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Showing most liked content on 06/01/2016 in all areas

  1. A Giant Vengeful Spirit Deer attacks!
  2. That's right folks, it's that time of the year again! Show your support for your favourite final (or not so final) boss from any video game by changing your avatar or signature (or both) to an image that celebrates the End Boss of your choice! Whether you're bro's with Bowser, excited about Eggman or seduced by Shodan, we want to see which End Boss gets your nostalgia pumping! This year I'm going to start the ball rolling with everyone's favourite giant floating space polygon; Andross form the Star Fox series!
  3. I have a lot of them memorized, but I still find it annoying when I hold those buttons and 1. They don't come up 2. They take forever to come up and you watch your teammates suffer for it I never really hit CTRL or ALT on accident, and if its instantaneous having it pop up won't really effect you adversely and all it does is make communication harder for new and older players alike. ALSO, can we have some anti-radio command spam put in place like ECW has? Sick and tired of either spies or people who are actually on my team spamming radio commands without mercy. Totally throws a wrench in being able to see what the hell is even going on.
  4. So add a checkbox for it in the config then? Or otherwise a F8 command toggle like with hitbeeps/hitmarks? Surely there is a solution.
  5. Here is a second pass on the Allied base, minus detail objects. As you can see, the base is a lot more compact, and there are elevation differences between buildings in order to eliminate the flat surfaces (The CY and WF are on a hill, the Barracks is in a lower ditch). The ore mine will be under the castle, meaning the Ore Truck(s) have to actually drive towards the action, rather than away from it.
  6. The first and one of the few RTS I ever played was Bitmap Brothers' Z. The Command & Conquer series was relatively obscure to me for a long time, until it was 2009, when I became more involved with PC gaming, I found my brother's old copy of RA2 and tried it out, quickly becoming addicted to it. I usually played the skirmish mode, and it was fun although I couldn't play online, as it was no longer supported. I used to look for Red Alert related videos on YouTube, and remember seeing development footage of AR there. During Summer in 2013, I was bored and decided to find out if you could still somehow play RA2 online. While searching for C&C related stuff online, I came across the A Path Beyond project on ModDb or something, and downloaded the BHP launcher. I began playing the games more avidly in 2014-2015 (as part of escapism caused by some life issues), and developed a passion for a simple game with a small community, losing interest in mainstream games.
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  8. Great game, 2 was okay but definitely didn't hold up against the first one.
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  9. I didn't play many games with distinct final bosses, so here's the Vohrsoth leader from Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force (same as in the BHP forum month from a couple of years ago )
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  10. Speaking of memorizing commands... Please add a help page for special people like me who will always and forever, never remember how to personal message people in this game or how to use certain server commands (never make me a moderator, ever, I will break your server with stupidity). In the name of all stupid people playing this game, TANKS!!1
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  11. Sorted out my plugin issue today, so I will be able to correctly populate the level with grass, bushes, trees, and whatever else needs to be sprayed around wildly. This also means I will redo the grass on the map since from air view the grass clusters looked too round and unnatural. In other words, I need to create a few new foliage assets. On other news, there is an expanded tunnel/ore mine system beneath the castle courtyard now, with main entrances near the castle vehicle entrances, and infantry-only entrances connecting to the central "trench". The whole place has been re-textured for both consistency, and thematic logic (Why was there dry desert rocks in a wet grassland on top of grey rock formations? We will never know!). A preview will be provided once I finalize a few remaining details. Next up is the redesign of the Soviet base, which will be made more compact, but also moved closer to the castle (the location style of where it is built is also changed).
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  12. i used to make fun of my brother for playing tiberian sun when we were kids. (As unbelievable as it may seem, i was kind of a dick back then). Then i tried playing it and i became horribly addicted
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  13. So Fraydo dislikes the maps that everybody else dislikes. Excellent, he is succumbing to peer pressure.
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  14. Favorite map and why: Camos Canyon, especially yesterday with my spy shenanigans. To me, it's always such a fun map no matter what playstyle you decide to go with. Least favorite map and why: None in particular. Any map that causes a mass dropout of players that leaves the server almost empty becomes my least favorite map of the day.
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  15. This is honestly the hardest part, I've dicked with this for years, and while I've got it to the point where I can record all the vehicle/infantry positions at any point in time, thus allowing me to roll the game back to a previous state, there is still the issue of players quitting and joining that I have yet to iron out. Hey now, the only reason I think this game sucked was due to how hard they ruined harvesting.
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