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Showing most liked content on 11/16/2018 in all areas

  1. Shade’s list Shade - Town Everyone else - Scum
  2. In a letter to the community, Jim Vessella has announced today some key details of the previously announced Command & Conquer Remasters! Here is a copy of the letter in full: This is incredibly exciting news for the C&C community as a whole and exactly what the we all needed to pull us out of our dormant state, big kudos to EA and Petroglyph for making this happen! A larger statement with a message from Joe Bostic and a bonus video can be viewed here: https://www.reddit.com/r/commandandconquer/comments/9x1zcz/cc_remastered_announcement_from_ea/ In light of news, W3D Hub will be organising some special events in order to celebrate! More info on that will be posted soon, so stay tuned! [blurb]Get ready for the return of Command and Conquer on PC![/blurb][thumb]custom_thumb_ea.png[/thumb]
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  3. We're all neighbors in this commune!
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  6. "Can't have too many items in the game" <Shade pulls out an item from nowhere>
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  7. Who put this gun on my cake?!
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  8. 4k huh dint see that coming but hopefully its a 3d 4k experience like idk kanes wrath somthing like that or somthing like ra3 but I hope redalert retaliation is in there because I kinda liked it , it was also one of my favorites out the first Ra generation. I also hope there remastering ra2 and Ra Yuri's revenge those were my most favorited in the second generation of Ra and maybe get an EA online system going because I just want to play online and I got the disk but I can only play on Lan
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  9. I am quite hopeful since they the old Westwood Studios team is apparently involved now. If the original creators actually get creative power over the games, should be good stuff.
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