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Showing most liked content on 03/23/2017 in all areas

  1. I'm with Willy here, you should be able to shoot lasers after. At the very least, you should come out of the laser surgery with your very own pet shark with a laser attached to his head. Accept nothing less or demand a refund.
  2. [blurb]Listen up, soldiers! We have two game nights coming, so get ready to mark your calendars![/blurb][thumb]thumb_apb.2.png[/thumb]Listen up, soldiers! We have two game nights coming, so get ready to mark your calendars! The first game night to come will be March 24th, this Friday. March 24th, 7:00 PM GMT & 9:00 PM CST Official APB Server Note that we will have two set times for our gaming sessions this Friday, one for our EU players and the second for our US players. Of course, you can join at both times if you would like! After this game night, mark your calendars for April 1st! That will be another game night and mind you, it's going to be a special one! Oh yes, it will be one to not miss! See you on the battlefield!
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  3. Not just that, but the way you suddenly rushed in and leaped when you died is what got me. sammyd has started playing the game again, so Madness 8 should be done in no time.
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  4. Instead of it being scary laser eye surgery, imagine it as a trade for Shinigami Eyes. #JustDeathNoteThings
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  5. Here. hd_reticle.dds hd_reticle_hit.dds
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  6. Haha alright. Man I remember the early beta days when we would team up. Good times
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  7. Precisely. People are who are/were disillusioned with the current state of affairs have been/are being silenced by today's political correctness. Forcing this view onto people will only make it more likely for people to vote for the opposition, they feel heard, they feel that said candidate/option/whatever represents possible change and they are sick and tired for not being allowed to express their views lest they be branded as racist/sexist/homophobic/*inserreligionorminorityhere*phobic. There are more reasons, but this is one of the main ones. And the worst thing is that people haven't learned and continue to brand the voters like this even if they may not be herpaderpaphobic at all.
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  8. Imo democratic party decided to take 2 shotgun shells in their knees by rigging the stuff so its Clinton who would be promoted by them and not Sanders. I feel that if it didnt took place, its Bernie who would be electeed yesterday. Not gonna say anything to that because i dont understand most of stuff about USA election and i dont want to look like an idiot. But got to admit, this is second place from where i see a proper discussion about this. Good job W3D hub. Most of "discussions" i seen are mostly shittalks
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  9. *Looks at YouTube comment sections.* Yup!
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  10. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has participated in this thread thus far for keeping it civil. I am appalled at the grossness of the internet at this moment, and the people that hate each other and even whole groups of people now. I thank God that here at W3D Hub our members do not stoop so low and make fools of ourselves publicly. Thanks guys!
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  11. Yeah, Trump's victory in combination with Brexit is going to energise parties across the world that oppose illegal/uncontrolled immigration and the establishment. The people having a big old cry over his victory only have themselves to blame for creating him. It really didn't help them when they saw Remain's strategy of "1. demonise all opponents as sexist racist bigots, 2. claim that the opposing team's victory will lead to some completely unrelated extinction-level event, 3. go back to step 1" and decided that it couldn't possibly fail twice.
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