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Showing most liked content on 05/29/2017 in all areas

  1. Yeah, I did think some of the textures were too tiled. I'll probably end up re-texturing and using different, less obviously tiled textures, as well as bumping up the vertex count for the large, flat polygons. I've made a couple of "new" textures that match the colours of the building from the render, and I've remodelled the domes, so they're actual polygon domes. The main issue is props, as there's not that many "sciencey" props in APB. Hell, there's not that many props as is. I'll see what I can do, though. Put a quick snap of the "renovated" exterior with the new domes. (I still need to subdivide the mesh for better lighting...)
  2. Man, it feels good when a team can communicate and work together and win a round.
  3. So, I was poking round the really old APB 9935 gmax building source files, and I noticed there was a civilian technology centre model that was half finished. So, I decided to finish it. The exterior of the center. The entrance to the facility. Simple, but it works. One of the research domes, with a couple of computer(?) stations. The largest dome, still under construction. The last dome, with just a few crates and a catwalk. The central atrium, with stacks of crates, and the roof access ladder. Going up... The roof. Be careful not to fall off! Finally, a view from the top, complete with a look into the domes! I've attached the 3ds max source files (the building itself, plus a proxy and edge for cutting into the ground), as well as the two textures that are missing from APB. (Just the metal floor on the roof and the actual dome texture.) They're all in one archive. civtechnologycentre.7z In terms of what this could be used for, I'm not sure. It's big, sure, but not too massive. (It's a little bigger than 2 x 2 war factories, but the inside is a fair bit smaller than that.) It could make the centrepiece of a TDM map (with extra ramps to the roof added, and maybe one of the domes removed and a ramp up there...) or an objective in a mission map (defend/assault the tech center? Capture the tech center and hold it for 5-10 minutes to win? The possibilities are endless...) or, it could just be a big prop. (Capture it to unlock the ability to produce a special trooper/tank?) Anyway, it's there for people to use.
  4. Here is a lazily done C-130 (I decided to make the wing and body separate to make my life easier!). It is not very accurate, but will do for an RTS.
  5. All the cool kids do videos. I'm cool! (Have this sh*tty video while I gather more footage for my WIP :v)
  6. I'm already planning a flight ceiling increase and opening up the map boundaries in areas that ground units can't really make use of (like the river and mountains).
  7. Well then! The games have ended. Scum had won, I died. All in all, a fun experience. I did my best to share the best aspects of our community - lurking, lack of reason, idiotic arguments, lynching townies, jumping on scum wagons, triggering people, throwing games, fucking up the town. I hope I made you proud!
  8. [thumb]custom_thumb_thekgbspy.png[/thumb][blurb]We've got a brand new addition to the forums! A dedicated Forum Games subforum![/blurb]We've got a brand new addition to the forums! A dedicated Forum Games subforum! If you have not already heard, W3D Hub has been recognized as a Mafia community by our friends over at Mafia Universe. Not only that, but we were invited to participate in their annual Mafia World Championship. Our chosen representative, Voe is currently playing in Game 4: Undertale should you like to check out the progress of the game or leave some words of encouragement and cheers here for him to read. Click here to check out our shiny new sub-forum! (All previous forum games have already been moved there for you to view!) If you are finding yourself asking: "What is Mafia?", check the spoiler below. It has come to my attention that there are several Mafia games planned for the duration of this year, hosted by well-known W3D Hub staff members and testers alike. Here are but a few Mafia games that have been played already. RA:APB-themed Mafia Game IV (Staplerfahrer Edition) Back to Basics II: Classic APB Mafia Death Note-themed Detective Mafia Forum Game In fact, there is a Mafia game taking place now! Category 5 Hurricane is currently hosting the Steins;Gate Quantum Mafia, and trust me when I say it will be one not to miss! Forum games such as Mafia are quickly becoming a part of our community and as such, we will be establishing a sub-forum dedicated to these games. Expect to see game threads pop up here and there, as more members set-up their games and begin taking sign-ups! Everyone is welcome to join in! As the saying goes, the more the merrier! Whether it will be your first time venturing into Mafia, or if you happen to be a seasoned veteran, we hope to see you have some fun! Other forum games will be welcome in this sub-forum. We have had some already thanks to Isaac The Madd and Einstein! OverEdit Corrupt A Wish 2.0 Have a fun forum game you would like to introduce into our community? Be our guest! All forum games are welcome! Click here to head there now! Special thanks to VERTi60, Jeod, and Category 5 Hurricane for bringing Mafia to W3D Hub! And thanks to you players who have made these games fun! I look forward to the upcoming games and continuing the proud tradition of lynching Voe D1.
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  9. Ok, did some testing and with 1 silo and an exposed coil, Allies could feasibly start a light rush and bring it to the coil before Soviets even get a dump, for an almost certain stomp. Granted engineers can stave that off, but it's going to be difficult especially since I'm integrating the "no bunnyhop" wrench. So I definitely can't do both of those or the pendulum just swings the other way. So I could either leave out the economy overhaul, or place the coil back behind the wall to make it harder to rush initially before the walls get taken down, or add a second flame tower to cover the front to make an instant LT rush harder, which can easily be taken out by LBs later so it won't be a thorn in the Allies' side for long. Or maybe a combination of the latter two. For now, to avoid delaying the next patch further and to avoid changing too much on a whim, I'll just leave it at a cannon power buff, the coil being moved outside, and fixing AA positions so SAMs can't potentially cover wayyyy more than AA guns can - no eco changes.
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  11. Im still holding my Vote on him for that though.
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  12. Btw, this is my first time at a computer since early Friday and the feeling is glorious. Like drinking a gatorade after a long and sweaty wedding shoot.
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  13. You may remember these from back in 2009 when I first showed them back on BHP. Now I decided to revive and improve them a bit, with some new artwork. Also, to go with them, a little advertising poster:
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  14. @Pushwall Nice That will sure get people's attention when driving past it. Also I'm going to post these here instead of making another topic. Here's another billboard I made for Ridge Racer. Pretty self explanatory
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  15. Damn your vague replies!
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