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Showing most liked content on 01/11/2017 in all areas

  1. Happy new year, folks! I'm back and working on something bigger this time, the GDI Titan. Modeling is nearly done. Afterwards I need to cut it into printable parts. Stay tuned! cheers, Kalle
  2. Hey folks, Kalle Bowo here. Some of you might still know me as the guy who worked on the graphics for the Renegade mod "CnC Reborn" or who dressed up in his Nod uniform at the Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany (the Avatar, yes, that's actually me, 10 years ago ^^). I thought you might be interested in my latest CnC related project. Since I bought a 3D printer this year I started building a miniature base inspired by Tiberian Dawn and Renegade. If you want to see more, you can visit my website www.printed-armies.com And if you want to stay in touch, you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram. I heard social media is kind of the new thing ... here are some examples of what I did so far, enjoy
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  3. Happy New Year! And this month's theme is an oldie but a goodie: Pirates vs. Ninjas! Happy New Year! I hope everyone of you made it well into 2017. For all of us, the new year is a fresh start. It's a breath of relief from the fiasco that was 2016. Numerous celebrity deaths, a failed coup in Turkey, Brexit, one controversial presidential race in the United States, and North Korea has resumed missile and nuclear tests. So yeah. 2016 was a year of upsets for many, political and emotional. In lighter news! The new year is a clean slate. We've made our new years resolution's and we're ready to face whatever challenges may arise. Exciting opportunities and new discoveries are sure to come your way! Even more, we have lots to look forward to in 2017 - movies especially! From Star Wars Episode VIII to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, to Wonder Woman and Justice League, there's a movie for everyone! In tech, we can look forward to possible advancements in VR, the new Nintendo Switch, and whatever Apple comes up with. Moving on to our Monthly Avatar Theme, let's start with an oldie but a goodie. It's an age-old debate that incites communities small and large: Pirates vs. Ninjas! Who would win in a fight? Which are cooler? Which side are you on? As an added bonus, a poll will be held. Votes will be counted at the end to determine the winner. And remember: In any debate, the other side is wrong. Discuss.
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  4. The issues with playing them on windows 10 are because the safedisk driver is blacklisted as I understand it. A no-cd crack should fix them, though I think they have issues running in true 32bit mode due to the way they blit the screen. Generals ZH also has an issue with the safedisk driver, but as with TS and probably RA2, the safedisk check is done in a launcher, the main binary is fine, it just looks for the launcher. I already reimplemented the functions that check the launcher. It now does something like bool isLauncherRunning() { return true; }.
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  5. Have you put this up in other places ? Such as the forums at SWR , CNCNZ , Project Perfect Mod , Revora , cncnet and perhaps the forms for openra . These are all of the main forums that I can think of that discuss C&C things so if your looking for help these would be where you should ask for it . Here are their addresses : http://forums.swr-productions.com/ http://forums.cncnz.com/ http://www.ppmforums.com/index.php https://forums.revora.net/ https://forums.cncnet.org/ http://www.sleipnirstuff.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=80 There was another project like this a year or two ago , I'll see if I can find some info on it . EDIT : Found it ! OpenSage : https://github.com/feliwir/openSage You may want to look up the two people who contributed to it they may be interested in helping . Feliwir : https://github.com/feliwir? Tarcontar : https://github.com/Tarcontar
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  6. Haha I was that engineer during the ant attack so derpy I'm glad you caught that on video Oh and I was the one who got sniped at 1:43, I feel like a star
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  7. I can't choose either, but there is a solution to it.
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  9. I'll finally jump in on a monthly theme . My profile pic is now a realistic portrayal of Heian Period Japanese Ninya
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  10. It's time for Apocalypse Rising Rising Rising Rising.
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  11. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from us to you! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from us here! Enjoy time with your family and friends, take in all the Christmas joy and cheer, and have a great day today!
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  12. 0:02 is most likely a result of driving through water, and more prevalent now that water's been nerfed to open a bunch of fording opportunities. Water damage pierces vehicle armour just like it does for infantry. This not only makes it immediately obvious that the water is hurting you, but it means that a vehicle that "just barely" survived a water route can still survive some weapon fire... except for tesla shots which also pierce armour. He probably had something like 20/150 health and 85/150 armour left before you hit him, and a quirk of the way the target health bar works means that it still shows as being 20/150 full despite the arty still having enough armour to survive a rocket. Which works fine for infantry since everything pierces infantry armour, but no so much here. In development I asked CJ if he could add a broken shield indicator next to the target health bar to indicate that the target has 0 armour, which would make that more clear, as well as being useful information for when you're using a weapon that is stronger against unarmoured inf/vehicles. But he never got around to it. Now that the scripts team has another competent scripter doing HUD work, I'll be sure to ask him if he can do this. 0:40 ...interesting. The Golden Wrench still has a zero damage multiplier to both infantry health and armour, so my only conclusion from this is that radius weapons like the wrench steal ownership of lingering fire/shock damage on any enemy infantry in range? But the Golden Wrench still has to be able to affect enemy objects otherwise it can't disarm. Whatever, this is harmless. 1:14 Geez the butthurt is strong with that guy. Yes the unit that can only hit things in front of it, with a very slow projectile, once per 9 seconds, but is rewarded heftily for managing to do so against fast vehicles, and dies to one phase tank salvo, is a cheat tank. It's not that you're continuing to practice zero caution or evasion around that unit after learning how threatening it is or anything.
