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  1. Autofuckingmatic Naughty List
  2. I think the issue is not so much the spies, but an effective counter for them. And I do agree they are insanely powerful, like on the map vile facility having a spy pick up explosives and silently blow up defenses (or use a PIC). I’ve even seen spies with dynamite (yep the worst of both worlds...!ammo). There needs to be an effective way of detecting and killing them. - I think raising the mine limit would help a lot, considering it’s the only effective counter (even though they can be disarmed with a picked up repair gun). -maybe if spies once detected by an MSA and have a special radar marker or something to draw a defender or team’s attention. - this is just as expensive, but I found purchasing Liliths and killing myself in different locations to spawn visceriods in tunnels to work well on some maps (considering spies low health). -So maybe a forgotten unit could have a visceriod pet? Or grenade? Or beacon? - but no taking away a spies ability to enter vehicles means he can’t steal vehicles; more like remove !commands from a spy would be better (no random vehicle flares for you). - don’t think high money is an issue in general because overall gameplay is at most moderately effected. It’s not game breaking to afford both a tank and to donate to research.
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  3. Download the w3dhub launcher and the ttscripts 4.6. That will let you join all the servers. TT Scripts 4.6 http://www.tiberiantechnologies.org/files/scripts-4.6.exe W3D Hub Launcher https://w3dhub.com/forum/files/file/10-w3d-hub-launcher/
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  4. You had me laughing for 10 minutes. Just had to do something close:
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  5. Holy moly! I have work to do! ok Thunberg 1v1 me Halo Reach Naughty list I'll let RNG decide your place on the list. Random number between 1 and 10 Odd number: Nice list Even number: Naughty list Number Generator Your result: 2 Naughty list! Thanks for playing. 99% level of stress! 'tis the season! Nice list for your hard efforts. I swear to St. Nick if these are vegan cookies you get naughty list for life Nice list! (for now) To play Wargaming games and also obtain coal, I have just the solution for you! Commit war crimes! I'll preemptively place you on the Naughty list. May you receive lots of coal! "Should be on the list" sounds demanding. However, peace on Earth is an admirable wish and so Nice list ??? Nice list....? For the Brotherhood, and for our Tiberium future! You have done well. Nice list! For tribute! Excellent. Santa has informed me that due to new labour laws introduced in his workshop he has been needing extra help, preferably help that does not complain of silly things such as "unsafe working conditions" and "imminent danger". Nice list and a good reference from Święty for your résumé. 80 people falsely accusing you sounds suspicious. Surely 80 people cannot be wrong, and so I must abide by consensus. Naughty list, I'm afraid. See an attorney to overrule this decision before December 25th. Hmmm.... I'll say Nice list! May you receive the coal you need and may life become better for you in the near future. Nice list Nice list unless death crate. If death crate, prepare to hear "Nuclear Warhead approaching".
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  6. In APB I qkick pretty frequently for AFK if they've been so for a while. There's no telling how long they'll be gone and they're taking up a valuable player slot. Obviously they're not in the middle of doing anything important and they can just rejoin when they return.
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  7. There seems to be an issue with poll system. So when u start a poll just before map ends and new map starts before poll timer runs out u will skip next map instead [16:54] <@ikmapsbot> friezkrieg: !vote cyclemap [16:54] <@ikmapsbot> Host: [BR] friezkrieg has initiated a vote to change to the next map. You have 60 seconds to vote using !vote yes or !vote no. [16:55] <@ikmapsbot> Neighter: rq [16:55] <@ikmapsbot> friezkrieg: !vote yes [16:55] <@ikmapsbot> lynx: gg [16:55] <@ikmapsbot> mib012: !vote no [16:55] <@ikmapsbot> dimes: !vote yes [16:55] <@ikmapsbot> lynx: 30sec [16:55] <@ikmapsbot> [GENERAL] Current game on map C&C_Ridge_Warfare_E03.mix has ended. Game was won by GDI by high score when time limit expired, lasted 01.29.40, and had a total of 16 player(s). [16:55] <@ikmapsbot> Loading level C&C_Hidden_Valley_E03.mix [16:55] <@ikmapsbot> Host: Running in All Out War Mode. [16:55] <@ikmapsbot> Host: Teams have been remixed. [16:55] <@ikmapsbot> Host: The game has started. [16:55] <@ikmapsbot> Host: [BR] Voting period over, tallying votes... GDI; 1 Yes, 2 NoNod; 2 Yes, 0 No [16:55] <@ikmapsbot> Host: [BR] More yes votes than no votes. VOTE PASSED. [16:55] <@ikmapsbot> Host: [BR] Switching to next map in rotation in 3 seconds. [16:56] <@ikmapsbot> [GENERAL] Current game on map C&C_Hidden_Valley_E03.mix has ended. Game was won by GDI by server shutdown/gameover, lasted 00.00.07, and had a total of 10 player(s). [16:56] <@ikmapsbot> lynx: WTF??? [16:56] <@ikmapsbot> friezkrieg left the game from team GDI [16:56] <@ikmapsbot> lynx: how we skip??
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