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  1. Time for another Reborn 2.0 development update! Taller Cyborgs, new Mech animations, GDI War Factory changes, and Nod Construction Yard updates. Cyborgs Through our efforts in fixing the scaling feature, we can now resolve an issue long overdue for our cybernetic soldiers. Cyborgs now rightfully tower over regular infantry as the imposing monstrosities they are. "Scan initiated!" "Directive?" As stated previously, our fixed scaling has not led to any worldbox collision issues and cyborg infantry getting stuck. You will notice the floating limbs, meaning now our next step is rigging. OWA will take charge on fixing that up for our tall bois. New Mech Animations Coming for Reborn 2.0, our GDI mechs have received new animations from Permagrin from the Renegade X team and setup in the engine courtesy of OWA. The Wolverine and Titan's movements are much more fluid now and more appropriate of mechanical walkers. "Infantry reporting!" "Moving out!" Feedback on Discord has been divided with some people liking the new animations, some not liking them, and others liking one but not the other. What are your thoughts? Here's a sneak peek of what to expect in-game! "On my way!" GDI War Factory Scaling There are some of you who may remember our legendary operative, Agent Hasak, who had previously reported on the new GDI War Factory that was rolled out to their bases. Reports are coming in that the GDI War Factory is undergoing scale alterations and renovations. Nod War Factory and GDI War Factory size comparisons. Before scaling, the new GDI War Factory is much bigger than the Nod counterpart. "Scale Me" bone attached to the War Factory to allow ease of scaling. Exterior scaling alone has led to interesting results in the interior. Once the exterior scale is determined, the interior will be tackled next. Proposed new entry/exit for the GDI War Factory. Coming together. The new GDI War Factory is coming along nicely and the new version has been rolled out to our testers for feedback. The end result of the scaling and interior renovations will be better gameplay for both sides, attackers and defenders, during combat inside the GDI War Factory. Players may like to know that even after the downscaling of the factory the Juggernaut, GDI's biggest vehicle to be produced in the War Factory, still fits and has no issues in walking out after completion. And to close this off, ChopBam has provided a video walkthrough of the work in progress! Have a look. Construction Yard Scale and Updated Roof Raap has set about working on the scale of the Construction Yard and has also updated the Construction Yard roof. The details behind the scaling are yet to be finalised, though in the meantime you may appreciate the roof updates. In Progress. Construction Yard Roof (Current) Construction Yard Roof (Updated) Not pictured here, but the Nod Construction Yard will also receive anti-Jump Jet measures (a ladder) to counter flying abuse where Jump Jets would fly to spots unreachable by defending Nod forces and remain a nuisance. You will also notice a new doorway on the side, allowing another entry for GDI infiltrators. That catches us up on Reborn 2.0 development! Keep an eye on our Discord and media for more discussion and announcements. "One Vision, One Purpose." [blurb]Time for another Reborn 2.0 development update! Taller Cyborgs, new Mech animations, GDI War Factory changes, and Nod Construction Yard updates.[/blurb]
  2. The issue with such a weapon is that it will likely overshadow both the Titan and the Wolverine due to its mobility. I'd argue that speed is the most important stat of the three classics (firepower, armour, mobility) and as such, giving it a general purpose gun might throw the balance completely off the rails. We've already had issues with balancing the Attack Cycle and the Hover MLRS. Both units need their mobility to function as intended, but a speed+firepower stat too high, and they become overpowered. A stat too low and they become almost useless. That's the issue with units that rely on their high-mobility for balance. (Both as an actual speed stat, and a general mobility stat, such the ability to move in 3 dimensions.) Similarly, the AAPC needs its mobility to deliver its cargo. Its purpose is to transport infantry from point A to point B as fast and safely as possible. It is a job that it currently does very well, if not a bit too well. If it really needs to fight something, its cargo can unload and do the shooting for it. It doesn't need a pop-gun for that. It already has: cargo space, speed, protection, and the ability to go where Nod can't; water. Nerf its speed and it becomes bad at its role. Give it a gun and it'll likely turn into a light mbt, which isn't its role. The Nod SAPC's ability to dig is indeed a balance issue at this moment in time, in fact, it needs a counter to function in a balanced manner. That said, it is a gimmick. A gimmick that tends to get old really fast. In fact, if we look at the test server statistics and results, the AAPC is miles ahead in terms of usage over the SAPC, let alone the poor sod that is the Orca Transport. If anything, those are the units that are ''not fun'' and the units that need the attention. The AAPC isn't for everyone in its current form, that much is likely true. However, we need to understand that not all units will be fun for everyone. Will we give the Harvesters and MSAs guns as well to let the drivers have something to do? Not everyone will enjoy the same units equally but reaching out for this by giving the AAPC a gun won't really help it in its intended role: moving infantry from point A to B. Like mentioned before, people will likely buy it as a combat unit instead, which isn't the thing it is supposed to be. I've heard the argument that, for $800, why buy the AAPC if one can buy the Titan. The answer is because said person prefers the Titan over the AAPC due to its capabilities as a stand-alone unit which doesn't require teamwork. However, the intended role of the AAPC as a unit generally requires teamwork. If one puts emphasis on teamwork as a player, the AAPC can, in many cases, be more viable than the Titan. It depends on what a player prefers. If one prefers to go alone or have his own unit, the Titan, Disruptor or another unit will fit better up his/her alley. As for the Mobile EMP, that change was necessary based on a balancing principle, not a subjective reason one such as this one. To continue on from my wall 'o text above, the Mobile EMP needed a change because it couldn't be balanced in its RTS form: the near instant wave of EMP. We have balancing measures in terms of reload, gatling logic, mobility, armour, EMP duration and AOW, but we couldn't get it right. Changing this new unit, which had balance issues, to a new format thus made sense. The AAPC, which is a unit that has been in the game since the 2013 release and has done its job ever since, is instead being changed on a subjective reason. The argument to deviate from source material, I agree, isn't as important. Sure, we're limited to TS in terms of many things, but we have made changes for the better of the game. Handing the AAPC a gun, is, at least from my point of view, not one of those improvements. Instead, I consider it a detriment to an otherwise good unit that may very well affect the game balance negatively and/or make it more difficult to balance the game right.
  3. 2 likes
  4. Did you try various resolutions? (Starting with 800x600)
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  5. Well aware on both fronts. Someone who's here in the hopes of actually seeing problems get solved doesn't throw all decorum to the wind and make maximum effort to engage in bad faith, find ridiculous ways to link everything to muh big bad badmins, deny all viewpoints that aren't his own, sit on important information that should have been in the OP, and make threats against us. This is hardly the first time for any of these things, and since clearly he has no intention of fixing his attitude problem, he's gone and there's no reason for this thread to still be open.
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  6. This should be moved to Help & Support.
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  7. Take a shot every time: Shade confuses someone Town is lynched Town is daykilled The lynchproof guy is scum Mojoman is the easy vote Jeod has a "gambit" Category 5 does an Objection Killing_You does an Objection FRAYDO posts a meme Nodlied is hostile but town
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