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Showing most liked content on 01/27/2016 in all areas

  1. Soviet Soldier Volkov does not need your parachute. Soviet Soldier Volkov can fall great distance and still crush Allied dogs. Be like Soviet Soldier Volkov.
  2. I've done more work on the Advanced Submarine Pen, so here is a quick video showing the layout and how the design deals with spawn camping and such.
  3. This might actually be an interesting way to do this..
  4. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....... Dirt Pizza (drools)
  5. I have a query that probably only I care about. Eventually, will all vehicles have camouflage options? I would love to be able to drive around in the snow with a range that *blends* in, or a mammoth tank that could look nice against the desert sand of pipeline. Like I said, probably no one cares about such a small aesthetic item except me, but I was simply asking. By the way, I found an interesting image on A Path Beyond's ModDB page, what's going on there?
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  6. well to be fair, they could just land on those places and get out of the helicopter.
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  7. I't taken me a long time to do all the drawings, but here it is! The Kemet Kingdom The Kemet are an alternative futuristic ancient Egyptian nation, set in the year 1978. In this universe they are the direct continuation of the classical Ancient Egyptian kingdom, never having been conquered. The Kingdom controls almost the entire African continent and the Middle East, but remains entirely focused on the Egyptian homeland, with the external territories sparsely populated by native people. The Roman Empire controls the Mediterranean, parts of North Africa, and Europe, the Chinese Man Dynasty controls Asia and the Pacific, while the Great Yucatec Alliance controls the Americas. The Kemet’s technology is comparable to our 1970’s technology with some differences, mostly relating to more advanced technologies. The Royal Military Due to the large amount of nearly empty desert and plains owned by the Kingdom, the military is focused on fast moving, hard hitting units with little armour or staying power. The standing army is comparatively small as the main forces they fight are bandits and smaller kingdoms. However due to complicated religious rituals and traditions in the military, commanders have great flexibility in upgrading their ground forces through religious dedications. Strengths: Fast moving units with good firepower Good anti-armour units Excellent transport units Powerful naval units Late game advantages involving resources The team can specialise in one form of combat (ground, air, water) Weaknesses: Buildings are slow to build Units have low health Specialising the team leads to hard counters Limited anti-infantry units Suffers when the sun isn’t shining Speedy units require lots of micromanagement Kingdom colour: [x] Units Buildings
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  8. Nice. You've completely redesigned the sub pen in a matter of days. Great job Raap
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  9. A winning team will not quit the game. If they do then they are not winning. A losing team that gets slaughtered without anything to fight back with will quit the game. I personally find it challenging and exciting to keep the winning team back with whatever equipment is available, even if my team will lose as it's fun. When no such equipment is available I usually quit before I just die too many times for no foreseeable chance of even killing a single enemy vehicle.
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  10. The current plan is to have the game end shortly after the naval building is destroyed, similar to how seamist ends shortly after the radar dome is destroyed. In-game dialog will explain this. There are a few start-up vehicles that do not respawn, but both teams have two 4 credit/tick silo's to make sure credits aren't a big issue to those who defend their silo's... Which is harder to do than in most maps. (The original map had a single 10 credit/tick silo per team, due to limitations of how silo's worked back then.) Note that the advanced naval buildings, besides the obvious addition of defenses, also offer double the health of their regular counterparts, as well as a faction-locked MCT room. Edit: Since the video I have improved the visuals of the 'mini bridges' and the direct area near them. I now have to consider the sub pen 'done' otherwise the map itself will never be finished in time. The Allied naval yard will be more straight forward to finish up - believe me when I say it took me many hours to get the subs and their spawn areas to function exactly as I wanted them to, but Allied ships are much more straight forward to implement. When the map is done, I will publish the building files for anyone who cares to look at them, or even use them.
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  11. Microsoft believes the common user is a total moron, which is why they make such warnings. Most of the time lately, they are right. I've had UAC disabled since I got this laptop two years ago and I didn't regret it one single time even for a bit. UAC does nothing but limit and annoy. Kill it with fire and it won't annoy you anymore.
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  12. Am I the only one who likes it that the Rocket Soldier and RPG Trooper are still available after the barracks is destroyed?
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  13. The fact that the medic now has a unique weapon has done something I've never done before; It made me want to play a medic. So yes, I think the objective was to make the character more appealing. Makes me wonder if something similar can be done with other underused characters such as the thief, which is currently a one trick pony that, once done it's job, typically finds a quick end at the nearest flame tower, cliff, or lake.
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  14. I'd say add parachutes only on the condition that they had to be bought before hopping into the chopper. That way its their fault if they die by becoming dirt pizza.
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  15. Because the RA timeline units are all babies. TS units are all men who ride their broken plane into the ground while playing a sick guitar solo on a flaming guitar Actually they can just fall from space and walk away ;p
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  16. Because the RA timeline units are all babies. TS units are all men who ride their broken plane into the ground while playing a sick guitar solo on a flaming guitar
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  17. Only in Red Alert, at least. Tiberian Sun doesn't have/need them.
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  18. For when it gets shot down.
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  19. Works great in Renegade-x. Should be great in Reborn/aPB
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  20. @Declan Parachuting is definitely possible on the W3D engine. Both ECW and RA2:AR have it in some form. I assume your question is meant for RA:APB yes?
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  21. Some things are better left unanswered. None of us know how that guy showed up. Some say that there are certain triggers on the map that will cause him to haunt the forest area. The thing is, we never put such a thing on the map!
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