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Showing most liked content on 03/07/2016 in all areas

  1. Sorry for offtopic but this sounds damn funny. Delta's gamma being too high.
  2. Maybe I shouldn't be the guy to say it, but perhaps the time limit could be increased on certain large maps, like KOTG? From what I remember, they used to be 35 min instead of 30. Today I was able to destroy a couple defenses and both gap generators, but I felt with more time I could have accomplished more. There are also so many routes to take and potential things to do that it rarely gets boring. At least for me. Sincerely, the biased guy.
  3. So I had wanted to wish some folks here a Happy Birthday when the day comes around, but then that's me flooding the forums with "Happy Birthday So-and-so!" and "Happy Birthday That Guy!" That said, this thread shall be christened The Great Birthday Thread. When birthdays come around, expect a celebratory post. PM when your birthday is coming if you would like, or maybe I'll spy someone's coming up and wish them a happy birthday before they even realize it And today in birthdays, it's none other than our resident Lead Tester and Testing Director @Nodlied! Of what I know of him, Nodlied likes Countryball and tanks. And other things, I'm sure Anyway! Wish our good man a Happy Birthday and post a picture of best tank HAPPY BIRTHDAY NODLIED!
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  4. Re-enable !vote cyclemap ??
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  5. Auto-leveled, Posterized, Colors inverted.
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  6. I can't believe I had almost forgot! A little birdie told me it was someone's birthday today. Birthday wishes and all @forg0ten1! Here's a card I made with love HAPPY BIRTHDAY FORG!
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  7. I'm inclined to agree with Raptor. At the very least, I'd rather leave the grenadier as is before merging him with the RPG trooper. But if we did want to change anything, I like this idea as well. I would increase the amount of an arc you have throwing a grenade, while decreasing throw velocity and range. This would make it more difficult to aim, especially when trying to hit vehicles (keeping a reason to buy a flamethrower instead). I like this in conjunction with Pushwall's idea to get rid of the Volktillery. On some maps this could make a grenadier rush a viable early strategy against an unorganized Allied team, while still being easy to stop for an Allied team that isn't completely neglecting defense.
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  8. The one, the only! Cadbury Creme Egg!
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  9. Interesting thoughts. The Grenadier is definitely one that has always been hard to "nail down" in my mind, concerning a role. Speaking of the "great rocket soldier debate", I like how after such a fuss was made, to the point that the game was actually changed because of it, the person that wanted the change hasn't been back! Just an observation.
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  10. A while back, the US Navy successfully launched and landed a drone aircraft from an aircraft carrier in a series of tests. Drones from aircraft carriers? I guess I don't have to feel bad anymore when I send waves of carrier planes flying into Yuri's gatling cannons. It seems someone's also unoffically retconned the carrier planes to be drones on the C&C wiki. Those Nod artillery shells in vanilla Tiberian Sun that magically home in on their targets? We've got those too now! And now...fighter jets with frickin' laser beams.
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  11. And now we wait for IRL Mirage Tanks.
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  12. You inspired me to use the naval transport against the allies on under.
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