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Showing most liked content on 02/14/2016 in all areas

  1. On the subject of planes, I remember (vaguely) a Yak being modeled and ready to go, with some wonky WIP fixed wing physics testing being shown off to the public. Do we still have it? I was thinking that it would be nice to allow Soviets access to an air strike. Place a yellow flare, moments later a swarm of Yaks pepper the area with bullets. Might be useful for softening up a base during an attack or checking for Phases lying in ambush.
  2. Gencamo recently asked Zee and myself what's going on with this BF2:PR game event idea. The reason why it hasn't been bumped as planned is lots of IRL stuff going on. Still aiming to organize it sometime in the near future, probably in March.
  3. A big welcome to Imperial Age and its staff! Welcome to W3D Hub! A big welcome to Imperial Age and its staff! Welcome @dblaney1, @Kaskins, and @KTFF to W3D Hub! A Renegade mod, Imperial Age aims to deliver dynamic gameplay with many new units, vehicles, and weapons. Imperial Age Features The current build has around 120 vehicles; 60 per team. This number is not including aircraft, naval units, Forgotten and neutral vehicles. Each vehicle has its own passive abilities and role to play. 20+ maps, each with their own unique way of playing. Some maps are best suited to open vehicle combat, others may see good chokepoints to build barricades and place minefields, while some may feature hazards such as quicksand! Research and upgrade terminals to improve your team's vehicles and weaponry. On maps with Construction Yards, you can restore base structures depending on costs. Vehicles have weak points, and in some instances you may even land critical hits. Faster paced gameplay than Vanilla Renegade. More to come in the future as the list goes on. - Imperial Kaskins
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  4. How many of you would be interested in participating in an organized game event where we would play Project Reality, a free standalone total conversion of Battlefield 2? The organizational side of things would be handled by ZeeHypnotist and AZ-Stalker (myself), provided we get a decent group of people interested. We're aiming for this to take place on Sunday, but that's just an approximated part of the concept - we can of course set it up to when most of us can play since this is the type of thing that stretches to at least a couple of hours of play time due to the massive amounts of fun and excitement happening. :downs: The game would be played in maps filled with bots to keep things interesting while human players accomplish scenarios such as killing or defending a rebel cell leader (one of you!) or rescuing a downed pilot (one of you too!) in hostile lands. We'd play using the LAN software called Tunngle (free) and communicate via TeamSpeak (ts.W3D Hub.com). A microphone isn't required but is HIGHLY recommended since such scenarios rely on us, the players, being able to communicate. If someone wants to join in but doesn't have a microphone at the ready, there's always text chat and listening in on TeamSpeak with us. Project reality also has the feature of building defensive structures on the field from an FPS perspective, so we'd also like to try playing a base war scenario if possible. If you've played Battlefield 2, you'll know how to play this - it's just a bit more "realistic". There will be a few simple rules for play and a small mod (made by Zee) will be needed so everyone can have an easier time. An example would be everyone being able to drive or pilot vehicles instead of being forced to pick up a driver/pilot kit, double grappling hooks, flare guns for pilots and a few other things like that. Anyone interested can leave a comment as to when they are available, ideally this Sunday (20-12-2015). Any other questions you might have, toss them at us as well! PR:BF2 v1.3.5 Full (Standalone Installer) http://www.realitymod.com/downloads (Tip: The game manual has a lot of useful information!)
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  5. My single entry, hopefully will add more of them next time the map will be played. http://imgur.com/J2o9EHp edit. 2 more from latest match, sadly no combat because not many people http://imgur.com/a/xMUCH
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  6. Honestly, I could see the Phase and Chronotank fufilling different roles pretty easily. Setup the Chrono as the superior anti-armor tank, and better armored, in exchange for it being a hell of a lot slower (only slightly faster than a mammoth), and a lot more specialized - so less powerful at killing infantry than the Phase. And that better anti-tank ability and armor comes with the cost of once you're committed, you're only coming out if you have friends to cover your butt, or you win... preferrably both, with the lesser ability to deal with infantry threats.
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  7. The map is awesome! Although there is a slight visual issue with the Advanced Naval Yard; One of the stair-sets comes up through the upper floor slightly, resulting in a pair of 'spikes' at the top. Also I'd recommend capitalizing the map's name to bring it in-line with the other maps (plus it just looks nicer on the list IMO); RA_HostileWaters instead of ra_hostilewaters
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  8. Not a huge pressing issue or anything, but how about renaming the "Advanced Naval Yard" and "Advanced Sub Pen" to something like, "Shipyard" and "Submarine Base"? Sounds kinda silly to just tack "advanced" to the front of the name, imo.
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  9. Is ok, I have standard view screenshots. check 'em out! A whole selection: http://imgur.com/a/vUHc1
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  10. The walls have destruction states by the way. You can even repair them.
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  11. I've been telling you to get in Renegade and play it with us for months... lol
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  12. No space marines but we have long-las, las-pistol and lasguns. Perhaps bolter? Those are Easter eggs.
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  13. I am exploring the possibility of seeing if its possible to make a standalone client, but at the moment there are no plans for one. For those interested in more screenshots of the mod here are some I took the other night of some recent work we have been working on. https://goo.gl/photos/NTR3ZbDjQ9ZiBEGj9
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  14. I quite enjoy Delta, busy working on/with ECW/IA currently; however, I feel like it could still use some dogs... Or maybe I'm just secretly trying to keep development going on APB, not sure which
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  15. Slight update, looks like we're going to have to push this to be played out first thing 2016. So whoever is interested in participating has a lot of time to think about joining in and getting whatever questions you may have out of your systems. Ideally, the sooner we see who's interested the better we can organize the event so get posting if you'd like to join up - yes you, whoever you are.
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