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Showing most liked content on 05/28/2017 in all areas

  1. Well then! The games have ended. Scum had won, I died. All in all, a fun experience. I did my best to share the best aspects of our community - lurking, lack of reason, idiotic arguments, lynching townies, jumping on scum wagons, triggering people, throwing games, fucking up the town. I hope I made you proud!
  2. In-game if you type !help you'll find a list of commands and !tagme is one of them, but if you try to use it you get the following error: "[APB] You are not allowed to use this command." Please make it so we can tag ourselves. If we can pick our name and create a setjoin, we should be able to tag ourselves. Plus, this would mean we wouldn't have to hassle mods in-game for this.
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  3. Had a thought while playing today. You know those guard towers and bunkers that you see scattered around as set pieces? I find their main use to be a quick place to hide from vehicles as you then slowly get blasted by splash damage, or hide from an air unit until they lose interest. Or if you're feeling patient, ambushing an arty or v2 that happens by and killing it from behind. That's mainly bunkers though, the guard towers are extremely limited in that, as they stand out like a sore thumb. I was thinking, would it be possible, or desirable, to add an area buff to towers and bunkers that would reduce splash damage from explosions like a tank shell or v2 rocket / arty shell? Infantry damage from bullets would be unchanged obviously, and tesla damage would be unchanged as well (Due to shockies being unfairly dinged and frankly electricity zaps things good). It would provide an incentive to use these structures as something other than a place to hide and die. The capture logic on Rocktrap shows that specific areas can detect a player being present, is it possible to add a buff in them?
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  4. I whine and complain but I will always be here may or may not be a true statement
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  5. Snipers are fine as-is. They take skill to use. Any vehicle or infantry up close is a threat to them. They are unable to repair the base, defend against vehicle rushes, or join rushes, all of which are extremely valuable roles. They can be heard from a mile away. Their shots go wild if they bunnyhop. Radar sneaking is a thing. Tons of map cover is a thing. Use them.
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  6. Snipers have their place in APB. If you wanna see kill whoring and cheap one shot insta kills take a look at the ramjet of vanilla Renegade. One shot kill to basic infantry, no bullet drop and a one shot kill head shot on anyone character. I have seen snipers used in a myriad of roles, if there are bothering you go buy a captain or use a soviet rifle soldier and run them down. If people wanna sniper people that's their prerogative, denigrate and nag them in game to stop being a useless pleb to the team. TL;DR lern2dodge
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  7. Haha not this again. Such an unnecessarily contentious subject. If it starts up again, just don't be the guy that whines and complains until he gets his way, and then leaves forever.
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  8. You mean that thing I've been wanting for ages so that we can actually put Camos Canyon Bots into rotation?
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  9. If I participated in a successful rush only to be swapped to the other team when I died, I would just leave for that round anyway.
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  10. Considering that those dissolve into your total rank/stats after the end of a game and thus can't be tracked individually, yeah. Back at BHP, oxi removed the KD and deaths columns from the rank stats amidst concerns of toxic players hiding from big matches so that they can instead camp newbies to death in small games to selfishly preserve and build their own KD at the expense of a bunch of newer players deciding to never play the game again because of what they saw in their first experience with the game. Maybe it's time for that to return so the KD whores have less excuse to ragequit or force newbies to ragequit? @triattack @moonsense715
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  11. As more people have pointed out, the advantage of the LT is in its speed and maneuverability. This means 2 things IMO: 1. You can dodge shots more easily should the terrain allow a 'dodge shots advantage'. If there's enough cover to maneuver in the map, a LT might defeat a HT. If not, offcourse, the HT wins and a MT might be the better choice. 2. You're faster: Meaning that in a completely open scenario, LT's might get to their target faster than MT's. Suppose they get there 25% faster (I have no idea on the actual stat), but have the same DPS -- This would mean a 25% higher damage output! (P.S. then again, if you get there around the same time, and you receive return fire, the MT would hold our, say, 25% longer, making its damage output 25% higher!) Same goes when you're on the attack, but notice that your base defense is going dramatically -- the LT would get back much faster. So in other words, the LT and MT just have different uses in different circumstances. To each its niche. But that's just my view on things!
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  12. Just rock back and forth. Leading tank shots as Soviet doesn't work out that well.
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  13. The forum removes, instead of relocation the forum location shortcuts at the top of the screen ( Home > General Discussion > Help & Support) This applies at least for 1080P when half screened (This is a built in windows feature). As I am often busy I usually have two windows half screen as I can work on both back and forth quickly, and most things handle being half screened fairly well... However these shortcuts to move around the forum completely disappear for me. Which is likely not an intended feature, as they do not even come close to taking half of a screen. TLDR; Can anything be done about that? Having to full screen to have access again is a pain. EDIT: Forgot to mention I saw it in the green bar, but is it not possible to have extended tags, rather than only 1 level up?
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