Lots of ways of dealing with mines. You can get up close to them and see them before they blow, then back off and shoot them. Could use an engineer to detect them. Could use an artillery to clear them en masse. Generally they're concentrated around entrances to buildings and other infantry path chokepoints, so primarily be wary of these areas.
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  10. yes it does, its a bug that has been in C&C with every grenaider unit, hence why RA2 onwards there hasent been another unit till C&C3 where the new engine fixed it
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  11. This is why you are still shit at life Dadud. Do you remember that furry porn disguised as a APB Beta you leaked in order to come out as a furry? yeah I still remember that. Killing_You: if you need help just ask me, I was a huge TA fan back in the day, in fact I think I bought you TA from GOG way back when.
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  13. NINTENROLL'D presents their latest game SUPER ROLLIO!
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