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  13. Finally, the madness continues!
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  14. Establishing battlefield control, standby.
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  16. Yeah I heard about that stuff. But I think my models are quite too small and detailed and would rather suffer from the procedure than actually benefit. I am also already quite happy with the results of the Ultimaker. The layer hight is set to 0.1 mm, which is quite fine already. Plus I've heard the procedure is actually not that good for your health, which wouldn't be beneficial if I would be mass producing these miniatures. Yes, the material I'm using is biodegradable. But so far I haven't noticed that my models melt away I guess if I would throw them in the garden, leaving them exposed to 'wind and weather', that wouldn't be beneficial. But so far, they look just fine sitting here on my desk. About the printing process: You either get a 3D model (from a game, download it somewhere etc), load it up with a so called slicer application (I'm using Cura, the standard from Ultimaker) which basically converts the vectors of the 3D model into the different layers, from bottom to the top, which will guide the print head. In this step you can tweak all kinds of settings, like the layer hight (the more layers, the more details), temperature, speed etc. and afterwards you export the data as a so called GCode to a SD card, put it in the printer, turn on the printer, select a model and wait a couple of hours until the model is finished. But. Not everything can be printed as you might imagine it. First of all models from games are barely printable out of the box. They are optimized for gaming (therefore have usually few polygons = your model will look edgy), the geometry isn't closed, normals are inverted, all kinds of problems. I figured out the only way to get proper results is to model everything from scratch, giving you full control over every detail. If something doesn't work in the printing process, you will know why it doesn't work. In general the printer works additive from bottom to the top. Going upwards up until a 45° angle gives you still nice results, but everything in between 45° and 5° just doesn't result in smooth surface areas. Printing additively also means you can't print stuff that's floating in the air. You could tell Cura to print so called support structures underneath otherwise floating objects. But you have to remove them manually afterwards which results in an unclean surface area as well. That's why I like to cut the models into different printable pieces and glue them back together afterwards. Moreover the slicing software works also as a kind of previsualization. You can actually see how your model will turn out. Here you can already see if certain details are too small or if they clump together, if they are streched somehow etc. Which means now it's back again to your 3D modeling program to work on those details again. So it's a back and forth until you're happy with this previsualization and actually start printing. And normally you will see a couple of details you are still not happy with only after you hold the printed model in your hand. I mean In the end it's molten plastic, it behaves still a bit different than the software predicts. That means it's a constant loop of rapid prototyping until you are finally happy with your model. Let's use the Construction Yard as an example. Step 01: Decide on a model you want to make. Step 02: Gather as much as possible reference materials. Step 03: Modeling. Keep in mind that floating stuff isn't possible. And if you don't want to use support structures, you need to disassamble those critical areas, such as the crane. Step 04: Previsualize in Cura. See critical areas, go back to your 3D software, work on those areas. Repeat until you are happy. Step 05: Export GCode, print this thing, wait a couple of hours and hope everything turns out fine. Step 06: Glue the parts back together.
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  17. Indeed! Since I still got all the 3D files from the days working on Reborn on my PC, you will totally see that stuff one day ^^ But just to make it clear, the printing doesn't work that way "extract 3D file from game -> throw it at the printer -> success!!". I basically have to model all the stuff completely from scratch. But having resource material in 3D helps of course to speed up the process, since I got already the right proportions. By the way, want to see the latest stuff I'm working on? ^^
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  18. What! How many crackshots can you pull off in one day? Also, going medieval on the Allied team at the end.
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  19. I have many names as well. DarkStarFlyer66, SilentHunt, DSF66, EvilChaosKnight, Slayer (3edgy5me I know ) and probably some more which I can't even remember by this point. But this one being my main? It was first created back in the old times of 56k internet, offline gaming and school derping. Basically the inspiration for it was taken from Heroes of Might and Magic 4 where Chaos was my favorite town and magic type. That got me the first part of the nickname. The "knight" one is related to my favorite classes in all dem RPGs and that weird habbit of trying to make things right in games like Fallout 2. EvilChaosKnight variation originates from the fact that since DotA2 was released "Chaos_Knight" suddenly became widely mainstream and any attempts to register with it like anywhere failed miserably since "name already taken". In my frustration of searching for workarounds for the issue without losing at least some originality as well as hate certain sites have for the underscores, EvilChaosKnight was created.
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