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Showing most liked content on 07/07/2016 in all areas

  1. That moment when your flare is so destructive that it pushes the EVA announcements into the next match.
  2. In a decade of W3D experience, I've never seen that happen before. I always thought the previous match information is wiped clean once a new level loads. That leaves me thinking, it would be interesting if we could change certain things based on the results of a previous match... *crazy thoughts*
  3. Raise your flags! For this month's avatar theme, show off your favourite flag, fictional or otherwise! Late post but hey moving on Raise your flags! For this month's avatar theme, display your favourite flags, fictional or otherwise! Represent your country! Or find us one you think is really cool.
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  4. Keep on rockin' in Galbadia!! Also, have to post this:
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  5. Made this mockup of what the Order's flag would look like, complete with Halo of the Sun. Also a tease of something for the future
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  6. Yeah that can be real tricky. Yeap, fortunately the wall is a man-made object and not, let's say, a cliff or anything else that is part of the core terrain and intended to look smooth in terms of material transition. In this particular case I've created several (still working on the exact final number) "copies" of the wall texture, but with alterations. Using the same UVW coordinates I can seamlessly mix these textures across the wall to create variation, as well as additional geometry tweaks to make sure it all looks different. That's just the outward facing wall for now. The inward facing side of the wall will be more traditional in terms of material detail, since making several textures for each section of the level would take too long. The good news is, I suppose Siege is nearly an "urban/industrial" map in some ways, due to the amount of man-made terrain as cover. And that was a very popular request for APB maps.
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  7. I usually don't care when people use profanity, be offensive and whatnot, I occasionally do it myself, and I know Mackintoke does it a lot however I feel that Mackintoke took it too far yesterday when talking about MPRA2. Sure, MPRA2 was venting due to his game experience, which can be annoying, and I've done it myself too (sorry!), but I don't believe that he should be killed in real life because of this. I don't care for Mackintoke's reasons, if he was joking or not, this should be totally unacceptable. I just wanted to put this out there, for multiple reasons. And also because I don't think this is the sort of environment we should be greeting potential new players with. Edit: I love how I can not reply to my topic in this section... It has nothing to do with you refilling, Mack. I don't recall giving up or changing the subject, but you can believe whatever you want to believe. I honestly forgot all about that. It's about the fact that you're always being inappropriate in the chat. I'm not going to read your whole post because I don't care, at the end of the day you still said what you said. And the fact that the first two replies, two mods and one being a lead developer, agree with this says a lot. And Voe, it's not about being "triggered" so get over yourself.
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  8. Ya know, every time I can think of a dev claiming this, it's been followed by, some time not long after, a "never underestimate players" comment when it's figured out within days.
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  9. @DH Lets get back on target shall we? If there is a legitimate issue that you wish to raise against harvester or NodGuy or MPRA2, then these forums are the place for it. We ask that you please limit your complaints to one incident/player per thread though. Also bear in mind that Renegade X is not one of our games and we do not host a server for that game. Any complaints or issues related to in-game events for RenX or any other non-W3DHub game should be raised on their respective forums. Why don't you go back and read my response to your comments about the first lady, eh? Politics are fine to discuss (within the forum rules for behavior). Profanity must be kept in check.....but that isn't quite all to the story as to why you find yourself in your current predicament. The way in which you presented your information in that case is what eventually lead to the events that landed you in your current state, and I outlined all of that very clearly in my response in that thread. I find it ironic that you're calling out harvester for taking something out of context and in the very next post that you proceed to do it yourself. I don't believe I need to say any more on the "first lady" matter. If anyone has a question about it, feel free to PM me. Also: Listen to Voe please.
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  10. Pretty much what happened was this: The map was Zama, 3v3 with me on Allies. We had managed to take out a single Flame Tower, but never made progress beyond that since we had to go up against Furs and Raptor. They were essentially laying the smack down on us, and I figured that as a spy I could at least pull some nice points for myself by planting a flare. I put it on the roof of the refinery because why not. I figured that the blast would damage the most buildings, plus it would be easy to defend. I notice the A-Bomb coming and high tail it to avoid adding a death. What I didn't expect was for the blast to destroy the entire Soviet base. And I do mean the entire frickin' base. Tesla coil, remaining flame towers, service depots, main production buildings, even the kitchen sink. Flattened. And that, I guess, triggered the EVA announcements in the next match.
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  11. I can't believe we're having to work this through. The issue isn't what you you're saying, it's HOW you're saying it. If you didn't swear like a lousy 15 year old and didn't insult everyone whom you disapprove, there wouldn't be a probation to begin with. We're all adults here. It's no longer secondary school, so keep it at some adequately mature level. This is also the last time you're getting a lecture from me. If this isn't simple enough to understand for you, perhaps you deserve a few-year time off till you grow up a little bit more.
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  12. Slow progress continues, as I've had a chance to put a few hours in over the past three days. Still no ETA, but it's slowly getting there. If I did my job correctly, you'll have a hard time recognizing the map when you get to play it. As for the alternate victory condition, I've had to change the original plan for "king of multiple hills" due to not having anyone to program such functionality. But with all the dramatic changes to the map, a true alternate victory condition might no longer be required. Rest assured, there will be a solid amount of map-specific content including the cannons, as well as a number of secrets (including one very extensive secret that will take players months to figure out).
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  13. Fun fact is Makintocke makes a few good points about psychology and human behaviour^ Also, it wasn't a "you should kill yourself" insult, neither was it a threat (really guys?). Not to mention that MPRA2 didn't complain personally, so I wouldn't consider this complaint relevant anyway. Mackintoke is an active member of the community, good teamplayer, pleasant to have on your side. I would trade him for many others in a heartbeat. I would, for one, like the !mute command to come back. Talking shit should be countered by muting, not kicking-banning. Imho definitely not a ban case.
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  14. It's hard to say what to do, nor could I with a clear conscience. From what little I could advise, consider each option and weigh it out. Every action has its consequences, for you or for others. Of your options, consider everything and everyone and decide for yourself what is best.
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  15. Nothing wrong with chewing on some pineapple.
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